Several young brothers had round eyes, frightened faces on their faces, and they were not blind.

Everyone was startled and puzzled.

The strength of the few people who died was all in the Jiedan period, not much worse than those present.

The white mist on the top of the mountain rolled, as if there were mysterious monster beasts hidden in the white mist, watching everyone and choosing people to eat.

On the top of the mountain, the wind came slowly, and everyone’s bodies shivered.

Only Lu Shaoqing knew that this was the complete operation of the Fourth Rank Great Array, and this place had become a prison.

“Haha…” someone

laughed, and then two figures appeared from the white mist.

Two middle-aged men appeared with powerful auras.

Seeing the people coming, many people’s faces changed a little and exclaimed in low voices.

“The second elder of the Yuding Sect, Hong Mo, and the head of the Duanmu family, Duanmu Shan?”

“They, what are they doing here?”

“Were those killed by them?”

“Oops, we’re in danger, it’s a trap…” Everyone

was full of worry, vigilance and fear.

Hong Mo, a cultivator of the five-layer realm in the middle of the Yuan Infant Period, the second elder of the Yuding Sect, has a strong personality and a very resolute attitude towards external expansion.

I have always hoped that the Yuding faction will take the initiative and occupy more territory.

Duanmu Shan, the early level of the Yuan Infant realm, was promoted to the Yuan Infant more than ten years ago and became the second Yuan Infant of the Duanmu family.

After the Duanmu family had two infants, they were also eager to expand their sphere of influence.

He has been constantly in friction with the surrounding forces, and has shown great aggression externally.

Some of the forces adjacent to the Duanmu family were forced to join forces to fight the increasingly powerful Duanmu family.

Hong Mo and Duanmushan were suspended in the sky, looking at everyone here condescendingly, their eyes were intense, like hunters looking at a group of prey.



Leng Yuechuan and Duanmuxian passed the crowd, stepped forward a few steps, and saluted the two.

“Good!” Hong Mo nodded to his apprentice and praised him a little, “Well done.” The

tone was like the voice of a nighthawk, hoarse and unpleasant, making the scalp numb.

Meng Xiao saw this scene with doubts on his face, “Elder Hong, Duanmu Patriarch, what are you doing here?”

“Didn’t you say that? This is a gathering of young people like me, and you are not suitable to come here.

Duanmushan laughed, his laughter was full of mockery, and he said to Hong Mo, “Brother Hong, I don’t understand why you chose such a girl to be your big disciple.”

“Look at her appearance, how can she look like a senior sister?”

“She still doesn’t understand what’s going on.”

Duanmushan looked at Meng Xiao with a faint mockery on his face.

When Meng Xiao heard this, he got angry and waved his fist at Duanmushan, “Duanmu family, what are you talking about?”

“Believe it or not, I cleaned up your son?”

Ji Yan couldn’t help but look at his junior brother, he couldn’t beat the big one, he bullied the small one, and he had a bit of his own junior brother’s demeanor.

“What for? What for? Lu Shaoqing noticed it and looked back angrily, “What’s going on with your gaze?” Do you want to say that I am as brainless as that girl? ”

Until now, Lu Shaoqing is sure that Meng Xiaoniu was used by Hong Mo.

“It turns out that this chick is not sinister or cunning, but simply stupid?”

“Can such a person be a master sister?”

After speaking, Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan with a strange look.

Ji Yan understood what Lu Shaoqing meant, “I’m different from her. ”

They are all master brothers and sisters, but Ji Yan is not as stupid as Meng Xiao.

It is impossible to be played like this.

Duanmu is angry, you can’t beat my father, you want to bully me?

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Am I a bully?

He laughed angrily and couldn’t help but speak, “Junior sister, don’t you understand yet?”

“Did you think the party was really what you thought?” Gather everyone here, a few empty words can make them obedient?

“You, indeed, are as naïve as ever.”

In the end, thinking of his father’s plan, he couldn’t help laughing, his anger subsided, and he laughed proudly, “I’ve always wanted to make you my Taoist, and now it seems that you are not worthy.” ”


Leng Yuechuan also laughed, and there was no respect for Meng Xiao in his expression.

“Senior sister, just stay on the side obediently.”

Although Meng Xiao is naïve, he is not stupid.

Now it was clear that something was wrong.

She became angry and shouted, “Leng Yuechuan, you actually use me?

“Hehe, what do you think I have been respectful to you all these years for?”

Leng Yuechuan also showed off proudly, “Do you think I am willing to follow you and be taught a lesson by you at every turn?”

“Everything is for today.”

Leng Yuechuan and Duanmu Xian laughed, their voices full of pride.

The two Yuan babies arrived, and the situation here was completely under control.

Everything went well with the plan.

Thinking of the future status of the two after the plan went smoothly, the two wanted to dance and sing a song to vent the excitement in their hearts.

Seeing the two arrogantly not putting themselves in their eyes, Meng Xiao’s eyes turned red.

Like an enraged tigress, a trace of white smoke rose from her short-haired head.

“Abominable fellow, give me death.”

The angry Meng Xiao did not say a word and launched an attack towards Leng Yuechuan and Duanmuxian.

Leng Yuechuan smiled, “Okay, exactly, I’ll teach you a lesson now.”

“Teach me a lesson?” Meng Xiao was even more angry, “You are in the sixth layer of Jiedan, what are you teaching me a lesson?”

“The two of you will die together, and I will clean the portal today on behalf of the division.”

Thinking that he was deceived by Leng Yuechuan, Meng Xiao had murderous intent in his heart.

“Brother Duanmu, you go down first, let me teach her a good lesson, and let her know who is the boss of the Yuding faction.”

Leng Yuechuan’s face was a little more cold, and after a loud drink, a powerful spiritual power surged out.

and Meng Xiao’s fierce confrontation.


With a loud noise, what shocked people was that Meng Xiao of the seventh layer of Jiedan was actually no match for Leng Yuechuan in the sixth layer of Jiedan.

Meng Xiao, who was caught off guard, was slapped away by a strong force, and Meng Xiao sprayed out a mouthful of blood after landing.

Meng Xiao was shocked and full of disbelief, “You, you are actually already the seventh layer of Jiedan?

“You’ve been hiding your strength?”

She never expected that Leng Yuechuan, who had been following her, actually hid his strength.

“Haha…” Leng

Yuechuan was even happier and laughed even more wildly, proud of him like a mouse that played with a cat, “I didn’t expect it, right? Really think I’m inferior to you? ”

It’s all about showing it to others.”

“Hmph!” Meng Xiao’s anger was a little less, but there was a little more chill in his eyes, “It seems that today I have to let you know what I call a master sister.”

“Come again!”

Meng Xiao shouted loudly and struck again.

Leng Yuechuan sneered, “Don’t measure yourself!” There

was another loud noise, but this time it was Leng Yuechuan who flew out upside down.

“You, you also hide your strength?”

Leng Yuechuan’s voice was full of shock…

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