The crowd couldn’t believe it.

The plan just now is a baby of the yuan, and everyone feels that there is no problem at all.

The momentum and temperament are there, not that the Yuan baby is unreasonable.

But what about Lu Shaoqing?

It is difficult for everyone to associate him with Yuan Ying.

No Yuan Baby would be like Lu Shaoqing, right?

Which has a bit of a master’s temperament?

The rogue temperament is a little more.

Such people are all yuan babies, is there any heavenly reason?

“That’s right, I’m the Yuan baby, surrender.” Lu Shaoqing became arrogant and said to Duanmu Shan, “Hurry up and cut yourself, I’m in a hurry.”

Duanmushan was shocked, and Lu Shaoqing’s aura did not completely erupt, making it difficult for Duanmushan to judge Lu Shaoqing’s true strength.

But being able to destroy Leng Yuechuan with one sword is not that Yuan Ying can’t do it.

Duanmushan raised his vigilance a little in his heart, and he said coldly, “What kind of hero is bullying juniors?” At

the same time, he quickly kept an eye on his son, ready to strike at any time.

Lu Shaoqing was able to destroy Leng Yuechuan with a single sword, and naturally he was also able to destroy his son.

“Yes, bullying such a small role is not a sense of accomplishment, but,” saying that, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes suddenly became cruel, “It’s very cool.” At

the same time, he offered his hand to Duanmu, and another sword was sacrificed towards Duanmu.

Duanmuxian was scared to pee.

Leng Yuechuan, who was in the seventh layer of Jiedan, was destroyed by a sword, how could he, the person of the fifth layer of Jiedan, resist it.

But he couldn’t resist the low grade, he shouted in horror, and while retreating, he took out magic weapons, spirit talismans and other things to resist Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

The sword light struck, Duanmu Xian desperately urged the spiritual power in his body, and in the face of death, Duanmu Xian felt that he was absolutely extraordinary.

However, the imaginary pain did not strike, not even much movement.

Duanmu looked at it and found that there was nothing wrong.

Me, did I block his attack?

Duanmu was ecstatic in his heart.

Could it be….

Before Duanmu Xian could think of what the reason was, a scream came, which made Duanmu Xian’s face change greatly.

It was the voice of his father, Duanmu Sun.

He looked up and saw that his father Duanmushan had fallen into the sword light in the sky.

The sword light was like a roaring dark red flame, covering the sky.

Duanmuxian didn’t understand what was going on.

Only the people who had been watching the battle knew what was going on.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to attack Duanmuxian, and Duanmushan came to intercept it at the first time, but he never thought that Lu Shaoqing’s real target was Duanmushan.

A sword slashed through, like the stars in the sky falling, streaked through the void, turned into countless flames, and swallowed Duanmushan in an instant.

Duanmu Shan was caught off guard and was hit by Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

However, feeling Duanmushan’s breath, Lu Shaoqing frowned, couldn’t he help him with the second move?

There is no way, I can only give him a little more powerful taste.

Duanmushan had just resisted Lu Shaoqing’s attack here, and he roared angrily in anger, “Despicable junior, give me death!” The

furious Duanmushan made his own trick.

The same flames erupted, and countless flames turned into fire crows in the sky, like the golden crow in the sky, flying all over the sky, shocking.

This is my proud move that will definitely make you die.

Duanmu Shan’s face was distorted, and the killing intent was pervasive, which made the hearts of the spectators next to him tremble.

Being attacked by Lu Shaoqing is a shame, a shame that cannot be washed away in a lifetime.

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If killing everyone here on the mountaintop platform is to achieve their ambitions, now there is one more reason.

Kill people and silence people and prevent this shameful thing from spreading.

Duanmu Shan is full of confidence in his tricks.

Even his son Duanmu Xian shouted, “Father, kill him and let him taste your tricks.”

Even the crowd who was forced to retreat to the margins whispered.

“This is the Duanmu family’s Fire God Crow, a top-notch prefecture-level technique.”

“It is said that the ancestor of the Duanmu family in the late Yuan Infant period has improved it, and it is already a heaven-level exercise.”

“It’s really terrifying, Heaven-level exercises, even the Gate Sect doesn’t have a few doors, right?”

“Can he resist it?”

“It’s hard to resist, in front of this move, even if he is a Yuan baby, he has to avoid it.”

Meng Xiao tensed up, he couldn’t beat Duanmushan, and all of them would die.

But the Vulcan Crow she knew, the Yuding Sect had a very good relationship with the Duanmu family, and she could learn more.

The Fire God Crow was already a heaven-level exercise, and it had already left the realm of the earth-level, and its power had gone further.

Can he stop it?

Under everyone’s gaze, facing the fire crows attacking in the sky, Lu Shaoqing was unhurried.

Mo Junjian struck again.

The third form of the Fire Sword Technique.

Away from the fire!

The sword intent soared into the sky, and the furious sword intent seemed to stab, tear, and burst the sun in the sky.

Countless sword intents filled the void, and then turned into heavenly divine fire.

Burn the heavens and the earth.

There seemed to be endless white flames burning, and the void was twisted.

The fire crows that came from the sky let out a hoarse scream, like moths to a fire, burning out in the flames.

“This, what is this?”

Duanmushan was terrified, and at this moment, he completely felt fear.

He turned to escape, but it was too late.

Faced with the oncoming flames, he was devoured again.

Duanmu Shan’s first feeling was endless heat, like falling into the alchemy furnace, surrounded by endless high temperatures.

Duanmushan knew that this was nothing more than his delusion.

He resisted with all his might, but in the face of this sword, he found that any resistance he made was futile.

The Aura Protective Body, the defense of magic weapons, spirit runes, and even the defense of the formation could not withstand this sword.

The aura dissipated and the magic weapon shattered.

In front of this sword, Duanmushan felt that he was like a mortal facing the collapse of a snowy mountain, and any attempt was futile.

In the end, Duanmushan could no longer hold on, let out a scream, and was disappeared into the flames of the sky.

After a few breaths, a streamer flew out.

This is Duanmu Shan’s Yuan Baby, Yuan Baby is scarred, his breath is weak, and his face is full of panic, wanting to escape from here.

However, Lu Shaoqing had already made preparations and had been waiting for a long time.

The slender right hand easily grabbed Duanmu Shan’s Yuan Baby.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing, who was like a giant, Duanmushan was completely afraid.

He begged for mercy at Lu Shaoqing, “Forgive, spare your life…” Lu Shaoqing’s

expression was indifferent, like a god, how could he care about the ant’s plea for mercy?

Divine consciousness blew through like a storm, Duanmushan screamed, and his eyes lost their brilliance.

The pure energy that had lost consciousness was absorbed.

Now it depends on Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing raised his head, his gaze seemed to penetrate the big array, and he saw Ji Yan…

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