Ji Yan’s face was pale, and he looked at Lu Shaoqing, a little more puzzled, “Black? ”

Other people’s babies are pink, like newborn babies.

Your Yuan Baby is black and not slippery, and even the Yuan Baby has to be different from others?

Although there was thick smoke, Ji Yan could see it clearly.

Black light, black baby.

Ji Yan believes that this is absolutely unique.

“Do you have an opinion about black?” Lu Shaoqing asked viciously.

After being silent for a while, Ji Yan spoke, “Black, it’s good.” Ji

Yan finally understood why his junior disciple was able to absorb all the huge energy of a Yuan Infant in a short period of time.

Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Shut up, you dare to say it, I will dig a hole and bury you now.”


Ji Yan laughed, looking at Lu Shaoqing with a bit of pride, “I’m now in the third layer of the Yuan Baby.”

“You are injured now,” Lu Shaoqing’s face was unkind, and he brandished the Mojun sword, “I will cut you now.”

“You can try.” Ji Yan did not have the slightest worry, but a little battle intent burned, “I want to see the power of black.” ”

It’s really worthy of being my own junior brother, and everything has to be special.”

No wonder I wanted to see my Yuan Baby before, it turned out that it was already like this at that time.

As for how to form a plan, guess that it was caused in the cave and the earth.

Whether Lu Shaoqing is in danger or not, Ji Yan is not worried.

The person who can make his junior brother suffer a loss has not yet been born.

He was able to suppress Lu Shaoqing, but also by his own strength.

I still have to work hard.

You can’t lag behind your junior brother.

Ji Yan’s gaze was firm.

When Lu Shaoqing heard that Ji Yan still dared to mention it, he was so angry that he cursed again and again, “Still say? Bastard, I already knew that I wouldn’t save you just now, let that guy kill you. ”

Hong Mo is too strong, even if Ji Yan uses all his strength, he can’t beat it.

The last sword, without Lu Shaoqing’s interference, definitely could not defeat Hong Mo.

But this is the tacit understanding of the two, in the face of a strong opponent, needless to say, everyone has a spirit in their hearts and knows what they should do.

Ji Yan was proud, and his tone was full of confidence, “As long as I break through another realm, he is not my opponent.”

“But you scumbag is only the third layer now, not me, you have long been killed by someone.”

“Marde, can you not break through during the fight in the future? Can’t you finish the fight and break through?

Lu Shaoqing scolded and nagged, “Can you keep the storage ring for me in the future fight, and split it into smashes every time, will you live a life?” Ji

Yan didn’t have a good breath, “Next time you come!”

“I’m not like to look for abuse.”

Lu Shaoqing scolded while summoning the spaceship, and the two got on board and left first when Meng Xiao and the others arrived here.

Seeing that the spaceship had disappeared far into the air, Meng Xiao didn’t know why he suddenly felt a little lost.

Yan Hongyu and Yan Hongbin were even more disappointed, and Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing had no intention of taking them with them.

As for Jia Zun, this will already be crying next to him.

“You guys, you’re gone, what should I do?”

Jia Zun wailed, “Have you forgotten something?”

Marde, leave a bomb inside me, then pat my ass and run, do you still have humanity?

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Kuang Heng and Meng Xiao looked at each other, not understanding why Jia Zun was so excited.

Meng Xiao couldn’t help but ask Jia Zun, “You are their entourage, now they don’t want you?” ”

Shit follower,” Jia Zun was angry and afraid in his heart, and a breath of suffocation surged up, and no matter what identity you Meng Xiao was, he said very unceremoniously, “They two bastards.”

After Kuang Heng and Meng Xiao knew why Jia Zun was crying, the two were speechless.

Kuang Heng thought for a while, and said to Jia Zun, “Jia Gongzi, if you don’t dislike it, I’ll try it and see if I can help you dissolve the sword intent in your body.” ”

Good, good,” Jia Zun begged, “and I hope that Gongzi Kuang will save me.”

Kuang Heng nodded, he helped Jia Zun, more to test how powerful the sword intent left in Jia Zun’s body was.

The divine consciousness entered the body, and soon touched the sword intent in Jia Zun’s body.

Kuang Heng’s spiritual sense was shocked, and before he got closer, he felt a sharp edge, like countless needles, and every time his spiritual sense got closer, there would be more pressure.

By the time he arrived, Kuang Heng outside had already shown pain, and his divine sense was full of holes, like a fishing net.

Kuang Heng planned to test it, but as soon as he came up with this idea, the sword intent that had been circling motionless was like a hornet’s nest that was frightened, and countless sword intent was surging.


Kuang Heng couldn’t help but shout, he hurriedly withdrew his spiritual sense, and a sword intent came along his spiritual sense and entered his body.


Blood spurted out, and Quang Heng was injured.

His face was terrified, in front of this sword intent, Kuang Heng felt for the first time what smallness meant, and felt the breath of death for the first time.

He believed that if he hadn’t retracted his spiritual sense at the first time, and more sword intent surged in, he would really be killed on the spot.

Jia Zun also screamed.

The awakened sword intent ran wildly in his body, making Jia Zun feel painful, and once again experienced that inhuman pain.

Looking at Jia Zun, who was screaming and wailing on the ground, Kuang Heng’s face showed fear, and he was afraid.

He had a deeper understanding of Ji Yan’s sword intent.

This is definitely not something that his realm can provoke.

“Little one, what’s going on?”

An old voice sounded, and then a gray-haired, kind-eyed old man appeared.

The old man’s breath is very ordinary, which makes people feel good.

When Meng Xiao saw coming, he exclaimed in surprise, “Master! ”

The person who came is the head of the Yuding faction, Yongyi.

Quang Heng, Yan Hongyu and the others also hurriedly saluted.

This is the late Yuan Infant period, and it is only one step away from being able to transform the existence of God.

In Dongzhou, it is famous here, and no one dares to provoke it.

Yong Yi smiled at Meng Xiao and said, “I already know what happened, hmph, Duanmu family, I will settle accounts with them.”

Now his gaze stayed on Jia Zun, and he was more interested in Jia Zun.

When he sensed the sword intent in Jia Zun’s body, his face became a little more solemn.

With this sword intent, he felt the breath of the Dao.

After knowing the origin of this sword intent, and knowing what happened here, Yongyu couldn’t help but sigh, “Genius, only a genius who meets once in 10,000 years can do this.

Jia Zun asked Yong Yi to save him, “Yong Zhangmen, save me.”

Yongyu refused, “I can’t solve it either, but it’s a good thing for you.”

“Good thing?”

Jia Zun was stunned, I am about to die of pain, or say it’s a good thing?

“Little fellow, if you can digest this sword intent in your body, you will become the leader of the younger generation in Dongzhou…”

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