“Haha, our Great Elder made a move, and he is dead.”

“That’s right, our Great Elder is invincible.”

“Great Elder is mighty!”

The disciples of the Silver Moon Sect were extremely excited and shouted loudly.

“The Great Elder of the Silver Moon Sect is the Dinghai God Needle, and he can lay the foundation for victory as soon as he makes a move, before and now.”

“Hey, it’s not up to us Silver Moon Sect yet?”

There were even many people who deliberately said it loudly to taunt the Wind Thunder Sect disciples around them.

However, it hadn’t waited for the disciples of the Silver Moon Sect to be excited.

Almost at the next moment they finished shouting, Tangtai Zhong was frightened, teleported and fled, and the sky turned dark red.

Countless flames came out, burning the sky, and at the same time shrouding and devouring the Tangtai Zhong.


The screams of Tangtai Zhong resounded throughout the world, as if he had been tortured the most cruelly, which made people hear and change.

A Yuan Infant second-layer powerhouse actually let out such a scream.

Everyone was terrified and looked at the sky, but above the sky, it was red, like a heavenly fire, and nothing could be seen at all.

When the heavenly fire dispersed, the aura of Tangtai Zhong disappeared.

The people below were stunned and puzzled.

Where did Tangtai Zhong go?

Why does the breath disappear?

No one knows where Tan Tai Zhong went, except …

Bi Ji was like a ghost, his face was bloodless, and his liver was shocked.

Others have limited strength and cannot see the things above, but he can see clearly.

In his eyes, a blue-shirted boy about the same age as Ji Yan appeared like a ghost.

It’s like an honest shot, and it’s like a sneak attack.

In the face of the attack of the blue-shirted boy, Tadashi was hit solidly.

The blue-shirted boy’s attack was powerful and terrifying, and a sword made Tangtai Zhong scream and collapse his body.

In the end, the infant of Tangtaizhong’s Yuan had to abandon his body and escape.

Even so, Tangtai Zhong did not escape in the end.

The Yuan Baby was grabbed by the blue-shirted boy, instantly erased his consciousness, and after a few breaths, the Yuan Baby of Tangtai Zhong also turned into the purest energy and was absorbed, completely disappearing in this world.

From the occurrence to the end, no more than five breaths, Tang Tai Zhong completely disappeared in front of Bi Ji, and died no more.

Bi Ji is like watching a horror movie.

From the beginning to the end, even in the middle of the Yuan Infant, he was almost scared to pee.

The first time I saw a person who killed a baby was simpler than killing a chicken, and who could absorb it all in just a few breaths.

In Bi Ji’s opinion, the blue-shirted boy is more terrifying than the white-clothed boy.

In his eyes, the blue-shirted boy was a devil in human skin.

So when the blue-shirted boy Lu Shaoqing disappeared, Bi Ji didn’t say a word, turned around and fled.

He felt that Lu Shaoqing was hiding and preparing to attack him.

One-on-one, he is not Ji Yan’s opponent, not to mention that there is a lurking next to him.

Bi Ji only hated that he had no wings, and he couldn’t wait to disappear here all of a sudden, as far as he could.

It’s terrifying.

He didn’t want to die here.

Bi Ji, who turned to run away, heard a sigh, and the sword light behind him suddenly rose.

Bi Jihan’s hair stood up, and the alarm bell in his heart sounded, and he felt death coming.

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Bi Hu turned around, roaring angrily and trying to resist with all his might, but to no avail, he was once again swallowed by the sword light.

He was even worse than Tangtaizhong, he didn’t even make a scream, and Yuan Ying couldn’t escape, so he completely disappeared in the sword light, becoming the most subtle existence between heaven and earth.

The sword light disappeared, Bi Ji also disappeared, and Ji Yan’s face was still faintly disappointed.

The Yuan Infant of the Fourth Layer Realm could not make him happy.

Shaking his head slightly, he finally disappeared here and returned to the spaceship.

The sudden appearance of Ji Yan startled the two siblings, Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin.

Seeing that Ji Yan’s face was slightly pale, Yan Hongyu had the courage to shut up, and plucked up the courage to care, “Gongzi, are you okay?”

“No problem!”

Ji Yanpan sat down with an indifferent gaze.

After all, although it is the middle stage of the Yuan Infant, Bi Ji is injured after all, and the strength he can exert is at most about the third layer of the Yuan Infant.

Such strength does not pose any threat to Ji Yan.

Yan Hongyu saw Ji Yan’s calm and indifferent appearance, and her heart was excited.

She tentatively asked, “Gongzi, Gongzi, Biji him, he…” ”

Dead, not my opponent.” Ji Yan said lightly, as if he was saying a very ordinary thing. It was as if he was killing just an ordinary enemy, not a powerful Yuan Infant power.

Indifferent, calm.

Looking at Ji Yan’s back, the color in Yan Hongyu’s eyes was even worse.

Such a back is so reassuring.

No wonder she was worried that when Ji Yan was not Bi Ji’s opponent, she would be laughed at and despised by Lu Shaoqing.

It turned out that it was not Lu Shaoqing who was indifferent and ruthless, but that Lu Shaoqing was full of confidence in Ji Yan and full of absolute trust.

“What about Tangtaizhong?” Yan Hongbin also asked excitedly, Tang Tai Zhong screamed, they also guessed, but they did not see it with their own eyes, and their hearts were always unsteady.

“Same, also dead.”

Although he guessed it early in the morning, when Ji Yan personally affirmed.

The two siblings were still extremely shocked, and their eyes were red with excitement at the same time.

Bi Ji and Tang Tai Zhong are the culprits who destroyed the Yan family, and both of them dreamed of killing them.

However, the strength of the two siblings is weak, and wanting to kill these two people is undoubtedly a fool’s dream.

Now, Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing made a move and killed these two people.

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin both plopped down at Ji Yan and knelt down.

“Gongzi Daen, our two sisters and brothers have nothing to reward, and where they will be useful in the future, we will definitely die.”

Ji Yan was silent, and after a while, “Get up, it’s just a matter of convenience.” ”

If it weren’t for what Lu Shaoqing wanted, Lu Shaoqing wouldn’t have come here, and Ji Yan wouldn’t have come here.

Killing Bi Ji and Tang Tai Zhong is indeed a convenient task.

“No matter what, Gongzi Daen, the two of us will remember it for the rest of our lives, and we will definitely repay it in the future.”


Lu Shaoqing’s voice suddenly sounded, and he returned.

There is also a person in the hand.

“Bi Xiu?!”

As soon as Yan Hongbin saw this person, his eyes immediately turned red.

If you don’t say a word, you will rush up.

“What for?”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t get used to him, his eyes widened, and Yan Hongbin rolled to the side like a leather ball.

Lu Shaoqing said viciously to Yan Hongbin like an evil young man, “Don’t do much, or I will kill you.” ”

Gongzi,” Yan Hongbin got up, his eyes were red, staring at Bi Xiu, hatred was monstrous, “He is my enemy, and I hope that Gongzi will let me blade this person.”

“While going, it’s none of your business…”

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