The two siblings, Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin, looked dazed.

Stupidly looked at Ji Yan who suddenly stood up.

Yan Hongyu looked at the white-clothed hunting plan, and a trace of color flashed in his eyes.

From the time she got on the boat until now, Ji Yan has been sitting on the bow of the boat and has not moved.

There are even fewer people who speak, giving people a sense of mystery.

Ji Yan could feel it, and Lu Shaoqing could also feel it.

Although they followed for thousands of miles, the people who came did not hide the breath of their bodies, and they exuded unscrupulously, dazzling like the sun in the sky.

As long as you are not blind, you can feel it.

As the people got closer and closer, Yan Hongyu and the two siblings also felt it.

There was a heavy pressure in the air, as if a storm was coming, and all the sounds disappeared.

The heavy pressure made Yan Hongyu’s two siblings’ breathing become heavy, and the two felt that their bodies were pressed by an invisible mountain, it was difficult to breathe, and it was difficult to move.

It was an instinctive feeling, and the two felt a terrifying presence coming towards them.

Yan Hongyu saw that his brother was pale and could not support it, kneeling on the ground, supporting the ground with his hands, and the pressure in the air made him very painful.

Yan Hongbin was seriously injured and had not yet been treated, and in this state, the wounds on his body burst open again, and blood flowed.

Yan Hongyu has the intention to help her brother, but she is also very difficult.

There is a weakness of heart.

Suddenly, a fresh breeze came, and Yan Hongyu felt a light pressure.

The invisible pressure on the body is dissipated by the invisible.


Yan Hongbin next to him sat on the ground, his face pale, breathing heavily like a person who had just been rescued from drowning.

“It’s a waste.” Lu Shaoqing, who was standing in front of them, shook his head.

Yan Hongyu looked at Lu Shaoqing with gratitude.

This guy.

Although the mouth is annoying, at least not a bad person.

It definitely helps us de-stress.

Yan Hongyu, who was a little grateful in her heart, heard Lu Shaoqing say again, “Hurry up and help him heal his injuries, don’t let him die on my ship, the unlucky will be haunted.” The

gratitude in Yan Hongyu’s heart immediately dissipated, this guy, it is really difficult to make people grateful.

Maybe he was afraid that his brother would die on his ship before he came to help us.

It’s abominable.

“Hmph! What a dare. With

a cold snort, like a cold wind blowing, a figure appeared in the sky, staring at them condescendingly.

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin looked up, and when they saw the person coming, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “Xu Ji?!” The

faces of the two looked panicked, their tones were full of horror, and even showed despair.

“Who?” Lu Shaoqing turned around, “Looking at you like this, he seems to be very good?” ”

The Yuan Infant of the Wind Thunder Sect.”

Yan Hongbin was nervous, like a frightened little lamb, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, be careful.” He was only one hundred and twenty years old, and he was already a genius. ”

Genius?” Lu Shaoqing immediately disdained.

Yan Hongyu was also nervous, but better than her brother, she was still calm, she said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, although your strength is very strong, he is a genius Yuan baby, he has entered the Yuan Infant stage three years ago, and is known as the youngest Yuan Baby in Dongzhou.

Yan Hongyu felt that Lu Shaoqing’s sword just now had a supreme demeanor, but Lu Shaoqing was too young.

Young and bone-old, she felt that it was not even as old as her.

No matter how powerful such a person is, how can he compare to Yuan Ying?

That sword must have used some secret method just now.

However, Yan Hongyu’s advice was only exchanged for Lu Shaoqing’s disdain.


“Your Dongzhou has not fallen to this point? Such a guy also dares to call the youngest Yuan baby in Qizhou?

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Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin were speechless.

Big brother, what confidence do you have? Dare to say this about a meta-baby?


Xu Ji above the sky couldn’t help but laugh when he heard Lu Shaoqing’s conversation.

Xu Ji held his hands on his back, standing proudly, looking at mortals condescendingly like a god in the sky, “The frog at the bottom of the well, the salamander of the shakuzawa.” Then he

said contemptuously, “Cut yourself, I will allow you to reincarnate.”

After speaking, the breath suddenly shook, like the center of the storm erupted, and an invisible and invisible coercion emanated.

The trees on the ground were crushed.

Yan Hongyu’s two siblings turned pale and frightened.

Despair is born in the heart, how can such an enemy be resisted?

Ji Yan frowned, and suddenly he didn’t want to make a move.

Too weak.

He turned back to Lu Shaoqing and said, “Or, you come?”

“Do you want to be lazy?” Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily, “Who said not to rob you before?” ”

A little weak!”

Ji Yan is telling the truth, bullying is weaker than him is not interesting.

He likes the strong.

Ji Yan stretched out his hand, and the Wuqiu sword fell into his hand, and Ji Yan asked Lu Shaoqing again, “Is there nothing to ask?”

Lu Shaoqing continued to scold, “No, less pretended here, quickly slaughter him.”

When Xu Ji heard the conversation between Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, his nose was crooked.

Where is the little bastard who doesn’t know the height of the sky?

Is it purely disgusting?

I am known as one of the geniuses of Dongzhou, when will it be your turn to point fingers with cats and dogs?

“Good, good,” Xu Ji laughed angrily, “I have seen what arrogance is.”

“I changed my mind, I’m going to pull out the souls of several of you, light the sky lantern, and let you see how powerful I really am.”

When Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin heard this, their faces showed despair.

Two big brothers, what are you doing?

You are nakedly humiliating a Yuan baby.

Why provoke him?

An angry Yuan Baby will strike without reservation, how can you resist?

And, where are you from?

Such arrogance, do your family know?

“Sister, it’s over.”

Yan Hongbin whispered to Yan Hongyu.

Without provoking Xu Ji, he may be able to use Xu Ji’s pride to underestimate the enemy and find a chance to escape.

Now infuriated Xu Ji, they have no chance to commit suicide.

Yan Hongyu didn’t speak, but he agreed in his heart.

At the same time a little lost.

I thought that Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were different, but I didn’t expect that the two were the same.

Arrogant and arrogant.


Yan Hongyu sighed faintly in her heart, and accepted her fate.

In Yan Hongyu’s helpless gaze, Ji Yan moved.

He took a step, like a sword out of its sheath, sharp.

In Yan Hongyu’s gaze, Ji Yan’s figure seemed to become infinitely tall, becoming the only one in this heaven and earth.

The sword light suddenly rose, and a sharp, terrifying sword intent rushed into the sky…

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