Cai Mei was speechless, such a junior brother is also the only one in the world.

Junior Brother does not have any respect for Senior Brother, and Senior Brother does not have any intention of caring for Junior Brother.

Other people’s junior brothers are brothers and sisters, but she didn’t see it here, only saw fighting.

What’s more terrifying is that the strength of the two is very strong.

When the fight is dark, the ground is shaking, which is nothing less than a real desperate fight.

Neither senior brother nor junior brother is good stubble, and if someone else comes to be their senior brother or junior brother, he has already died a hundred times, a hundred times.

Cai Mei was a little devastated, and she couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “Girl Xiao, are they okay like this?”

Xiao Yi gritted her teeth, tears swirled in her eyes, and the sword intent in her body was attacking her all the time, making her miserable.

Xiao Yi squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, like a little girl who was bullied, and said with difficulty, “No, it’s okay, normal situation, just get used to it.” ”

If the two senior brothers don’t fight, that’s not normal.

“Is this still called normal?”

Cai Mei was dizzy and looked at the two in the sky.

Sure enough, this world is not normal, only I am a normal person.

Above the sky, Lu Shaoqing vigorously patted his chest, the villain’s appearance of Dezhi, arrogantly shouting, “You don’t have a sword anymore, see how I beat you to death.” ”

In hand-to-hand combat, Ji Yan is really not Lu Shaoqing’s opponent.

Ji Yan said lightly, “Eat my trick and take a look.” After

speaking, divine consciousness pervaded.

“Come on, I’m afraid you won’t make it?” Lu Shaoqing was even more rampant, like a smug villain with comrades, “Shock? This is what I taught you.

“I want you, the student, to know who is the best.”

He is equally pervasive.

In Xiao Yi and Cai Mei’s gaze, the sky seemed to be distorted because of this.

Both couldn’t help but feel their scalps tingling.

That was the almost materialization of the divine consciousness of the two.

The fierce collision is like two invisible fists colliding.

It seemed that even the void had been shattered and broken, and the terrifying energy fluctuations were scattered layer by layer.

The two controlled their divine consciousness within a small range, otherwise with the strength of the two, even if Xiao Yi and Cai Mei hid farther, they would be affected by these terrifying fluctuations.

After several terrifying collisions, Lu Shaoqing shouted again, “How is it? You know how good I am, right?

“You don’t have a sword, how can you be my opponent?”



Although it is very hard to talk now, if you can not say it, you will not say it. But after Xiao Yi heard the words of the second senior brother, she still couldn’t help but complain, “There is nothing wrong with the second senior brother’s words, people are not cheap, they can’t beat the second senior brother.”

After Cai Mei listened, there was a little less anger between her eyebrows, and a little more worry on her face.

“Ji Yan Gongzi won’t, won’t lose, right?”

Although you know that this is a competition, it doesn’t matter if you win or lose.

But Cai Mei just doesn’t want to lose.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, signaling Cai Mei to rest assured, “Senior brother is very powerful, and the second senior brother has been pressed by him.” ”

Since she came to Tianyu Peak, the second senior brother has never won over the senior brother, and the best is that the two are tied.

When Cai Mei heard this, her heart was a little relieved, if Lu Shaoqing won, she would feel that there was no justice in this world.

Such a world is still destroyed.

Above the sky, Lu Shaoqing is still rampant, allowing people to see what is called villain Zhizhi.

“Haha, you’re begging yourself and regretting it, right?”

“I have to beat you up today, and then I will bully my junior sister after beating you, this day is perfect, ahahah…” Xiao

Yi heard this, his little face was so angry that he puffed up like a frog, why did he get involved with me again?

Xiao Yi waved his small fist, “Senior brother, come on!” As

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soon as the words fell, a sword intent suddenly erupted in the sky, sweeping everything with an invincible momentum, crushing the invisible shock wave layer by layer.

Lu Shaoqing shouted like a ghost, “I lean, what the are you…”

Then Lu Shaoqing shouted, holding his head and falling straight down from the sky.

Ji Yan slowly fell, with a faint smile on his cold face, and he looked in a good mood.

After falling, Ji Yan saw Xiao Yi, his faint smile faded, and he was a little more stern, like a sheathed sword, the edge was hidden, but the murderous aura was not reduced, and he said, “How come you still have time to watch the excitement here?”

Xiao Yi shrunk his head, Senior Brother looked so scary.

Xiao Yigang wanted to say that this was going to cultivate.

In the distance, Lu Shaoqing was crying wolf, rushing over, pointing at Ji Yan and cursing.

“Bastard, vile, shameless.”

Xiao Yi noticed that the corner of Senior Brother’s mouth turned up.

Then the cloud was light and breezy, calm, and white clothes fluttering.

Cai Mei saw another spring heart.

She had the urge to push down Ji Yan.

Lu Shaoqing glared at Ji Yan, circled around Ji Yan, and cursed while turning, “You are really a genius of the mean way, a slut, without a sword in your hand, and a slut. ”

Go out and don’t say you’re my senior brother, I can’t afford to lose that person.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t expect Ji Yan to be so powerful.

The Shocking Technique taught him that he was actually able to fuse sword intent in his divine sense.

Divine consciousness was already very strong, plus sword intent.

Like a sword plus an armor-breaking buff, who can withstand this?

Anyway, he Lu Shaoqing suffered another loss when he was caught off guard, and it hurt him to death.

“In the future, you will be the number one pariah genius in Qizhou, and whoever dares to have an opinion will be the first to destroy him.”

Xiao Yi really wants to say that you are the number one genius in Qizhou.

Ji Yan smiled coldly, his tone couldn’t hide the smugness, “Do you still want to come?” ”

It is always comfortable to make Lu Shaoqing suffer losses.

Xiao Yi cheered up, is there a third one?

Xiao Beisheng is newly married, is this to make up for everything that is lost?

Xiao Yi’s eyes burned, with an inexplicable light.

Heck, when the fight starts, you have to find a small stool to sit on.

Lu Shaoqing came only when he was stupid, and he couldn’t win the fight, isn’t this looking for abuse?

“Forget it, people like me love peace the most, and I don’t want to see the same as a violent maniac like you.”

Xiao Yi’s gaze was bleak, was it gone?


Then, Xiao Yi felt a chill.

He raised his head and met Lu Shaoqing’s eyes.

Xiao Yi’s body stiffened, his scalp was numb, and his liver thumped violently.

No, what is the second senior brother going to do?

I suffered a loss from Senior Brother, do you want to get it back from me?”

“Second, second senior brother, you, what are you going to do?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly twisted his head to the side, not daring to look into Lu Shaoqing’s eyes.

The second senior brother’s gaze was terrifying, and he would have nightmares when he saw it.

“Is the sword intent in the body good?”

Lu Shaoqing asked in a calm tone.

However, the more the second senior brother was like this, the more afraid Xiao Yi was in his heart.

Shaking his head, he stepped back cautiously, “I, I’ll go now.”

“Slowly, I see you can’t calm down, I have to calm you down…”

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