Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb and felt even worse.

She hurriedly deferred, “Second, second senior brother, I can do it myself, I don’t need anything.”

“Just now I saw that your face was yellow, let alone brain.” Lu Shaoqing said viciously, “If I don’t clean you up, I can’t sleep.” ”


Help me.

You were bullied by the senior brother, so you came to bully me, the little junior sister.

Xiao Yi stepped up his small short legs, like a frightened little rabbit, slipping a cigarette, extremely fast.

Under Lu Shaoqing’s terrifying coercion, Xiao Yi felt that there was no problem with the sword intent in his body.

Xiao Yi quickly ran to Ji Yan’s side, “Senior brother! Ji

Yan stepped forward, “Can’t beat me, just want to bully Junior Sister?”

“I want to bully my junior sister and pass my level.”

Xiao Yi was moved to tears, or a master brother.

Although the sword intent in his body was now erupting and hurting terribly, Xiao Yi still felt that the senior brother at this time was the best.

Like a thick brother, the tall back gives people a sense of security.

Lu Shaoqing scolded, “What for? This is for her own good, and her mind is thinking about dirty things all day. Now even the blood is turning yellow. ”

Sure enough.

Xiao Yi became more and more sure in his heart that the second senior brother must have practiced mind reading.

How else would I know what was going on in my mind?

However, Senior Brother said that if you want to bully me, you have to pass his pass.

Hmph, Second Senior Brother, you can’t beat Senior Brother, I see what else you can do.

When Xiao Yi was rejoicing here, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Looking up, he happened to meet a pair of eyes again, and this pair of eyes was the master brother.

The eyes are dark and deep, like a deep pool, the eyes are sharp, like a sharp sword, straight through people’s hearts

, Xiao Yi’s mind is simple, what he thinks in his heart, his face is almost unreservedly revealed.

Seeing Ji Yan looking at him, Xiao Yi quickly lowered his head and did not dare to look at him.

She was afraid that when she looked at the eyes of her senior brother, she would take the initiative to say what she thought.

It’s so oppressive.

Ji Yan also seemed to see through what Xiao Yi was thinking, and he snorted, “You have to be serious.”

Xiao Yi hurriedly nodded, not daring to fart more, “Got it, senior brother, I will be serious.”

Ji Yan ignored Xiao Yi and looked at Lu Shaoqing, “What is the solution?” ”

There was a chill.

No, Senior Brother, just now you said that you want to protect me.”

Why don’t you recognize it in the blink of an eye?

“Take her to where you live, supervise her and let her practice well.”

“Sometimes cultivating sword intent, both internal and external, the effect will be better.”

Xiao Yi’s blood fell backwards, and his face turned pale.

Second Senior Brother, what kind of shit is this?

Is this a way that people can come up with?

What is said that the master brother is a kendo genius, yes, the master brother is definitely a kendo genius, and the second senior brother you are a pariah genius.

What did you eat to grow up? How exactly does a brain grow?

I actually came up with such a crazy method.

Are you still human?

Xiao Yi’s eyes were in a daze, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly.

It was a heavy blow to the heart.

Cultivating with her master brother, she had already tried it when she first started.

Looking back now, I have nightmares.

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What’s more, listening to the meaning of the second senior brother, it seems that she wants to cultivate both inside and outside.

Don’t suppress and dissolve the sword intent of the master brother internally, but also want it externally?

Is this something that people can do?

Or do you mean that I am also a genius?

I’m not a genius, I’m an idiot compared to you two geniuses.

Second Senior Brother, what you said is not wrong at all, I am a stupid junior sister.

Don’t you expect so much from me, okay?

Xiao Yi looked at Ji Yan, at this time, even if he knew that selling Meng did not work, he had to sell it, “Senior brother, this is too difficult, I, I can’t do it.” Ji

Yan heard this, such a tone, such a fearful attitude, he didn’t like it very much.

He frowned and said displeased, “So be it.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

It’s not a big deal? What’s a big deal in your eyes?

Xiao Yi wanted to cry without tears, “Senior brother, this will be difficult. ”

The sword intent you left in my body may not be able to be solved by all my concentration.

Ji Yan frowned, even more displeased, “What’s so difficult about this?”

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, “Do you think it’s difficult?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “It’s difficult, why isn’t it difficult?” She’s not you. ”

Second Senior Brother, you finally said something human, Xiao Yigang wanted to agree.

Lu Shaoqing said again, “So, work hard and train her to be a genius like you.” ”

I’m not a puppy.” Xiao Yi couldn’t help but protest.

What trains, does not train, am I a puppy?

“Yes, you are not a puppy, you are a pig, a piglet that needs to be trained.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled happily, and he could feel his happiness from far away.

“If you want to blame, blame your senior brother for being mean, I can only come and clean up your anger.”

Sure enough, you two love and kill each other, and it is my innocent little junior sister who is injured.

“So be it, wait until I’m there.” Ji Yan turned and left.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and planned to turn around and leave.

Xiao Yi hurriedly stopped Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, help.”

Xiao Yi once again forcibly endured the pain in his body, and once again ran to Lu Shaoqing’s side with a cigarette, pulling his clothes.

Although he was miserable by the second senior brother, but now this matter has passed through the senior brother, and there is no salvation.

All she could do was ask the second senior brother to help her think of a way so that she could live under the supervision of the senior brother.

“Save what?” Lu Shaoqing slapped Xiao Yi’s hand away.

His body exuded a strong sword intent, and the two sword intent in his body were fiercely opposed, making Xiao Yi now like a hedgehog.

Whoever touches her will not feel good.

Of course, this does not include Lu Shaoqing.

“It’s like dying, isn’t it just to go to live with Senior Brother for a few days? It’s not a sea of fire.

Xiao Yi cried, tears dripping, and she felt more pain.

Lu Shaoqing’s slap made the sword intent in his body riot a little.

Xiao Yi’s eyes were tearful, “Senior brother is more terrifying than the Dao Mountain and the Sea of Fire. ”

Second Senior Brother, if you don’t help me, I’m dead.”

Lu Shaoqing was even happier when he heard this, “Who let you usually think about those dirty things in your mind?” You must have written me as the protagonist of Uncle Liu, right? ”

See I’m not messing with you?”

“Second Senior Brother,” Xiao Yi didn’t bother to ask Uncle Liu what she meant this time, she only begged Lu Shaoqing to think of a way for her, “Help.” ”

Isn’t that sword intent?” Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing shook his head and was very disdainful, “Look at your sluggishness, with your heart, with your heart to feel, you know?” ”


Xiao Yi still wanted to ask more, but Lu Shaoqing had already slipped away, leaving her in tears…

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