Lu Shaoqing thought that Meng Xiao was preparing to make the Yuding faction the boss and prepare to form an alliance.

Unexpectedly, Meng Xiao’s real purpose this time was, “Gentlemen, your identity is extraordinary, not the young master of a faction, or the young master of a family, you will rule all forces in the future.

“I’m here, and I hope that you can start with yourselves and reduce the war between each other as much as possible.”

“Even if there is a contradiction, do not escalate the contradiction between the two factions and let the two forces fight to the death.”

“I know it’s difficult, but I hope that everyone can change slowly, and we will work together to change the chaotic environment in Dongzhou…”

Meng Xiao’s expression was serious, and his tone was full of sincerity, which seemed to come from the heart.

I really hope that everyone will change from now on.

These words made everyone present silent.

Ji Yan couldn’t help but glance at Meng Xiao.

Having said that, I hope you will do so.

If it’s not stupid, it’s too naïve.

Ji Yan couldn’t help but shake his head.


The chaos here in Dongzhou can be changed not by a few words, but by some people.

Which of the various forces that have survived to the present has not stepped on countless corpses?

The forces that have not destroyed a few forces to get to the present are embarrassed to mix in Dongzhou.

Because there are many forces that have been destroyed, they are naturally worried that they will be destroyed.

Therefore, once the fight starts, it will only fight desperately to the death, there is no point to stop, there is no friendly exchange.

Either you die or I live!

This is the common understanding and practice of all forces in Dongzhou.

Fight, whoever dares to keep his hand will wait for death.

Proposals like Meng Xiao’s can be said among the younger generation.

The older generation will not listen.

The views of the older generation are the same as those of Ji Yan, naïve ideas.

Lu Shaoqing does not have this view.

He touched his chin and looked at Meng Xiao with interest, “It seems that it is not this girl who wants to be the alliance master, but the Yuding faction wants to be the alliance master.”

“First blow the wind in the ears of the young people, let them go back and blow the wind in the ears of the older generation, and get a vaccination first?”

“Who dares to fight in the future, and the Yuding faction can come forward as a mediator?”

The more Lu Shaoqing thought about it, the more he felt that the Yuding faction was playing a big chess game.

“Cunning and insidious, as long as there is an excuse to mediate and establish prestige, whoever disobeys in the future can raise his arms and destroy him together.”

“Yes, it’s insidious, I like it.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but glance at Meng Xiao and the Yuding Sect a few times.

It’s so insidious.

All those present were young people, but none of them were stupid.

“Miss Meng is kind-hearted and compassionate, and she is a model for my generation.”

“Yes, according to Miss Meng’s approach, our Dongzhou will only get better and better in the future.”

“That’s right, the future is our world, and we should coexist peacefully…” Everyone

will say good things, on the surface they are flattering Meng Xiao, as for what they really think in their hearts, only they know.

Meng Xiao saw that everyone gave face like this, and the smile on his round face was even bigger, and he was a little more cute.

She said to Leng Yuechuan next to her, “Second Junior Brother, it seems that your proposal is good.

Leng Yuechuan also smiled happily, “Everyone gives you face to Senior Sister.” With Senior Sister, you proposed, there will definitely be more peace and tranquility in Dongzhou in the future.

Meng Xiao’s eyes revealed innocence, and his eyes were a little more expectant.

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Happy waved his fist, “Hehe, whoever disagrees, I will clean up whoever it is.”

What she didn’t notice was that Leng Yuechuan and Duanmuxian looked at each other with a smug smile.

Yan Hongyu looked at everyone in agreement, and her face was a little more sad.

“If only I had proposed it earlier.”

Yan Hongyu whispered to herself.

If everyone adheres to Meng Xiao’s meaning and does what she wants, there will be a small solution to the contradiction.

In this way, the Yan family may not suffer this catastrophe.

After hearing this, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but despise, “Say you have no brain, you don’t have a brain.”

“Everyone is an adult, you are still so naïve, you deserve to be destroyed.”

“You…” Yan Hongyu was so angry that Lu Shaoqing gritted her teeth, she pointed at Meng Xiao in the distance, “Miss Meng also said this, according to what you said, she is also brainless?” ”

No brains to be a master sister of the Yuding Sect?

No brains to calm the junior brothers and sisters below?

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help sighing, and said to Yan Hongyu sincerely, “At that time, eat more pig brains and replenish your brains.”

“You…” ”

What are you,” Lu Shaoqing pointed to the group of humanitarians, “Do you believe that they don’t agree to go to this place?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words surprised Yan Hongyu and the three, and they looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

“Wouldn’t you?”

“If you don’t believe it, look at it.”

Lu Shaoqing did not explain, but smiled and prepared to watch the play.

This time is a Hongmen banquet, and he knows why he chose to hold a so-called party in a place where such birds don’t.

On Meng Xiao’s side, some people agreed with her proposal on the surface, but they didn’t know what they thought.

But there are also people who do not speak and watch coldly.

Others sneered.

“Does the Yuding faction think that he is the boss of Dongzhou?”

“Do you have to obey the orders of the Yuding faction in the future?”

Finally, someone made a different sound.

Everyone saw that it was some forces in the northern part of Dongzhou.

The son-in-law brothers of several forces gathered together and sneered.

Meng Xiao saw that someone disagreed, and snorted, “How?” Do you think that’s not going to work?

“If you don’t agree, believe me or not, beat you up?”

Lu Shaoqing in the distance was overjoyed, and said to Yan Hongyu, “Look, I didn’t say anything wrong, right?” ”

Meng Xiaoniu showed her fox tail.”

“This is a way to force everyone to agree to her.”

“If the soft one doesn’t work, come the hard one.”

“Cunning, insidious, despicable, shameless…” Yan

Hongyu’s face was strange, are these words used to describe yourself?

Yan Hongyu felt that these words were more appropriate to describe Lu Shaoqing.

Meng Xiao’s words made those brothers in the northern part of Dongzhou dissatisfied, “Hmph, the way is different, don’t conspire against each other, leave!”

Several people took their leave and quickly left here, not giving Meng Xiao a chance to react.

Seeing this, Meng Xiao shouted, “Don’t go…” The

next moment, a sudden change occurred.

Several Gongzi brothers who flew down the mountain suddenly screamed, and then several corpses were thrown up from the bottom of the mountain and fell heavily in front of everyone.

The crowd was flabbergasted….

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