Look at Meng Xiao, who hides things behind him, plays tantrums like a child, and pouts.

Lu Shaoqing affirmed that this girl definitely had a bit of a brain problem, and she was a guy who was even more stupid than her junior sister.

The question is, this girl is more than twenty years old, and she is still so stupid?

The future of the Yuding Sect is dark.

Lu Shaoqing took a moment of silence for the future of the Yuding faction, and then his face was unkind, and he said to Meng Xiao viciously, “Give it to me, don’t think that I dare not clean you up.”

“You swore that you wouldn’t play with fire yourself.”

Meng Xiao hummed, “I said I promised you something, but I didn’t say I promised to give this thing to you.” ”


Lu Shaoqing reacted and was careless.

I play word games all day and think that others won’t.

Careless, careless, this is a lesson.

You’ll have to pay attention in the future.

Lu Shaoqing deeply examined himself.

“What are you going to do?”

Meng Xiao stared at Lu Shaoqing, took the thing in his hand, and said to Lu Shaoqing, “You tell me who you are, and I will give you this thing.”

“My name is Ao Liang, and I’m from the Ao family in Zhongzhou.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face remained unchanged, and he said casually, “I want you to keep your identity secret, I don’t want too many people to know.” ”

Zhongzhou?” Meng Xiao was shocked, and he believed a little more in his heart.

Only people in Zhongzhou would be so fierce.

“But why are you here?”

Lu Shaoqing flipped his wrist, and a silver token appeared, which was the admission certificate of Zhongzhou College.

“I went with my senior brother to Qi Zhou to deliver this thing, don’t tell me, you didn’t receive it, right?”

Lu Shaoqing was gambling that Qi Zhou could meet the guys in Zhongzhou so far away, and he didn’t believe that Dongzhou, which was adjacent to Zhongzhou, did not.

Well, Meng Xiao was completely convinced.

It just so happened that she also had one in her hand, and she also flipped her wrist, and an identical voucher appeared, “You will also go to Zhongzhou College at that time?”

“Go, why not?” Give me the things, when the time comes to Zhongzhou College, you will be my person, and I will cover you.

“Really, really?” Meng Xiao’s expression lit up, and his eyes seemed to shine, revealing an inexplicable light.

Lu Shaoqing noticed Meng Xiao’s expression and muttered in his heart.

What’s going on with this chick?

Don’t want to give it yet?

“Don’t give it to me, don’t blame me for doing it.” Lu Shaoqing quietly prepared that once Meng Xiao was still unwilling, he would strike as soon as possible.

For this thing, he can kill and set fire.

However, Lu Shaoqing still thought too much, and Meng Xiao would obediently hand over the things to him.

Starting with familiar things, Lu Shaoqing breathed a sigh of relief.

Count of the task accomplished.

Next, just kill Hong Mo with Senior Brother Jiyan.

If you can’t beat it, then take your senior brother and run away with you, what happens here will have nothing to do with them at that time.

Lu Shaoqing removed the barrier and said to Meng Xiao, “Okay, you guys get out of here.”

Kuang Heng looked at the thick white fog around him and couldn’t help but speak, “How to leave?” This is the four-rank array. ”

The four-rank big array, and it is still arranged by Yuan Ying, even Kuang Heng can’t crack it.

“An Gongzi is good at formations, how about letting An Gongzi try it?”

“Yes, Lu Gongzi’s formation attainment is also good, let him come.”

“The left girl also learns from the formation master, and if you join forces together, you may be able to crack it…”

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Everyone spoke up and offered suggestions.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and jumped forward.

“What is he going to do?”

Kuang Heng frowned, “Now that the Great Array has been sealed and can’t be opened, can he go out?”

However, soon, Kuang Heng was stunned and shocked again.

The thick white mist seemed to have spiritual intelligence, and they all made way for Lu Shaoqing who came to him, and Lu Shaoqing left here easily.

Along with the disappearance was Leng Yuechuan’s body.

After Lu Shaoqing left, the surrounding white fog gradually dispersed, and the sense of oppression they had receded.

“This, this…” Everyone

was stunned by Lu Shaoqing.

The four-rank large array was cracked quietly, what kind of formation is this?

After Quang Heng was stunned, he also smiled bitterly, “Genius, this is a genius, compared with him, I can only say that he is a mediocre talent.”

He turned to Jia Zun and said, “Jia Gongzi, there will be a party then, I wonder if you are willing to come?” ”

Kuang Heng has already saved the heart of friendship and has a relationship with Lu Shaoqing through Jia Zun.

And Jia Zun’s side has frozen.

Usually, a genius like Kuang Heng disdains to associate with a family brother like him.

Now he took the initiative to invite him, and the reason behind it is clear to him.

Is that guy really that powerful?

Jia Zun looked stupidly in the direction where Lu Shaoqing disappeared…

Above the sky, Ji Yan and Hong Mo had already fought.

The battle was fierce, with dazzling swords and bursting spells.

Everything on the affected ground was razed to the ground, covered with countless cracks and potholes.

It’s like a meteorite rain.

Usually dressed in white, Ji Yan, who has a flowing temperament, now looks a little embarrassed.

The opponent was Hong Mo of the fifth layer of the Yuan Infant, and he had a hard time coping.

Although his breath was a little weak, his fighting spirit became higher and higher, like the afternoon sun, dazzling, hot, and people did not dare to look directly.

Even if the opponent in front of him is stronger than him, he will only be excited, only excited, without retreating and fearful.

Meng Xiao, Quang Heng and the others appeared in the distance.

Looking at the two people above the sky, Kuang Heng’s face became complicated again.

His tone was a little frustrated, and his heart was struck again, “This is also a genius, an absolute demon genius. No

one refuted Quang Heng’s words.

In the face of the existence of the fifth layer of a Yuan Baby, Ji Yan can not fall behind with the realm of the early Yuan Infant, this is not what a demon is?

Compared with Ji Yan’s fighting spirit, the fighting spirit is high.

Ji Yan’s opponent, Hong Mo, did not look very good.

The strength of Ji Yan was beyond his expectations.

The plan to comprehend the third sword intent was already qualified to hurt him.

It can even threaten his life.

“I thought my apprentice was a genius, but I didn’t expect to meet a genius like you here.”

Hong Mo’s eyes were a little more appreciative, and he said to Ji Yan, “Worship me as a teacher, follow me, and I will make you the strongest existence here in Dongzhou.” In

the face of such a handsome talent as Ji Yan, Hong Mo couldn’t help but feel the heart to solicit.

If you can recruit such an apprentice, you will have more face if you can take it out.

As for the current apprentice Leng Yuechuan, Hong Mo felt that he was not even worthy of giving Ji Yan a boost.

If Leng Yuechuan knew his master’s thoughts, he would definitely be angry and come to life.

But the answer to him was still a sword….

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