The opponent is the fifth layer of the Yuan baby, and he comes from a large faction, and his strength is stronger than that of the ordinary Yuan baby.

Ji Yan and Hong Mo were three small realms apart.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t think that his senior brother could defeat Hong Mo, and he was able to count him as a tie.

It seems that he has to find a way to help him.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the sky here, the four-rank big array, he could prevent others, but he couldn’t prevent him.

The eyes can see in the distance and can feel the battle between Ji Yan and Hong Mo.

And the people here did not dare to breathe more.

Even the two siblings, Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin, are the same.

Along the way, they followed Lu Shaoqing and saw Lu Shaoqing’s methods.

It is also known that Lu Shaoqing killed Tangtaizhong.

But a sword destroyed a Yuan baby, and it was the first time that the two siblings met.

I thought that Ji Yan’s sword to destroy Xu Ji was scary enough.

I didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be able to do this.

Everyone did not dare to make a sound casually, lest they disturb Lu Shaoqing, and then give themselves a sword.

The current Lu Shaoqing is a god and a sword immortal in their eyes, and no one dares to offend easily.

Especially some people with only one small force of Yuan Baby quietly covered their mouths.

Offend this lord, wait for death.

“No, no, it can’t be!”

After a while, someone finally dared to speak up.

It was none other than Duanmuxian.

Duanmu Xian is almost crazy, his father was slashed by a sword in front of him, and if he is not crazy, he is considered to have a strong psychological quality.

Duanmu Xian was crazy, his face was distorted, and he shouted, “Fake, fake, can’t be real.” ”

Lu Shaoqing destroyed Duanmushan with a sword, shocking people’s hearts, so that Duanmuxian could not accept it.

His father was already a baby of the Yuan, how could he not beat Lu Shaoqing, a young man?

Heaven-level exercises could not help Lu Shaoqing.

His father was too dead to die.

There were no bones, and even the Yuan Baby was used as a tonic.

Completely disappeared into this world.

I thought that everything was under control, the victory was in hand, and in the future, the Yuding faction and the Duanmu family would become the overlords of Dongzhou, surpassing all forces.

In the end, he met Lu Shaoqing, a freak.

Duanmu Xian shouted and roared frantically, not knowing whether to vent the resentment in his heart or hide the fear in his heart.

“It’s noisy!”

Lu Shaoqing slapped it in the air, like swatting a fly.

With a snap, Duanmu Xian’s mouth sprayed blood and flew to the side, and his face swelled.

He stared at Lu Shaoqing resentfully, “You wait, Lao Zu will not let you go.” ”

Lao Zu?” Lu Shaoqing was a little worried, and quickly asked, “Is your ancestor a god?” The

three people on Yan Hongyu’s side couldn’t help but sigh.

Already don’t know how to spit.

Feelings can only make this guy fearful.

“Avatar?” Duanmu Xian gritted his teeth, “If Lao Zu is a god, why do you have to talk nonsense with you people here?” ”

If the Duanmu family had a god, they would have already waved their troops to become the boss of Dongzhou.

“Cut,” Hearing that it was not the God of Transformation, Lu Shaoqing immediately put down his heart and was very disdainful, “Isn’t it the God of Transformation who dares to shout in front of me?” ”


There was no nonsense with Duanmu Xian, Mo Jun’s sword swung out, and with a gentle sword, a sword intent did not enter Duanmu Xian’s body.

Duanmu Xian’s expression was hideous, distorted, his eyes were violent, and finally he fell down with a thick unwillingness, and his soul was completely scattered.

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The heart was cruel, and once again made everyone in awe.

Seeing that Lu Shaoqing easily solved the matter here, Meng Xiao had a smile on his face.

This time, the Yuding faction will not become a sinner, and the matter will not be irreparable.

Kuang Heng looked at Lu Shaoqing with a complicated expression, and his heart was envious and jealous.

Lu Shaoqing is younger than him, but he is still a powerful baby, reaching a point that many people cannot achieve in a lifetime.

And he, in his twenties, is still the ninth layer of Jiedan, and has been staying in this realm for many years.

If he could, he wanted to ask Lu Shaoqing how he cultivated.

Meng Xiao ran over, “Hey, what’s your name?” I didn’t expect you to be so powerful.

Lu Shaoqing watched the two balls fall in front of his eyes, and reached out and squeezed them.

Meng Xiao’s face turned red, “You, what are you doing?” The

first time someone pinched his hair like this, Meng Xiao felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing rubbed his hands, feeling average, not as soft as Junior Sister’s hair, he asked Meng Xiao, “Are you empty above?” I thought there would be two balls in it. If you are hungry, take it down and eat it.

Meng Xiaolong gritted his teeth, and his round face became bulging, wanting to grit his teeth.

“Don’t think you’re powerful, I won’t dare beat you.”

Lu Shaoqing’s threat below the Jiedan period could already be ignored, and with a wave of his hand, a barrier rose, isolating everyone before he asked, “You promised me one thing, now it’s time for you to fulfill your promise.” ”

I found another thing that belonged to the little brother of the dead ghost, excited.”

“You, what are you going to do?”

Facing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Meng Xiao was a little afraid, “Don’t think about taking advantage of me.”

“Who is going to take advantage of you?” You are so thick-skinned,” Lu Shaoqing despised, and said that the senior sister was similar to my stupid junior sister, and the brain juice was yellow.

“Give me something, the one that Bi Xiu gave you before.”

Meng Xiao was strange, but his heart was inexplicably a little more disappointed.

Engage in such a big move, just to ask for something from me?

Or was it sent by that guy from Bixiu?

So, Lu Shaoqing saw Meng Xiao’s face bulge even more, as if there were candies on both sides.

Is this girl eating candy?

Lu Shaoqing felt strange in his heart.

Meng Xiao said angrily, “He gave me more things, not a hundred pieces, there are dozens of them, and some things I lost.” ”

I wipe.

That loser.

It’s just a puff chick, as for it?

Lu Shaoqing was helpless, and could only take out the thing he got here in Dongzhou.

After seeing this thing, Meng Xiao was stunned.

Just for this thing?

Seeing that Meng Xiao was not quite right, Lu Shaoqing’s heart also became wrong.

Shouldn’t it have been thrown away?

Lu Shaoqing’s concern is not unreasonable.

The things of the dead ghost little brother, ordinary people really can’t see any effect

, except for the strange breath and a little harder, there is nothing special.

And in this world, there are too many unknowns.

Even the old monster who has lived for tens of thousands of years does not dare to say that he knows everything.

The things of the dead ghost brother fall into the hands of others, and there is no other use, either shelved or discarded casually.

“You chick, shouldn’t you lose it?”

Meng Xiao shook his head, “It’s not. Then

he took the item out of the storage ring.

“Give it to me!”

“Don’t give…”

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