Meng Xiao’s face was bad, and his round face now became angry.

She gritted her teeth and drank unpleasantly, “What is it about you, you take care of yourself first.”

Meng Xiao was also in a bad mood.

She was used by Leng Yuechuan to summon these peers here, giving Hong Mo and Duanmushan a chance.

Hong Mo is the main culprit, although she is used, she can’t escape the relationship, becomes an accomplice, and harms everyone.

Her heart was full of guilt.

She said to Quang Heng, who was standing beside her, “Kuang Gongzi, I hurt you.

Kuang Heng was stunned, but he didn’t expect Meng Xiao to apologize.

He smiled wryly, shook his head, and said, “It’s okay, I don’t blame you.” ”

Quang Heng is graceful and elegant, worthy of being the first person in Dongzhou.

He knew that Hong Mo had used Meng Xiao and taken advantage of everyone’s trust in Meng Xiao.

However, no one expected that Hong Mo would have such a frenzied plan.

Faced with the current outcome, even if he is the first person in the younger generation, there is nothing he can do.

In the face of absolute strength, any overly strategizing is useless.

The gap between Yuan Ying and Jiedan is too big, and even if these people join forces, they will not be the opponents of Hong Mo and Duanmu Shan.

Meng Xiao gritted his teeth, “If there is a fight later, I will fight to the death to drag them down, Quang Gongzi, please try to escape with them as much as possible.” This

was the best way Meng Xiao could think of.

For the sake of the Yuding faction, she has planned to pay her life to atone for her sins.

Kuang Heng was in awe in his heart, this is what the master sister of the Yuding Sect should look like.

However, at this time, a voice suddenly sounded, “Naive, the Fourth Rank Great Array, can you rush out?” ”

The voice is lazy, so out of place, so hateful.

Meng Xiao’s heart was full of tragedy and decided to fight to the death, but this voice came out, which made her feel a little more angry.

She turned her head to see that it was the guy in the blue shirt.

“What’s the matter with you?” Meng Xiao was not angry, came here, and after seeing this guy, everything seemed to be bad.

She pointed at Leng Yuechuan angrily and said to Lu Shaoqing, “You ask for blessings for yourself.”

“That’s right, boy, you’re ready to die.” Leng Yuechuan sneered, looking at Lu Shaoqing, seemingly thinking about where to start.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t look at Leng Yuechuan, showing contempt, he found that now was a great opportunity.

He said to Meng Xiao, “In this way, Meng Xiaoniu, I will help you solve the matter here, how about you promise me one thing?” ”


As soon as Lu Shaoqing’s words came out, everyone wanted to laugh, secretly shook their heads, and said all the big things.

There are two meta-babies here, how do you solve them?

By your mouth that can people off?

I’m afraid I’m going to be slapped to death, right?

Leng Yuechuan and Duanmuxian seemed to have heard the big joke, “Haha, boy, do you know what you’re talking about? ”

No one pays attention to Lu Shaoqing, and no one can afford to look at Lu Shaoqing.

How powerful can he be when he is young, and he is still Jia Zun’s bodyguard?

Meng Xiao shook his head, this guy seems to only be able to talk big, only bragging.

Kuang Heng didn’t even bother to look at Lu Shaoqing.

He had seen a lot of boastful guys.

Seeing that Meng Xiao didn’t look at himself, Lu Shaoqing was depressed, he touched his nose and asked Ji Yan, “What the hell, am I like a liar?”

“No one believes what such a handsome man says?”

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Ji Yan did not speak, but stood up.

Many people couldn’t help but snort.

Just now, Ji Yan played stealth, and many people did not notice the existence of Ji Yan.

Seeing that Ji Yan was handsome, white clothes fluttering, and his temperament was outstanding, he was better than the temperament of anyone present.

Even Kuang Heng felt that he was not as good as Ji Yan.

Ji Yan’s gaze was indifferent, his expression was grim, but he stood up but gave everyone an illusion, as if a sharp sword was about to be unsheathed.

Even Hong Mo and Duanmushan couldn’t help but look at Ji Yan a few more times, without him, his temperament was too outstanding.

Just by looking at the appearance of Ji Yan, you can know that Ji Yan is extraordinary.

Under the gaze of everyone, the Wuqiu sword behind Ji Yan sounded.


The cold light shone brightly, and the flying sword came out of its sheath and fell into Ji Yan’s hands.

Then a fierce aura erupted from Ji Yan’s body, like the sun in the sky, emitting the most dazzling light, making people dare not look directly.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Ji Yan in disbelief.

“This, this…”

“He, he’s the Yuan baby?”

Such a young Yuan baby calmed them all.

Hong Mo and Duanmushan also showed surprise, but they didn’t expect that there was actually a Yuan Infant power hidden here.

“Good, good…” Hong

Mo looked at Ji Yan, killing intent brewing, “You shouldn’t be from the Jia family, right?” It is impossible for a young infant like you to become an elder of the Jia family. Ji

Yan rushed to the sky, “Fight with me!”

Hong Mo felt the qi machine locked on his body, and smiled contemptuously, “Don’t measure yourself.” He

was qualified to say this, and although the aura that erupted from Ji Yan was strong, it was vulnerable to him in the middle of the Yuan Infant Stage and the Five Layers Realm.

It was just Ji Yan’s age that surprised him.

“No need to go up, here I can clean you up.”

Hong Mo waved a palm at Ji Yan, and everyone here suddenly felt that it was difficult to breathe, and the powerful force made them terrified.

In the face of this force, their little strength is as small as an ant and has no effect.

Hong Mo smiled, he was full of confidence in his palm, he believed that Ji Yan was definitely not his opponent.

However, the next moment, a sword light lit up.

Stinging Hong Mo’s eyes, Hong Mo hurriedly reached out to resist.


The sword light with sharp sword intent easily broke through Hong Mo’s protective body aura, leaving a deep bloodstain on his palm.

Hong Mo looked at his palm in disbelief, the wound cut horizontally, and the blood was dripping.

As the second elder of the Yuding Sect, the existence of the mid-Yuan Infant Period, he couldn’t remember how long he hadn’t been injured.

Today, in full view of everyone, he was injured by a young man.

Although the other party was also a baby of the Yuan, Hong Mo still felt that he was deeply humiliated.

“You, damn it!”

Hong Mo roared, his voice like a demon from hell, which was chilling.

Ji Yan looked at Hong Mo expressionlessly, “Let me see your strength, and I hope you don’t let me down.” ”

Then rushed up like an immortal, the battle of the Yuan Infant was too strong, and it was completely fought here, and few people present could withstand it.

Hong Mo said to Duanmu Shan, “I’ll go back when I go, you handle things here.”

Lu Shaoqing shouted to Ji Yan, “Be careful not to be killed by him…”

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