As soon as Jia Zun’s words came out, everyone was surprised.

Ji Yan also opened his eyes and looked at Jia Zun calmly.

Jia Zun met Ji Yan’s gaze, and Ji Yan’s gaze was like a sword, giving Jia Zun an inexplicable pressure.

Jia Zun did not dare to look at Ji Yan, and hurriedly looked away.

Lu Shaoqing asked Ji Yan, “You killed him?” Ji

Yan shook his head, “He’s not dead, there’s no need to kill him.” ”

You seriously injured someone, didn’t you?” Lu Shaoqing guessed, “Could it be that after you left, you were too injured and died?” Ji

Yan denied this, “He was wounded, but not dead.”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, planning to say that one is one, there is no need to lie to people in this kind of thing.

Jia Zun didn’t believe it, and he shouted angrily, “Why did Elder Kang die? And even the body could not be found.

“Do you dare to do it?”

Jia Zun’s heart was mixed with various emotions, anger, fear and so on.

Kang Pengxuan died, and the body could not be found. If it weren’t for the news from home at the first time, he would still be in the dark.

Because Kang Pengxuan died, the strength of the Jia family would drop a lot.

No family can afford to lose a Yuan Baby.

The Jia family suffered a big loss this time.

Thinking that he might be cleaned up by his father because of this, the anger in Jia Zun’s heart overshadowed his fear of Lu Shaoqing.

He yelled at Lu Shaoqing, “Despicable villain, do you dare to make an upright move, dare you admit it?” ”

Don’t have one thing before you and one thing later.”

“Oh, you think I don’t dare to kill you?” Lu Shaoqing glared at Jia Zun, and a terrifying aura descended.

Feeling this breath, Jia Zun’s anger subsided, and fear took over.

He was pale.

Why did I have a brain pump? Still dare to come here? And dare to yell at them?

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “My senior brother said that if he didn’t kill him, he didn’t kill him, he died, either he couldn’t think about it or he was killed by others.” ”

Jia Zun doesn’t believe it, Elder Kang just came here yesterday, and before he even drank hot water, he went out to fight with your senior brother.

“You didn’t kill it, who else could it be?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, there was no way to experience Jia Zun’s kind of sadness and anger, “You ask yourself, you are usually arrogant and domineering, offending many people, your Jia family is so rich, others are red-eyed, isn’t it normal to deal with you?”

“I don’t believe it.”

Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to talk nonsense with Jia Zun, and shouted like a scoundrel, “You love to believe it or not, you don’t believe it, you come to take revenge.”

These words made Jia Zun so angry that his blood rolled and he hated Lu Shaoqing with a mouthful of blood.

Shameless guys.

Even if Ji Yan killed Kang Pengxuan, he couldn’t help it.

He still has a bomb in his body, and Lu Shaoqing controls his life.

Lu Shaoqing said to Jia Zun with a bad face, “Give you a face, give you a few colors, and you can forget your identity?”

“Believe it or not, I’m killing you now?”

“You, you…” Jia Zun was so angry that he had never seen such an arrogant bastard.

“What are you,” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “don’t forget, you are my prisoner, and from now on, you are not allowed to leave here for half a step without my permission.”

“Also, when will that conference start?”

Jia Zun understood, “You, are you asking me to take you to the party held by Miss Meng?”

“That’s right, what’s the problem?” Lu Shaoqing had already run to a tree, leaned his back against the tree, and asked lightly.

Nonsense, of course there are problems, big problems.

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I’ll take you there, what if you’re going to do something?

Won’t I have offended Miss Meng at that time?

It’s like stabbing me.

“You, you don’t think.”

The person who killed me still thinks that I will take you to the party and let you stab me again?

Lu Shaoqing glanced at Ji Yan, and without speaking, Ji Yan knew what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

After snorting lightly, he didn’t see any movement from Ji Yan, and the sword intent in Jia Zun’s body suddenly exploded.

“Ah…” Countless

sword intents were like swimming piranhas, frantically swimming in Jia Zun’s body, devouring, and biting.

Jia Zun felt that his flesh and blood were melting, his bones were shattering, and his soul was being torn apart.

The whole life is better than death, let him, the rich second generation, scream on the spot.

Falling to the ground, like a fish jumping out of the water and falling to the ground, struggling wildly and screaming madly.

The screams were hoarse, and the screams were miserable.

The faces of Yan Hongyu’s two siblings, who were watching the play next to them, changed drastically, and they were terrified, which was also too terrifying.

After a few breaths, the sword intent receded, Jia Zun was sweating profusely, his face was pale, lying on the ground panting heavily, desperately breathing air.

He almost thought he was dying like that.

After a while, he regained his strength, stood up, and looked at Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan in horror.

“How? Still tough?

Lu Shaoqing’s smile looked like a demon to Jia Zun.

Facing such a terrifying Lu Shaoqing, he chose to bow his head.

That feeling just now, he didn’t want to do it again.

It’s too painful, it’s too uncomfortable.

It’s more painful than it was yesterday.

After seeing Jia Zun bow his head and obediently obedient, Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Toast and drink and punish wine, commit a slut.”

In the following time, Lu Shaoqing and the others rested here, waiting for the party held by Meng Xiao to begin.

Jia Zun could only obediently follow Lu Shaoqing’s side.

After a few days had passed, Jia Zun came to tell Lu Shaoqing that it was time for them to leave.

“Go ahead.”

Lu Shaoqing’s spirit was lifted, and he was finally going to meet the chick who thought for a while?

However, it was difficult, he still did not think of a way to get close to Meng Xiao and gain Meng Xiao’s trust.

On the way, Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan again, his eyes were scorching, and he had a bad smile.

Ji Yan noticed Lu Shaoqing’s malicious gaze, knew what Lu Shaoqing was thinking, and said lightly, “You dare to do that, don’t blame me for cleaning you up.” The

tone was flat and the killing intent was awe-inspiring.

As soon as Lu Shaoqing dared to sell him, he would kill Lu Shaoqing’s posture.

“Petty,” Lu Shaoqing was disappointed, deeply despised, and scolded, “You are a senior brother, what about sacrificing it?”

“Master is here, he will definitely expel you, a stingy senior brother, from the division.”

Yan Hongyu and several people next to them wanted to talk.

Expelling you from the division is the right thing to do, right?

Jia Zun flew outside the city, and he explained to Lu Shaoqing that in order to prevent interference from others, the location of this gathering was known only to those who were invited.

Lu Shaoqing is very satisfied with this point, and when the time comes, it is more convenient to start if there is no agreement.

Jia Zun led everyone to a towering mountain and said, “Above is the meeting place…”

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