Meng Xiao and the others sat on the ground, everyone was a cultivator, and there was not much politeness.

Lu Shaoqing and a few people found a place to stay on the edge.

Lu Shaoqing leaned on a stone and expressed his dissatisfaction with the simplicity and arrangement of the venue, “The Yuding faction is very poor, right?

“No table, no food, shabby, stingy.”

“The No. 1 Poor Ghost Sect in Dongzhou is none other than the Yuding Sect, right?”

Yan Hongyu covered her head, she felt that her head hurt.

Is this girl disgusted that things are not big enough, is she planning to tear her face with the Yuding faction, and finally make a move?

Otherwise, why do you always have trouble with the Yuding faction?

What’s wrong with being simpler? This is the place of people.

This is what people do, don’t you see that the first person in Dongzhou, Quang Heng, has no opinion?

What are you calling?

Yan Hongyu was afraid that Lu Shaoqing and the people of the Yuding faction would tear their faces and finally fight.

This would endanger both siblings.

It doesn’t matter if she was affected, anyway, her life can be considered saved by Lu Shaoqing, and it’s a big deal to return it to him.

But Yan Hongyu didn’t want her brother to be affected.

I already knew that I wouldn’t let my brother follow.

When Yan Hongyu turned his head, he also happened to see Jia Zun covering his head.

She couldn’t help but feel a little more sympathy in her heart.

This guy is also sad.

Yan Hongyu couldn’t help but remind a few words, “Ao Gongzi, just say two words less.” ”

You offended Miss Meng by doing this, it’s not good for you.”

Lu Shaoqing snorted, “That girl, I thought I had some skills, but it turned out to be a girl who didn’t help her relatives.”

“It’s so disappointing to me, sure enough, being a master brother, a master sister is not a good guy.” Especially those dressed in white.

Yan Hongyu couldn’t help but look at Ji Yan, this was not so much talking about Meng Xiao as he was deliberately squeezing Ji Yan.

Doesn’t this beat him up? Yan Hongyu shouted in her heart.

Can’t bear it.

Seeing that Ji Yan didn’t speak, Lu Shaoqing deliberately smiled and said, “Look, that girl is the same as you, she is also a helper, and she is a perfect match for you.”

“Let her be my sister-in-law, I have no opinion.”


Ji Yan turned his head to look at Lu Shaoqing, “You plan to do something.”

“Do you want to strike now?”

Ji Yan had already observed that the strongest person here was only the late Jiedan period, he and Lu Shaoqing were both Yuan babies, and it was effortless to deal with them.

“No hurry, no hurry,” Lu Shaoqing hurriedly stopped, “Don’t be impulsive, you strike now, you may alarm the Yuding faction at that time, and it will not be good to fight at that time.” Yan

Hongyu, Yan Hongbin, and Jia Zun couldn’t help but complain in their hearts.

Do you also know that it is not good to fight with the Yuding faction?

Just now you still said bad things about the Yuding faction?

Ji Yan didn’t care, “It’s just the Yuding faction, what are you afraid of?” ”

Don’t pretend you don’t understand,” Lu Shaoqing was furious, “There is a god of transformation, we can’t fight, if you want to fight, give me patience, there is a time when you fight.” Ji

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Yan understood, “Is there really something wrong with this party?”

“Nonsense, it’s strange if there is no problem.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Meng Xiao and the others in the distance, his gaze was faint, “Run to this place where birds don’t poop to hold the so-called party, and also arrange a large array, how to look at it is a problem.” ”

Lu Shaoqing has already probed, and the large array arranged seems to be only for concealment, and on the surface it can only isolate spiritual sense.

These people who only have the Jiedan period do not know that this large array can also isolate the divine consciousness of the Yuan Infant.

And once this large array is fully opened, the people here are like turtles in an urn, and there is nowhere to escape if they want to.

And the conversation between Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan made Yan Hongyu stunned, what could be the problem?

Jia Zun couldn’t help but say, “The two princes, as I said before, came here to gather to avoid some idle people and so on, and Miss Meng said that those who do not meet the conditions cannot participate in this gathering.”

“It’s a gathering of young people.”

What do you guys understand?

This is a gathering of influential young people in Dongzhou, and even you have to sharpen your head and drill here.

Needless to say, others.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, despised Jia Zun, and by the way, Yan Hongyu’s two siblings also despised together, “Brainless guy.” ”

Yan Hongyu is so angry.

You’re the one who doesn’t have a brain.

At this time, Meng Xiao’s voice came over, “Everyone, I am here this time, in addition to letting everyone meet and communicate.”

“There’s one more thing about the future of Dongzhou now.”

When everyone heard this, they were puzzled, and they didn’t understand what Meng Xiao meant.

The people present were either the heirs of a certain faction or the young masters of a certain family, and these people represented the future of Dongzhou.

“Miss Meng, how do you say this?”

Meng Xiaoyuan’s face showed a smile, cute and a little majestic, she was not in a hurry to say, but asked everyone a question, “Everyone, not long ago, the Yan family in Chen Cheng was strangled and destroyed by the Wind Thunder Sect and the Silver Moon Sect, and everyone heard about the fact that the Wind Thunder Sect and the Silver Moon Sect were later exposed by the masters who destroyed the foundation, right?”

Everyone nodded, this matter made a fuss, and Tianji News even made a large-scale continuous report, which was reported continuously for ten days.

Seriously suspect that Dongzhou Tianji is lazy and lazy to go out and run the news. Catch a big thing and die.

Therefore, unless anyone who has just come out of the retreat, they will know about it.

Meng Xiao’s face was a little more sad, and her tone was a little heavy, “The young master of the Wind Thunder Sect, Prince Bi Xiu, has had several encounters with me, and he is a genius person.

“There is also the young master of the Yan family, Yan Hongbin, who is also a genius and talented, but now they have fallen due to factional disputes, which is really distressing.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but glance at Yan Hongbin, “Do you have it?” How did I not find out?

Yan Hongyu hummed, “My brother is very talented.

Huh…” “Someone of you should have been to Qizhou, Yanzhou, or Zhongzhou, right?”

“As far as I know, these three states are not as war-torn as our Eastern State, with countless deaths and injuries.”

“Therefore, there are three major factions in Qizhou, two factions in Yanzhou, and five factions in Zhongzhou. Even if they have contradictions, they will not easily launch a war of annihilation, and they will determine the victory and defeat on a small scale and a small scale.

“What about our Dongzhou? It has always been like this, there are too many geniuses killed and injured, and Dongzhou is too far behind other states…” Well,

I heard that many people here already know what Meng Xiao meant.

Lu Shaoqing even guessed what Meng Xiao was going to do.

“No, this girl shouldn’t think about becoming a martial arts alliance master, right?”

“Is this what she meant, or did the Yuding Sect mean?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was strange, and she touched her chin and looked at Meng Xiao, “If it is her own meaning, if she wants to be the alliance master, I am afraid that she will be beaten to death…”

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