There was silence, the dead silence kind.

Dozens of cultivators died in a blink of an eye.

And this only takes a sword.

Yan Hongyu’s eyes widened, and her face was sluggish, this scene made her unbelievable.

That sword was like a sword fairy reincarnated, splitting out supreme style.

It was difficult for her to associate that sword demeanor with Lu Shaoqing.

Along the way, Lu Shaoqing gave her the feeling that she was greedy for life and afraid of death, greedy for money and unrighteous.

Such a person, even if he cultivates hard, he will not be able to achieve much.

Not to mention.

Along the way, Yan Hongyu did not see Lu Shaoqing cultivating, not even for a while.

Either lying down or asleep, more mortal than mortals, mortals are not as lazy as him.

However, it was such a person, who had an ordinary breath and gave her an extremely bad feeling, but slashed out this terrifying sword.

With just one sword, dozens of people disappeared in an instant.

It also includes several Jiedan monks.

He, how strong is he?

Who is he?

Yan Hongyu looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s young face.

Yan Hongyu only had one thought in her mind, which old monster was pretending to be tender?

Lu Shaoqing held the Mojun sword, extremely cold, like a ruthless killer.

His gaze fell on the other monks passing by.

There were also hundreds of people, and they were also stunned by the scene in front of them.

Everyone’s faces were pale, their legs were trembling, and they looked at Lu Shaoqing with trembling and horror.

It’s like seeing a killing god, a terrifying killing god.

Most of these cultivators were cultivators who built foundations and formed a dan, when had they ever seen such a terrifying sword.

The monks in the Jiedan period were even more frightened.

The guts are cracked.

They are stronger and can feel the horror of this sword even more.

Look at the terrified monks.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression did not change in the slightest, still cold.

He raised the Mojun sword again.


At the critical moment, Ji Yan snorted coldly, like a cold current in winter, and hundreds of cultivators fainted and died.

Lu Shaoqing’s breath dissipated, his expression returned to laziness, and he threw the Mo Jun sword casually, and the Mo Jun sword flew to the top of the ship with a bang.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Ji Yan and cursed, “This is more, when the time comes, you will solve the trouble.” Ji

Yan snorted, “Is it shameful to pretend?

“You know a fart.” Lu Shaoqing was awe-inspiring and shameless, “I can’t resist the justice in my heart after all, who makes me a righteous person?” Alas, no way.

Yan Hongyu reacted and looked at Lu Shaoqing, who had returned to his rogue appearance, and his heart became terrified.

He actually thought of extinguishing the other cultivators as well.

How cruel is this?

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, including the storage rings of those fainted cultivators flew over and fell into his hands, Lu Shaoqing smiled, like a miser who had received great benefits.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing like this, Yan Hongyu felt a trance, is this world a real world?

Murder or robbery? Could it be the reincarnation of bandits?

What was happening in front of her was hard for her to digest.

Cold, ruthless, decisive, greedy for money, timid and fearful, these two personalities actually appear in the same person.

It made her feel very abrupt and difficult to accept.

It wasn’t until her brother Yan Hongbin boarded the ship that she came to her senses.

She rushed out, looking excited, and exclaimed in surprise, “Brother! ”


The two siblings hugged their heads and cried.

Before the two siblings finished crying, a voice sounded next to them.

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“Okay, okay, how old is it, still crying here, not too shy?”

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin turned red and stopped crying.

Yan Hongyu looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, did he blame him?

Without Lu Shaoqing, maybe her brother would have died here.

“Thank you Gongzi for saving your life.” Yan Hongyu saluted Lu Shaoqing, feeling a little more guilty.

Misunderstood him, blamed him.

This may be his cultivation method.

He really is a righteous monk.

Yan Hongbin looked excited, and Lu Shaoqing’s sword just now completely conquered him.

“Gongzi, take me as an apprentice.”

Yan Hongbin plopped down and knelt in front of Lu Shaoqing, his head slammed on the deck, thumping, “I still hope that Gongzi will take me as an apprentice, and I will take revenge.” ”

I don’t care if you want to commit suicide,” Lu Shaoqing avoided, stood aside, and unceremoniously despised, “A brainless guy like you only affects others when he lives.”

Yan Hongyu opened her mouth and wanted to say a few words for her younger brother.

However, in the end, he closed his mouth.

According to Lu Shaoqing’s meaning, she is also a brainless person.

The so-called third uncle she saw clearly, it was pretended by the cultivators of the two factions, and the purpose was self-evident.

If it weren’t for Lu Shaoqing stopping her, she would have rushed out and fallen into the trap of the two factions.

“Gongzi, still hope…” ”

Hope a fart,” Lu Shaoqing took out an item, “Where did you get this thing?” ”

The thing was the size of a palm, and there was something like iron rust on it.

At first glance, it is a very ordinary thing, thrown on the ground, no one will pick it up.

Yan Hongbin saw that it was the thing he had just taken out to resist Brother Jiedan’s fatal blow.

Lu Shaoqing’s expression became a little more serious, and his storage ring was slightly warm.

This thing is also from the same source as those things in the Time House.

It is something that he Lu Shaoqing must get.

“This, this, I got it with Bi Xiu during an exploration of the secret realm.”

“I saw that the hardware was incomparable, so I stayed.”

“If Gongzi likes it, send it to you.”

Yan Hongbin will get a general explanation.

Lu Shaoqing put it away, “This is what I snatched, do I need you to send it?”

Yan Hongbin was stunned, and Yan Hongyu was also stunned.

She looked at Lu Shaoqing with a strange face, “Gongzi, you made a move just now, but for this thing?”

Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “How else?” I’m full? Yan

Hongyu had 10,000 grooves in his heart, it turned out that he didn’t look at the wrong person.

Nor did he blame him.

He really wanted to watch his brother being killed and be indifferent.

This bastard. Do you still have the face to say a sense of justice?

Yan Hongyu gritted her teeth in her heart.

His own brother was not as valuable to him as that strange thing.

“Okay, your sisters and brothers are reunited, it’s gratifying, get off the boat and find a place to celebrate.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to pay attention to the two siblings, and issued an eviction order to the two.

Saved Yan Hongbin’s life, took Yan Hongbin’s thing, and the two were cleared.

Sure enough, a bastard.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, Yan Hongyu had various emotions such as anger and depression in her heart, which made her feel uncomfortable.

It’s too hard to deal with this person.

Yan Hongbin said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, I hope to help us.”

“I’m not interested, go, get off the boat quickly, don’t force me to make a move, I won’t pity the meat.”

I believe that.

Yan Hongyu said secretly in her heart.

She felt a sense of powerlessness, this bastard didn’t treat her like a beauty at all.

At this moment, Ji Yan suddenly stood up and looked into the distance, his sharp gaze seemed to be able to penetrate time and space.

“Someone is coming…”

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