Lu Shaoqing’s face was very tangled.

With the existence of the Avatar God, rushing up to destroy the door and rob the road will not work.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, Lu Shaoqing stared at Bi Xiu, he really wanted to shoot this guy to death, isn’t this for me to find something to do?

“Bastard, what are you doing for her?”

“Pickle girl?”

Unexpectedly, Bi Xiu was really like this, he nodded, “That’s right. ”

The guy with the upper brain of the sperm.”

Lu Shaoqing hated even more, and the guys who thought with their lower bodies had to die, “What are you bad to give, puff girl?” Do you have to give this kind of thing?

“You should have stayed on the wall.”

Yan Hongbin also hated greatly, and wanted to step on two boats at once, “Despicable villain, if you can’t pursue my sister, you will poison my Yan family, despicable and shameless.”

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Lying groove, you are meaner than me?

Bi Xiu didn’t have any shame on his face, and said of course, “If the Wind Thunder Sect and the Yan family marry, it will be a strong alliance, who is our opponent here in the east?” ”

It’s a pity, your Yan family is stubborn, and you Yan Hongyu is self-sufficient.”

“What’s so great about you, what am I not worthy of you?”

I can’t soak Yan Hongyu, and I am not allowed to soak others?

Yan Hongyu’s expression did not change at all, and he looked at Bi Xiu as if he were facing a stranger, “The Dao is different, and they don’t conspire against each other.” ”

Your Wind Thunder Sect is different from our Yan family’s philosophy.”

Yan Hongbin was much more direct, “You are not worthy of my sister at all.”

“I used to be so good to me, and I made friends, it turned out to be the idea of hitting my sister, shameless villain.”

Bi Xiu sneered, “If it weren’t for their appearance, you two would still be dogs who lost your family now, and you can’t live in panic.”

Yan Hongbin was furious, and he couldn’t wait to kill Bi Xiu immediately, “Gongzi, let me fight him to the death.”

Bi Xiu smiled, not bothering to pay attention to Yan Hongbin.

Yan Hongbin is the second layer of the foundation, he is the fifth layer of the foundation, and it is more than enough to clean up Yan Hongbin.

But Yan Hongyu’s strength is not much different from him, and he is not confident that he can beat the current Yan Hongyu.

Only a fool wants to fight Yan Hongbin to the death here.

He turned to Lu Shaoqing and said, “Can you release me?”

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and said, “Swear by Dao Heart, I have to make sure you didn’t lie to me.”

Yan Hongyu’s expression was constipated.

Big brother, are you addicted to playing Taoxin?

Swear with a Dao heart at every turn.

Bi Xiu was very crisp, did not say a word, and swore an oath.

Lu Shaoqing was also very cheerful, and with a wave of his hand, he lifted the ban on him.

Bi Xiu stood up and felt a little unbelievable, this guy really doesn’t lie?

He glanced at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, and then looked at Ji Yan.

His gaze gradually became fierce, and he said to Lu Shaoqing, “I remember today’s shame, and one day I will return it doubly.” ”

Men, always save face.

was caught here by Lu Shaoqing, embarrassed.

Now that his life is in danger, he naturally has to put a few cruel words down, otherwise this face is not good-looking.

However, his move was exactly what Lu Shaoqing wanted.

Lu Shaoqing was worried that he didn’t have a chance to make a move.

He shook his head and asked Yan Hongyu, “Do you people in Dongzhou have brains?”

In the midst of everyone’s stunned, Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and Bi Xiu’s blood spurted straight out, flying straight out from the ship.


, you…” Bi Xiu covered his chest, his face panicked, and cried out in horror, “Do you want to break your oath?”

Yan Hongyu also looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

Isn’t he afraid of backlash?

Once it is eaten back, the Dao Heart is wasted.

At that time, no matter how strong the strength is, it will be useless.

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Lu Shaoqing stood by the side of the boat and looked at Bi Xiu condescendingly, “I said to release you and not kill you, didn’t I say I couldn’t hurt you, right?” All

three understood.

Word play.

How despicable.

Even Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin couldn’t help but shout twice in their hearts.

But I have to admire a few points.

Who dares to swear by the heart and then play with words?

Aren’t you afraid of disaster?

Bi Xiu’s face turned pale, and without saying a word, he turned around and fled.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and did not move, but said to Yan Hongbin, “Aren’t you trying to kill him?” Go ahead. ”

He’s injured and doesn’t have much strength left.”

Yan Hongbin was overjoyed and caught up without saying a word.

Deceived and betrayed by Bi Xiu, he has a murderous heart for Bi Xiu.

Yan Hongyu felt a chill in her heart, and she looked at the smiling Lu Shaoqing, and her heart was cold.

Once again, he learned Lu Shaoqing’s means.


This man is really terrible.

Yan Hongyu wanted to follow, and a voice in her heart told herself, keeping herself away from Lu Shaoqing.

Staying with such horrible people is stressful.

Maybe the other party is calculating himself.

But Lu Shaoqing stopped her, “Come, little girl, tell me about the Yuding Sect and Meng Xiao.”

“Gongzi, my brother he…”

“Don’t worry, you can’t die, he is dead, I will help him with a beautiful burial.”

Who the wants you to be buried.

Yan Hongyu wanted to tickle people, but she also knew that since Lu Shaoqing said so, her brother would be fine.

She collected her mood and slowly said that she knew the information of the Yuding faction.

But she was far from the middle and didn’t know much.

Most of them are some information on the surface.

The Yuding Sect belongs to the overlord of the central part of Dongzhou, controlling more than a dozen cities, and its strength far exceeds that of the Yan Family and the Wind and Thunder Sect here in the east.

The Yuding Sect has been established for more than seven hundred years, with one Transformation God, four Yuan Infants, and more than 100 disciples of Elder Jiedan, and its strength is incomparable.

Meng Xiao, a big disciple of the Yuding Sect, overwhelmed the younger generation and was called the master sister.

It is famous here in Dongzhou.

With strength and excellent appearance, she is the goddess chased by countless men here in Dongzhou.

“She is very strong in the younger generation, and she can even rank in the top five of Dongzhou.”

When Yan Hongyu talked about Meng Xiao, there was a bit of adoration on his face.

She also wants to be like that.

“What is the realm strength?” Lu Shaoqing disagreed with this, “Is it a Yuan baby?” Yan

Hongyu couldn’t help but show a little embarrassment, saying that he was very strong in front of these two people, said genius, after all, there was a feeling of being an axe.

“There were rumors before that she had just broken through into the late stage of Jiedan.”

Just broke through, that is, the seven-layer realm of Jiedan.

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and said to himself, “I don’t know if kidnapping is okay?” ”

For that thing, murder and arson, robbery and theft, extortion, Lu Shaoqing can accept it.

Yan Hongyu was taken aback, and hurriedly said, “Gongzi, I’m afraid this will provoke the Yuding faction, didn’t you say try not to conflict with the Transformation God Period?”

“Although the Avatar of the Yuding Sect has not appeared for more than three hundred years, according to rumors, he is still here, so no one dares to provoke the Yuding Sect easily.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he let out a long sigh, “Trouble!” ”

Yan Hongyu saw Lu Shaoqing like this, and secretly said in her heart, it’s also difficult for you to do it, right?

“Does she have any hobbies?”

“For example, does she like men?”

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