Lu Shaoqing showed a lewd smile.

Yan Hongyu almost wanted to punch over.

Too lewd, too lewd.

She resisted the urge to hit people, and secretly felt a little contempt in her heart.

What a vulgarity.

Do you think every woman thinks about those things?

Besides, although you look good, with your personality, it is impossible for the Meng Xiao girl to take a fancy to you.

Who would like a vile and dirty, money-greedy, sinister and cunning guy?

You are far worse than him.

Yan Hongyu couldn’t help but look at the plan that had been sitting still and silent.

Such a talent is worthy of the girl’s heart.

She hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn’t help but speak, “Gongzi, she is a petite daughter of the Son of Heaven, and she will not indulge in the private affairs of her children.”

“She once said that pursuing the Dao is the meaning of her life, and she didn’t think about such a thing as a Taoist.”


Still a familiar sneer, disdain.

“You know a fart.” Lu Shaoqing despised Yan Hongyu, “You don’t have a Taoist partner yourself, you are a single dog, you can’t hope that others are also single dogs, right?”

“I’ve been in the rain, so you’re going to tear someone’s umbrella?”

Yan Hongyu was stunned and felt more and more unhappy, I don’t have a Taoist, that’s what I don’t need, it’s not rare, and there is no suitable.

What dog is not a dog, I see you are a dog.

She simply put it bluntly, “Gongzi, I don’t think Miss Meng Xiao will look at you.” ”

With such a personality, no one will stand you.

If you want to enter the eyes of the Meng Xiao girl and hold the beauty back, you are out of play.

“What do you think?” Lu Shaoqing’s face was immediately full of disgust, and he was ashamed, “Just because she is also worthy of me to seduce?”

“She never dreamed of it.”

I rub.

Yan Hongyu was stunned by Lu Shaoqing’s cheekiness again.

This cheek is definitely thicker than Chen Cheng’s city wall.

“A peerless beautiful man like me comes out, I’m afraid that when the time comes, the Yuding faction will have to become a dowry, and the impact will not be good.”

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin, and his smile was still so obscene in Yan Hongyu’s opinion.

Stinky not faceless.

Lu Shaoqing then ignored Yan Hongyu and ran to Ji Yan, “Help.” ”


Yan Hongyu was horrified to find that countless sword intents were filled with around him.

Densely, invisible sword intent filled the surroundings like air, covering the entire space.

What to do?

Yan Hongyu’s scalp was numb, and she felt Ji Yan’s sword intent up close, which filled her heart with fear.

In front of this sword intent, she couldn’t give birth to the slightest intention of resistance.

Lu Shaoqing was not afraid, still as evil as Shao, arrogant and vicious, “What for?” What for? To rebel? Ji

Yan snorted, “I think you are the one who wants to rebel.”

“You are a master brother, how about you sacrifice a little? Maybe she’s your true love?

“Help me, help me seduce that girl, get her.”

Ji said succinctly, “Get out!”

Lu Shaoqing continued to nag, like an old woman, verbose and stalking, “It’s not for you to sacrifice anything else, just sacrifice a little beauty.”

“Ordinary people, I don’t want to cheapen him.”

Ji Yan stretched out his right hand, and the Wuqiu sword flew in the air, radiant.

“Fight with me, and help you if you win.”

“You get out!” Lu Shaoqing immediately turned his face and scolded angrily, “Bai hurts you.”

“We are junior brothers, how can we fight in front of outsiders? Is it a shame to lose it? The

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corners of Ji Yan’s mouth turned up, “You can’t beat me.” ”

According to Lu Shaoqing’s personality, if he had fought well, he would have already made a move.

“I’m here to save face for you, don’t bite Lu Dongbin, don’t know the heart of a good person.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was unhappy, and in the end, he could only sit down on the side and hold his chin in thought.

He was thinking of a way to get that thing from that Meng Xiao without moving his hands.

Yan Hongyu froze beside him.

She understood what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

How despicable.

Yan Hongyu complained again and again in her heart, despising Lu Shaoqing’s meanness.

The more you know this guy, the more you can know that this guy has no lower limit to his meanness.

I actually want to take Senior Brother to implement the beautiful male plan.

Ji Yan does not say that his appearance is the first in the world, but he is also extremely handsome, a rare beautiful man, coupled with his own temperament, it adds 10,000 points.

Just one stop for such a person can make countless girls faint.

Even if she Yan Hongyu faced Ji Yan, she couldn’t help but be moved.

Let Ji Yan perform the beautiful male plan, maybe it is really possible to succeed.

Yan Hongyu felt sour in her heart and scolded Lu Shaoqing for not doing personnel.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was silent and frowned, it seemed that after being rejected by Ji Yan, there was no good way.

Yan Hongyu was inexplicably happy in her heart, and she was also very satisfied with Ji Yan’s rejection.

Hmph, Jing Gongzi will not be as dirty as you.

After a while, Ji Yan spoke, “That thing is important?”

Lu Shaoqing did not raise his head, “Very important!” ”

Then go ahead.”

Lu Shaoqing was not angry, “Do you still use what you say?” ”

Xu Cheng, he has to go.

Yan Hongyu was a little confused when she heard it, why, you two decided like this?

Yan Hongyu looked at Ji Yan, hate iron is not steel, do you have to make a beautiful man plan?

How can you be so positionless?

After thinking about it, she still had to save it, and she didn’t want to plan to do this kind of thing.

Gongzi, you can’t be sold by your junior brother.”

“Jing Gongzi, Ao Gongzi, in fact, you can think of another way.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he stared at Yan Hongyu directly.

The eyes were deep, as if penetrating Yan Hongyu’s heart and seeing her true thoughts.

Yan Hongyu couldn’t stand it, her gaze was too aggressive, she hurriedly turned her head, not daring to look at Lu Shaoqing.

“You, what do you see? Am I not right? ”


Lu Shaoqing sneered twice, making Yan Hongyu feel the urge to hit people again.

You hey fart.

After Yan Hongyu found out that she had met Lu Shaoqing, in a short period of time, she had already said a lot of foul language in her heart.

At this moment, Yan Hong returned, with scars on his body, old injuries that had not healed, and new injuries were added, and his breath was weak.

But his face shone with joy with great vendetta.


“Sister, I killed him with my own hands to avenge the Yan family.”

Yan Hongyu’s eyes couldn’t help but turn red.

“Okay,” when he was sad, it was still Lu Shaoqing’s voice that sounded, “Get off the ship, after staying on my ship for so long, it’s time to leave.” Lu

Shaoqing did not cry bitterly for the two siblings here, venting the sadness and joy in their hearts, and directly plucked people.

Yan Hongyu wiped her eyes, she already had an idea in her heart.

She said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, you are going to the Yuding Sect to find Miss Meng Xiao, I have been to Xu Cheng, I am still familiar with Xu Cheng, I should be able to help.” ”

I have to watch, I can’t let you sell your senior brother…”

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