Jia Zun has been restless since Kang Pengxuan left.

Although he was following Lu Shaoqing, his gaze kept looking outside, his mind restless, and his mind was absent-minded.

If it weren’t for his fear of Lu Shaoqing, he would have run out and wait for news.

Can Elder Kang beat that guy who plays stealth?

How do you think that the guy who plays stealth is more terrifying.

Who are they?

Can Elder Kang save me out?”

Lu Shaoqing was not worried at all, and had already sat down in the pavilion.

He exploited the spirit beans to eat, and threw one to Xiaohong from time to time.

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin, the two siblings, looked very uncomfortable on the side.

Big brother, your senior brother went out to fight with others, don’t you go to see it, you don’t worry at all here?

Yan Hongyu wanted to spray people.

Helplessly, she didn’t dare.

What made Yan Hongyu even more unhappy was that when this guy ate, he didn’t ask them, and there was no politeness at all.

Lu Shaoqing peeled and peeled, and suddenly shook his head and sighed.


Yan Hongyu saw the opportunity and immediately spoke, “Gongzi, are you worried about Jing Gongzi?”

“Do you say Jing Gongzi will win?”

The last sentence was what she was asking.

After all, Kang Pengxuan is a three-layer realm of the Yuan Baby, and it doesn’t look easy to mess with.


It was this familiar sneer again, Yan Hongyu wanted to hammer people very much.

Lu Shaoqing threw a spirit bean into his mouth and snorted twice before saying, “Why am I worried about him?” Can’t die again.

“So, Gongzi, what are you sighing for?” Yan Hongbin also asked.

“I’m regretting it,” Lu Shaoqing patted Xiaohong and scolded, “Foodie.”

Only then said slowly, “I regret not bringing my stupid junior sister out, now I have to eat the spirit beans myself, miscalculated, alas…”

Yan Hongyu’s face turned red and she felt very uncomfortable.

The beautiful and moving eldest lady of the Yan family now has a face like a pig’s liver.

Your senior brother is fighting with an opponent of the third layer of the Yuan Infant outside, and you are eating leisurely here without saying anything, and you actually complain?

Complain that he didn’t bring his junior sister to help peel the spirit beans?

Are you sure you’re talking about junior sisters, not servants?

It’s pitiful to be your junior sister.

Yan Hongyu observed a minute of silence in her heart for Lu Shaoqing’s junior sister.

Yan Hongyu complained in her heart, Lu Shaoqing noticed her expression, touched her chin, and said to Yan Hongyu, “Little chick, I think you seem to be scolding me in your heart.” ”

I can’t hammer you, I can’t scold you yet?

Yan Hongyu didn’t admit it, “Gongzi, you said and laughed.

“Come here, help me peel the spirit beans.”

Yan Hongyu didn’t even think about it, and directly refused.

You are not Jingyang Gongzi, if you are Jingyang Gongzi, I don’t need you to say that I will take the initiative to peel it.

Help Lu Shaoqing peel the spirit beans, she can’t do it.

Even Lu Shaoqing is also the benefactor of her Yan family.

However, she just can’t do it, no way, Lu Shaoqing’s personality makes her really uncomfortable.

It was hard to have a good impression, but it was consumed in a blink of an eye, and then it still grew negatively.

Yan Hongbin volunteered, “Gongzi, I’ll help you.” ”

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Go aside.” Lu Shaoqing was not angry.

Then he simply scolded at Xiao Hong, “Foodie, your two wings are useless, cut them down to make roasted bird wings.”

Xiaohong was very vigilant, and immediately flew up the pavilion with two spirit beans.

Yan Hongyu couldn’t bear to look at it directly, even his own pets were bullied, and he was really not a good guy.

Lu Shaoqing was knocking on the spirit beans here, and Yan Hongyu, Yan Hongbin, and Jia Zun were waiting for news of Ji Yan here.

They were curious about who won and who lost between Ji Yan and Kang Pengxuan.

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin naturally hope that Ji Yan will win.

Jia Zun was worried that if Kang Pengxuan won, he would not be cleaned up by Lu Shaoqing.

Not long after, Ji Yan’s figure appeared here.

The white figure, flowing like the wind, made Yan Hongyu’s eyes colorful.

There is an urge to pounce and press down.

After seeing Ji Yan return, Jia Zun’s face began to become ugly.

Ji Yan was like this, and the clothes were not even wrinkled, which was not good news for Jia Zun.

Can’t Elder Mo Feikang beat him?

Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “You didn’t kill him, did you?”

He glanced at Jia Zun, thinking to himself, killing that guy, and then a little embarrassed.

Ji Yan shook his head and said truthfully, “It’s too weak. He

was not a good person to kill, and besides, he guessed that Lu Shaoqing was going to use Jia Zun to do something, so he did not kill Kang Pengxuan.

Lu Shaoqing smiled, “It’s hard, come, eat some spirit beans.”

“Xiao Ni, give you the opportunity to peel the spirit beans for my senior brother.”

Yan Hongyu’s heart moved, as if she could, she didn’t mind.

However, Ji Yan was too lazy to pay attention to it, he casually found a rockery and sat down, and the white aura around him permeated to cover him.

Yan Hongyu was disappointed in his heart, Ji Yan was still as cold as ever, sitting on the rockery, the white mist lingered, like an immortal, making Yan Hongyu feel out of reach.

And when Jia Zun saw Ji Yan come back, he was extremely worried in his heart.

What happened to Elder Kang?

His heart was full of thoughts, and finally he gritted his teeth, plucked up his courage, and said to Lu Shaoqing with courage, “Young Master Ao Liang, there is nothing going on here, right?” ”

Lu Shaoqing knows what he wants to say, alas, for the next plan, be kind to him.

Lu Shaoqing knocked on the spirit bean and waved his hand, “It’s okay, let’s go.”

“Go see the elder of your house, come here tomorrow, I have something to find you.”

Yan Hongyu was strange in her heart, living in other people’s houses and eating others, what else do you want to do?

“Gongzi, what are you looking for him?”

Lu Shaoqing sipped another spirit bean and said casually, “Didn’t you say that Meng Xiaoniu held a party?”

“Look, this kid should have an invitation or something, can’t you follow him to approach Meng Xiaoniu?”

Yan Hongyu’s heart was shocked, and his eyes were a little more incredulous.

This guy, that’s what he’s really for?

Thought about it early?

Kidnapping Jia Zun is not as simple as finding a place to live and saving some spirit stones, it turns out that there is still this plan.

The city is so deep.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was shaking his legs while knocking on the spirit beans, like a scoundrel, Yan Hongyu couldn’t help but feel a little more awe in his heart.


The next day, Jia Zun came.

But his expression was ugly, like a test criticism.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing asked, “How?” Is your dad dead? The expression is so ugly early in the morning. ”

Jia Zun is extremely angry in his heart, are you still embarrassed to ask?

He looked at the motionless plan on the rockery, gritted his teeth and asked, “Didn’t you say that Elder Rao Kang was killed?” Why kill him…”

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