Ji Yan is only a second-layer realm, and Hong Mo is a five-layer realm, which is a powerful opponent for Ji Yan.

There is nothing wrong with Lu Shaoqing’s words.


Yan Hongyu couldn’t help but complain, “Gongzi, Jing Gongzi is fighting, you are so bad to say something good.”

She looked at the large array that had closed in the sky and covered the white mist, as if she wanted to see the outside and see Ji Yan.

She looked extremely worried.

Hong Mo is famous and famous, but it is not comparable to Bi Ji and the likes of Tangtai Zhong.

Ji Yan stepped forward at this time, which was to help Lu Shaoqing back up and tell Meng Xiao with actions that Lu Shaoqing was not a talker.

Your senior brother is so good to you, you have to worry about it.

The result is that if you say such a frustrating word, your senior brother will hurt you in vain.

“What do you know?” Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to pay attention to Yan Hongyu’s complaint, he came to Meng Xiao slowly, looked at Meng Xiao who had two balls tied to his nose on his head, and asked her with a smile, “How, what I said, do you believe it?” ”

I have the ability to fix things here.”

Meng Xiao was still in shock, but he didn’t expect that a Yuan Baby would suddenly stand up here, making people feel like they were dreaming.

Meng Xiao looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, and at this moment, Lu Shaoqing was like a savior full of golden light in her eyes.

“You, what are you?”

Even Kuang Heng pricked up his ears, very curious to know Lu Shaoqing’s identity.

In Dongzhou, are there any better young people than him?

“You don’t care who I am, you just need to know that I am a righteous person, and I can’t see anyone bullying the weak.”

“What I hate the most is the guy who relies on the old man to bully others.”

“How, promise?”

Meng Xiao gritted his teeth, at this point, there was nothing to worry about.

She promised, “Well, as long as you help me solve this matter, don’t say one thing, even if it is ten things, I will agree.”

“Good.” Lu Shaoqing nodded, and then said to Meng Xiao, “You swear by your Dao heart.” ”


Everyone followed the prestige and saw Ao Jiazun, Yan Hongyu, and Yan Hongbin three people falling around, with an unloveable expression.

The three almost collapsed.

“Haha…” Leng

Yuechuan couldn’t help but laugh, despising Lu Shaoqing’s behavior.

It is the first time that someone with such a small belly has seen it.

Meng Xiao was the same, blinking his eyes and looking at Lu Shaoqing with some stunnedness.

“Hurry up, I’m in a hurry.” Lu Shaoqing has already urged.


Meng Xiao also opened up, and soon made a vow.

“Hey, hey!”

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, and said to Duanmu Shan, who was still sneering in the sky, “Laugh a hair, come down and die.” ”

Huangkou female also dares to speak out?”

Then he shouted to his son, “Go, kill him.”

“I’ll come!” Leng Yuechuan stopped Duanmuxian, “Brother Duanmu, let me clean him up.”

“Let’s go together.” Lu Shaoqing stepped forward a few steps, “I’m in a hurry.” ”

Give me death!” Leng Yuechuan roared, his hands burst out with a strong light, spiritual power surging, fierce and furious towards Lu Shaoqing.

He couldn’t figure out Lu Shaoqing’s strength, and he used eighty percent of his strength as soon as he made a move.

For a time, the spiritual power on the flat mountain top was disordered, and the people with low strength retreated step by step, trying to keep themselves as far away as possible.

In the face of Leng Yuechuan’s attack, Lu Shaoqing was calm and did not make any moves.

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Seeing this, many people secretly shook their heads.

“Tuo Da, who does he think Leng Yuechuan is?”

“Even if it is the eighth layer of Jiedan, the people of the ninth layer dare not despise him.”

“Let Leng Yuechuan strike first, lose the first opportunity, even if he is the ninth layer of Jiedan, he will have to suffer some hardships.”

“Maybe you just lost? I think very high, and I think how many skills I have…” ”

No one is optimistic about Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing is much younger than Leng Yuechuan, and Lu Shaoqing has not shown eye-catching strength from beginning to end.

Leng Yuechuan saw that Lu Shaoqing was big and did not make a move, and sneered, “Arrogant guy, let me die.” In

the midst of all the attention, Leng Yuechuan’s attack solidly enveloped Lu Shaoqing, and the powerful spiritual power was like countless pairs of ghost claws, whistling and screaming, about to tear Lu Shaoqing into pieces in the sky.

“It’s over.”

Kuang Heng couldn’t help but sigh, “Boastful guy…”

However, the next moment, Kuang Heng froze.

Others exclaimed.

“How is that possible?”

“Fake, huh?”

“Am I dreaming?”

In the eyes of everyone’s disbelief, Lu Shaoqing stood proudly in place, without any signs of injury on his body.

Dressed in a blue shirt, with a bit of elegance, coupled with Lu Shaoqing’s contemptuous and indifferent smile, everyone once mistakenly thought that Lu Shaoqing was a polite young son.

Leng Yuechuan was also frozen, he couldn’t believe it, he even looked down at his hands.

Didn’t you exert force just now?

Lu Shaoqing patted his clothes lightly and said with disdain, “It’s really waste.”

“You dare to be a second senior brother with such strength? Want a face no? There is no shame like you in the Second Senior Brother Realm. The

contemptuous attitude and disdainful words made Leng Yuechuan feel an unprecedented shame.

“Die, die!”

Leng Yuechuan was completely furious, his reason was consumed by anger, and he attacked again.

This time, he broke out with all his strength without reservation.

Lu Shaoqing moved.

Mo Jun’s sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed at Leng Yuechuan without saying a word.

Leng Yuechuan’s attack was like a gust of wind, coming and going quickly.

He didn’t even touch the corner of Lu Shaoqing’s clothes this time, and he was hit by Lu Shaoqing’s sword light.

Leng Yuechuan only discovered at this time that he was wrong.

The powerful sword light was filled with power that he could not resist, and a terrifying and fiery sword intent swarmed like endless piranhas.

Entering his body, the sea of knowledge, the inner dan, and the meridians were all destroyed.

In just an instant, his dantian was destroyed, his inner dan shattered, and the sea of knowledge collapsed, becoming a wasted person.

In the end, along with his soul, it dissipated in the sword intent.

After the sword light, Leng Yuechuan stood in place dumbfounded, and a bloodstain spread from his forehead to his feet.

His vitality has disappeared, his breath cut off, and his soul dissipated.

Just a sword made him say goodbye to this world, and he didn’t even have a chance to be reborn.

The resolute and decisive means made many people gasp for air, unable to believe that this was true.

Just a breather and the man is gone.

What kind of strength is this?

Looking at Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was filled with awe.

Duanmu Shan, who had no time to rescue, stared at Lu Shaoqing and was shocked, “You are also a Yuan baby?” ”

The crowd was shocked again….

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