Lu Shaoqing returned to his hammock and just lay down, and Ji Yan appeared, like a shadow.

At a height of 100 meters above the heads of the two, the two long swords of Wuqiu and Mojun are still like two elves, on which you chase me and play back and forth.

Ji Yan looked up at the two long swords, while Lu Shaoqing held his head in his hands, lying down, looking at the leaves above.

Neither spoke.

After a while, Ji Yan withdrew his gaze and asked Lu Shaoqing, “What do you want to do?” Ji

Yan’s gaze was still looking up, his gaze was faint, and it seemed to penetrate the dense branches and leaves.

“It was Gui Yuange himself who bumped into it, and if I don’t take the opportunity to make a hand, my conscience will hurt.”

Ji Yan clasped his hands together, and his face became a little more solemn.

“If you really fight, you will be killed and injured.”

Lu Shaoqing turned his head to look at Ji Yan and despised, “Our Lady? ”

No,” Ji Yan shook his head, “I mean that the Yuan Infant of the Yuan Pavilion has not died enough, and it is not good for us to fight.

He turned back with disdain, “At that time, you should have called me and killed one or two more Yuan babies, so that Gui Yuange would not dare to fight if he wanted to.”

“And do you say that you are thoughtful?”

Ji Yan’s tone carried some regret.

Counting up, Lu Shaoqing killed more Yuan babies than him.

This cannot be left behind.

Ji Yan secretly said in his heart.

Ji Yan likes to fight against powerful opponents.

Along the way, countless people lost at his hands.

Lu Shaoqing pouted and said disdainfully, “You think I haven’t thought about it? Who knows if your injury is okay? Or I wouldn’t have called you? ”

There are free thugs available, and Lu Shaoqing will definitely not be polite.

However, in the cave heaven, Shao Cheng and Ji Yan were both injured.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t figure out when they would get better.

“If the Ancestor Master comes out, I will summon the Ancestor Master to whatever I say and directly kill Gui Yuan Pavilion.”

When Ji Yan heard this, he was also a little regretful, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Next time you meet them, don’t rob me.”

“I was brain-dead before I robbed you.”

If the people of Guiyuan Pavilion heard it here, they would kill Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing if they said anything.

Do you really think that they are good bullies when they return to the Yuan Pavilion?

Lu Shaoqing knows Ji Yan’s character and likes strong opponents.

He said to Ji Yan, “Come with me in a few days.”

“Where to?”

“Daxia, you don’t like strong opponents, do you? Follow me, and when the time comes, I will make sure that you are satisfied.

Lu Shaoqing took out the Tianji card from his arms and prepared to lie down the corpse.

By the way, he also took out a paper crane and asked, “I ordered a takeaway, do you order anything?”

But the next moment, Lu Shaoqing threw the paper crane out, “Forget it, asking you is also asking for nothing.”

Ji Yan didn’t pay attention to this, but asked, “When do you leave?”

“No hurry, wait until I take a few days off.”

Ji Yan nodded, beckoned casually, and the Wuqiu sword fell from the sky and fell into his hands.

Feeling the state of the Wuqiu Sword, Ji Yan was secretly surprised in his heart, and the Wuqiu Sword seemed to have a little more spirituality than before.

Looking at the Mo Jun sword that was held in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

Ji Yan thought thoughtfully and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Show me your sword.”

Lu Shaoqing then threw it over and asked, “What for?” Want to castrate it?

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“Tell you, beating a dog also depends on the owner’s face, if you want to blame, blame you chick, don’t bully my handsome guy.”

Ji Yan ignored Lu Shaoqing’s nonsense, but carefully observed Mo Junjian.

As a genius of kendo, Mo Junjian had just started, and a trace of essence flashed in Ji Yan’s eyes.

It’s definitely a good sword.

Especially the black sword ridge gives people a strange feeling.

Even, Ji Yan could feel that the Mojun Sword was more spiritual than his Wuqiu Sword.

Generally speaking, the long sword of the fourth grade, as long as it is nourished for a long time, has some spirituality, allowing the owner to use it more easily.

Only long swords of the fifth rank and above the sixth rank can give birth to a sword spirit.

The spirituality of the Mojun Sword far surpassed any longsword of the same level.

His junior brother can really surprise people every time.

Ji Yan injected spiritual power, and Mo Jun’s sword shook slightly, and a comfortable thought was transmitted.

Lu Shaoqing on the opposite side immediately noticed it, and immediately broke his mouth and cursed, “Bastard, who is your master?” Ji

Yan’s eyes brightened, and he blurted out, “Good sword!”

“yes, it’s a.” Lu Shaoqing’s tone was resentful, like a grumbling woman lying on a hammock, “Shouldn’t you be a mother too?” This enchanting slut is also so close to you?

“Who is its owner?” It is now out of points. Ji

Yan put the Wuqiu Sword and the Mojun Sword together, and both swords revealed joyful emotions.

Mo Junjian also transmitted a thought to Ji Yan.

When Ji Yan heard this, he couldn’t help but show a faint smile on his face, extremely gentle.

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “It’s your sword staying outside, it doesn’t like to be in the storage ring.” Lu

Shaoqing was furious when he heard this, waved his hand, withdrew the Mojun sword, flicked his fingers on the sword a few times, died of anger, and scolded, “Have you learned to sue?” Mo

Jun’s sword buzzed, and finally Lu Shaoqing didn’t put it away.

Leave it outside.

Lu Shaoqing threw it up, Mojun’s sword fell into the trunk, and Lu Shaoqing gave it punishment, “Give me a good treat.”


The Wuqiu sword also flew up and stuck it on the trunk of the tree.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan speechlessly.

“Is this called martyrdom?”

“Hurry up and take back your broken sword.”

Ji Yan did not hear it.

Staying together with two swords is good for both.

Anyway, when you need to use it, you can break through the void with just one thought, and it is the same wherever you stay.

At this time, there was a sound of breaking the air in the distance, and there was a flying sword passing the book.

After reading the above information, Ji Yan said to Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s go, the head calls us.” ”

What for?” Lu Shaoqing had a thick displeasure on his face, and lay on the hammock again, “I’ve been on a business trip for so long, I’m tired, and I don’t want to move.”

“Let me lie down here, and you will do the murder and arson.”

Lu Shaoqing could guess what the head was looking for them.

Ji Yan didn’t talk nonsense, just pointed at Lu Shaoqing’s hammock, a sharp sword light flashed, and Lu Shaoqing’s hammock fell apart.

“Bastard, do you still want to fight?”

Lu Shaoqing jumped up and glared angrily at Ji Yan, “I left my hand just now, wait for the fight, don’t cry.” ”

Accompany you at any time,” Ji Yan volleyed up and headed in the direction of the sect hall, “The head of the sect said, if you don’t come, he will personally come to invite you.”

“Trouble is dead.” Lu Shaoqing helplessly followed.

After Lu Shaoqing left, the two long swords inserted in the tree buzzed twice, and then left the tree, playing again like a child stealing and playing…

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