Kang Pengxuan already had killing intent in his heart.

He knew that the Ji Yan realm was the Yuan Infancy stage, but the specific strength was unclear.

However, Ji Yan’s bone age is young, and in Kang Pengxuan’s opinion, there is a high probability of being a layer of realm.

Young people, after becoming a Yuan baby, they can’t control themselves, and it’s not a strange thing to swell.

Kang Pengxuan had also swelled when he broke through the Yuan Infant before.

Later, after being woken up, he knew that he had backers and the benefits of worship, obediently accepted the solicitation of the Jia family, and used the resources of the Jia family to go further.

Therefore, Kang Pengxuan did not pay too much attention to Ji Yan.

“Hey, boy,” Kang Pengxuan came to the outside of the city, looking at the indifferent plan, the killing intent in his heart was even more firm, the guy who pretended to be a fighter, he should kill, “You’d better show all your strength, otherwise you’ll regret it.” Hearing

this, Ji Yan nodded, “Good!” ”

Stretch out your hand, and the sword is unsheathed.

Seeing this, Kang Pengxuan became even more contemptuous, “Let’s make a move, I’ll let you make a move first, lest you say that I bully you.” Ji

Yan was not polite, and slashed a sword at Kang Pengxuan.

Kang Pengxuan didn’t care much, but soon he knew that he was wrong.

Marde, did the sun set?

Kang Pengxuan was almost blind.

A sword surged and the sky and earth changed color.

The sun in the sky loses its light, the sword light, and becomes the new sun.

The sword intent is sharp, destroying the sky and the earth.

The sword intent was like sunlight shining on the world, the void seemed to be torn apart, and the mountain collapsed and cracked.

Countless mountains turned bare in an instant, and all the flowers and trees shattered into the finest powder under the sword intent.

The boulder shattered, the earth was razed to the ground, and countless sword intents exploded one deep pit after another.

Kang Pengxuan almost knelt, the horror of this sword was far beyond his imagination.


Kang Pengxuan was terrified and immediately took out his strongest magic weapon to resist.

A four-rank magic weapon like a bronze bell appeared, and spiritual power poured out like money, desperately entering the magic weapon.

The fourth-grade magic weapon shone brightly, emitting a yellow light, which instantly gave Kang Pengxuan a defense as thick as a mountain.

The thick barrier, the pressure was greatly reduced, allowing Kang Pengxuan’s heart to put back in place.

This is a four-rank magic weapon, urged by a cultivator of the Yuan Infant Three Layer Realm, and its defense power is amazing.

“Hmph, I am an earth attribute spiritual power, good at defense, plus my four-rank magic weapon Tianbao Vajra Bell, even if it is in the middle of the Yuan Infant, it cannot be broken, even if it is the late Yuan Infant, it can resist for a while.”

“In the early days of your infant life, don’t try to break through my defenses.”

Kang Pengxuan’s eyes flashed with coldness, and his face was a little proud.

“Wait, when you are exhausted, when I strike, I will let you know what will happen to offending me.”

The killing intent in Kang Pengxuan’s heart skyrocketed again, and Ji Yan was actually able to use such a terrifying sword, and the sword intent was so amazing, it was the first time he encountered it in his life.

Such a person is too terrifying, and once he grows up, he is definitely a super terrifying existence.

Such a genius demon, hurry up and kill is the right thing to do.

Kang Pengxuan secretly mobilized his spiritual power and was ready, and when this sword passed, he would attack Ji Yan with the momentum of thunder.



A slight cracking sound sounded.

In the surrounding explosions, this subtle sound did not escape Kang Pengxuan’s ears.

Kang Pengxuan was stunned for a moment, and a bad premonition arose in his heart.

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Next, more subtle cracking sounds sounded, letting Kang Pengxuan know that this was not an illusion.

Kang Pengxuan’s gaze became frightened, and cracks appeared on the surface of his four-rank magic weapon, the Tianbao Vajra Bell, and the cracks spread, more and more, and thicker and thicker.


Kang Pengxuan shouted in horror, this is a fourth-grade magic weapon.

It is impossible for people of the same level to break it.

The strength exuded by that kid was only in the early Yuan Infant stage, and the strongest was only in the second-layer realm, far inferior to him.

Why, why was he able to break his defenses so that his magic weapon could not support the rupture?

“I don’t believe it!”

Kang Pengxuan’s eyes were red, and he desperately injected spiritual power into the magic weapon, hoping to control the situation.

However, as the rifts increased, his magic weapon could no longer support it.


Kang Pengxuan violently spurted out a mouthful of blood, and as his blood spurted out, the Heavenly Treasure Vajra Bell, a fourth-grade magic weapon, also shattered.


In Kang Pengxuan’s distressed gaze, his four-rank magic weapon turned into fragments in the sky.

However, this is not the end of it.

The surging surging sword light enveloped him with a sharp and terrifying sword intent.


Kang Pengxuan screamed, he resisted desperately, in the face of this sword, all his resistance was in vain.

More magic weapons shattered and broke, and the protective body barrier formed by spiritual qi was like paper paste in front of the sharp sword intent, and it was instantly full of holes and blood splashed.

The sword light dispersed, Ji Yan collected the sword, white clothes fluttering, standing proudly.

Kang Pengxuan looked miserable, half-kneeling on the ground, covered in blood and embarrassed.

Kang Pengxuan’s gaze as he looked at Ji Yan was full of horror.

It was so terrifying that just a sword almost made him fall.

Now the spiritual power in his body is exhausted, his divine sense is weak, and both Zhihai and Yuan Ying have been harmed to varying degrees.

If it weren’t for the fact that he was one level higher than Ji Yan, if it weren’t for his fourth-grade magic weapon helping him resist most of his power, he would really fall on the spot.

“You, who the hell are you?”

Kang Pengxuan’s voice was full of horror, and it was the first time in his life that he encountered such a terrifying teenager.

Ji Yan did not answer his question, but instead frowned and shook his head in disappointment, “You are weak. The

tone was full of disappointment, encountering an opponent of a complete Yuan Infant three-layer realm, I thought I could have some fun, but the result was still so unbeaten.

It’s so disappointing.

Is it the Yuan Baby of Dongzhou? Or is it because Kang Pengxuan is a scattered cultivator and cannot be compared with a person from a large school like him?

Ji Yan’s gaze crossed Kang Pengxuan and landed on Xu Cheng in the distance.

I wonder if there is a chance to compare with the Yuding Sect’s Yuan Baby this time?

Ji Yan shook his head, and the figure disappeared in place, like an ethereal sword god, coming and going like the wind.

Sensing Ji Yan’s departure, Kang Pengxuan was relieved.

The horrible guy finally left, and his little life was saved.

Kang Pengxuan could no longer support it, sitting on the ground with his butt, panting heavily, and he was afraid in his heart.

Where did that guy Jia Zun provoke such a terrifying existence?

If you are a little careless, maybe the Jia family will suffer a catastrophe because of this.

Kang Pengxuan, who had rested for a while, recovered slightly, barely stood up, and was about to leave, his face suddenly changed.

A figure appeared, and the killing intent was pervasive….

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