Watching Lu Shaoqing disappear, Yan Hongbin also looked worried, “Sister, do you say they can win?”

Yan Hongyu looked at the terrifying thunder demon knife in the sky, slowly shook his head, and looked worried, “I don’t know, I hope they can win.”

After a pause, she said to Yan Hongbin seriously, “Brother, if they lose, you promise me to leave here immediately, and escape as far away as possible.” ”

Yan Hongbin is the last hope of the Yan family.

With him, the Yan family will be able to make a comeback sooner or later.

Yan Hongbin shook his head, his attitude was resolute, “I’m not leaving, I don’t want to run away anymore.”

“Besides, the two sons will definitely win.”

Yan Hongyu sighed, it is good to have confidence, but the gap in strength is not fought by confidence, “Bi Ji’s strength is similar to that of the Great Elder, how to win?”

“Jing Gongzi is just the early Yuan Infant stage, how can he be his opponent?”

“Even if the two of them join forces, they may not be able to fight.”


Yan Hongyu’s expression was even more worried, like a hopeless flower, losing its bright color, “There is also a Tangtaizhong, how can you fight?”

Yan Hongyu did not have much hope for Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan.

The terrifying Thunder Demon Knife quickly condensed and appeared in the sky above Chen Cheng.

The people below Chen Cheng were even more afraid, and many mortals knelt on the ground, constantly kowtowing, lest this knife fall.

When this knife falls, Chen Cheng will cease to exist.

“Give me death!”

Bi Ji roared, and the thunder demon knife carried countless thunder and lightning, whistling down, as if tearing the entire void, and the heaven and earth shook for it.

Ji Yan’s expression became a little more solemn, and this move brought him a sense of danger.

However, this did not make Ji Yan back down.

The spiritual power operated, and the Wuqiu sword lit up, still a sword, full of light.

This sword was more powerful than any sword just now.

The matchless sword qi burst out, soaring into the sky, and the sword light of thousands of zhang became the only one in the world.

The sharp sword intent was surging and fierce.

One sword after another collision.

The shock wave swept in all directions like a devastating storm, countless trees turned to ashes, the earth collapsed, and countless cracks spread.

Smoke and dust billowed out, and the sky and earth were in chaos.

The white light of Chen Cheng below flickered, and this was the cultivator below who saw that the situation was not good, and opened a protective array in time.

Even with the protection of the large array, Chen Cheng was still hit hard, the ground cracked, the city wall collapsed, and the losses were heavy.

After the terrifying explosion, silence returned to heaven and earth.

Everyone held their breath and waited for the outcome of this battle.

The smoke and dust cleared, and Bi Xiu saw that the figure of his father in the sky was still standing.

He was pleasantly surprised and shouted out loudly, “Father, it’s father, father he’s fine, haha, father won.”

“That kid is dead, haha…” However

, just after laughing twice, Bi Xiu seemed to be choked by an invisible big hand, and he could no longer laugh.

Above the sky, Ji Yan’s figure also stood proudly.

Compared with Bi Ji, whose breath was weak, Ji Yan’s breath was a little weaker than before, but it was negligible.

There are no scars on the body, and they are still flowing like fairies.

On the other hand, Bi Ji was weaker and more embarrassed than just now.

He looked at Ji Yan in disbelief, was that sword just now the strongest sword of Ji Yan?

As a fourth-layer realm in the middle of the Yuan Infant Period, even if he was injured, the unique move he made could not be easily resolved.

However, Ji Yan can be easily resolved, and it does not seem to consume much.

Ji Yan had a bit of disappointment on his face, is the strongest move only this bit of power?

Ji Yan shook his head slightly and sighed in disappointment, “Is that all?” ”

Not a mockery, just disappointment.

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Bi Ji spurted out a mouthful of blood, not knowing whether he was angry with Ji Yan or because he was injured.

His eyes were red and he roared angrily, like an enraged wolf, “Damn, you give me death.”

Enraged, despite his weakness, he roared and attacked, as if he had lost his mind.

His strongest attack can’t help Ji Yan, and for the current attack, Ji Yan can easily deal with it.

Ji Yan’s gaze was a little more cold, and the killing intent was pervasive.

In that case, hit the road.

At the moment when Ji Yan was ready to strike, a powerful aura burst out from below.

A tyrannical and fierce figure shot out from the ground and rushed straight at Ji Yan.

“Oh, little one!”

Tang Taizhong’s voice sounded, and his voice was full of pride, like an old fox who had succeeded.

He was like a hunter hiding in the secret, and he suddenly struck at this right moment, wanting to give Ji Yan a fatal blow.

Ji Yan’s side was silent, and Bi Ji’s eyes suddenly became sharp, his breath skyrocketed, and he exerted his strength again.

He waved his big hand, and a powerful spiritual force struck towards Ji Yan, and he laughed, “Boy, have you forgotten that there is another person? In

the end, Tang Taizhong chose to help Bi Ji.

The fall of Bi Ji is not good for him now.

He strikes at the right time, the timing is just right, and threatens the plan to the maximum.

Bi Ji and Tangtai Zhong are as cunning as foxes.

The cooperation is just right, up and down the attack, full of killing moves.

Ji Yan can only choose one side to deal with.

But if he does this, he will cause himself to be hit by another person.

Whether it is Tang Tai Zhong or Bi Ji, their attacks should not be underestimated.

Once Ji Yan is hit, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

In just an instant, Ji Yan fell into a dangerous situation.

How to deal with it?

Ji Yan did not have any hesitation, and still faced Bi Ji.

It seems that the following Tangtai Zhong does not exist.

Bi Ji was cruel and smiling viciously.

Seeing that Ji Yan dared to ignore him, Tang Tai Zhong was furious, and his killing intent skyrocketed.

He is also a Yuan Baby, although it is also a second-layer realm.

But since he made a move, Ji Yan actually dared to ignore him when he did not exist.

This is naked humiliation of him.

“Give me death.”

Tang Tai Zhong shouted again, his qi machine had firmly locked Ji Yan.

Now Ji Yan can’t stop his move even if he turns back to resist.

Tang Taizhong believed that with his strength, even if Ji Yan was more powerful than him, once he was hit, Ji Yan could only fall on the spot.

When he saw that he was about to hit Ji Yan, a voice sounded.

“Old fellow, sneak attack?”

“Did you ask me?”

The voice appeared behind Tangtaizhong, more like a sneak attack than a sneak attack.

Tangtai Zhong’s hair stood on end in an instant, feeling a mortal threat.

He quickly retreated, teleporting away, like a frightened mouse, about to sneak back into his hole in an instant.

However, it is already late!

In the eyes of Tang Taizhong, a cold light flashed, and then the heavens and the earth seemed to burn.

Away from the fire!


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