The spacecraft galloped, streaked through the air, carried countless fierce winds, and headed north.

Ji Yan sat on the bow of the boat, closing his eyes to cultivate and recuperate.

In the battle with Hong Mo, he was not lightly injured.

Lu Shaoqing counted the harvest in Dongzhou in the cabin.

Dongzhou’s biggest gain was naturally to get two things from the dead ghost little brother.

Then came the seized storage rings.

More than three hundred storage rings were seized in Jicheng and Chencheng, but most of them were the things of cultivators in the foundation building period, and only about twenty in the foundation building period.

Ordinary cultivators don’t have many good things, and there are not many spirit stones.

As for the cultivators of the Wind Thunder Sect and the Silver Moon Sect, they were also a little better.

The perennial conquest made the cultivators here in Dongzhou not accustomed to storing spirit stones.

In addition to leaving a part, the other spirit stones were used to improve their body realm strength.

After counting, Lu Shaoqing obtained nearly one million spirit stones.

On average, a storage ring is less than three thousand spirit stones.

There are not many spirit stones, but there are quite a few other things in it.

Exercises, elixirs, materials, magic weapons, etc., these things add up to greater value, Lu Shaoqing is only a rough estimate, more than one million harvests.

Lu Shaoqing raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Sure enough, the robbery came quickly.

But laughing, laughing, Lu Shaoqing’s heart hurt.

Whether it was Xu Ji, Bi Ji, Lan Taizhong, Hong Mo, and Duanmu Shan, the storage rings of these Yuan babies were all burst, and they didn’t even catch a single hair.

A Yuan baby’s net worth will not be worse.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to defeat them without full strength in the battle with Yuan Ying, but it is difficult to control it with full strength.

Lu Shaoqing, who was angry, rushed out and scolded Jiyan, “Next time you start to give me a convergence point.” Ji

Yan snorted, “Can you converge?” ”

It is natural to deal with the enemy with all our strength and not give the enemy any chance.

Lu Shaoqing double-marked, his face did not have a little red, “My strength is weak, so I naturally have to do my best in the face of the enemy.” Ji

Yan did not turn his head, blowing in the wind, like a dashing son, “Coincidentally, so am I.”

Lu Shaoqing was furious, “Less pretend for me here, what the hell, what did Xu Ji say?” ”

Xu Ji is a weak chicken who can shoot to death without using all his strength.

You bastard slashed down with a sword, and there was no slag left.

“Get used to it, you can’t change it for a while.” Ji Yan asked back unceremoniously, “I remember that Duanmu Yuanbai is not strong, you didn’t keep it?”

“What did I keep him for?” Lu Shaoqing’s double standard is still the same, and he is righteous, “Who makes him so weak, even I can’t catch a move.”

“You can’t blame me, you can only blame him for being too weak.”

Lu Shaoqing was also very helpless in his heart.

The second form can be carried, and the third form cannot be carried.

“It’s really enough waste, this little strength also dares to learn from others to engage in conspiracies and find death.”

After scolding Duanmushan for a few words, Lu Shaoqing continued to find fault.

“Hong Mo, that old thing must have a lot of good things, you slashed it with a sword, violent destruction of heavenly things, waste shameful.”

At this time, the Wuqiu sword lying on the top of the ship suddenly flew and fell into Ji Yan’s hands.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, and then furious, “How?” Are you weak-hearted? Want to fight?

Ji Yan put the Wuqiu sword on his knee, his eyes were a little mysterious, and he said, “Don’t argue, fight with me if you quarrel again.”

“Come on, you think I’m afraid of you?” If it weren’t for seeing you hurt, I would have cleaned you up a long time ago.

Having said that, Lu Shaoqing turned around and left, no longer disturbing Ji Yan.

Ji Yan seems to have comprehended something.

Lu Shaoqing did not disturb, but waved his big hand, white light flashed, and a barrier appeared on the spaceship, isolating external sounds to avoid affecting Ji Yan.

Back in the cabin, Lu Shaoqing took out the Tianji card and looked leisurely.

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They had already crossed the state border and entered Yanzhou, and there were still about two months before Chaocheng.

Still the same as before, Lu Shaoqing’s side plans to read the news from the Tianji card to see if there is anything major happening here in Yanzhou recently.

He didn’t want anything like Dongzhou to happen.

It’s too hard.

Of course, if you still find something from the dead ghost brother, you still have to do it.

However, what made Lu Shaoqing breathe a sigh of relief was that he did not find anything major happening in Yanzhou on the Tianji card.

Even the Dian Xing Sect he was concerned about did not see any movement.

Judging from the information and content on the Tianji card, Yanzhou is quiet and peaceful, and everyone lives and works in peace and happiness.

Very good!

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, and thought to himself that it was best to be like this.

I arrived in Chaocheng, took what belonged to me, and then returned to Qizhou.

As time passed, after passing the pastoral city, it was only a few days before he could reach the time of the city.

They were blocked in their way.

A group of cultivators stopped Lu Shaoqing’s spaceship with a high spirit.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, my day, why do I encounter people blocking the road every time I travel?

This is true in Qi Prefecture, and it is also true in Dongzhou.

The same is true in Yanzhou?

Is there any more heavenly reason?

Is there anyone else to take care of it?

Lu Shaoqing came out, dissatisfied in his heart, but polite on the surface, “Dare to ask a few, is there something ahead?”

“What’s going on?” Are you blind? The

monk who blocked the road was very unceremonious, pointing at Lu Shaoqing and cursing the exit, “There is already a warning a hundred miles away, haven’t you seen it?”

“Or are you pretending not to see it, are you here to provoke us?”

Several other cultivators also looked at Lu Shaoqing with bad eyes, ready to start at any time.

Lu Shaoqing was smiling in his heart, “Didn’t I concentrate too much on the road, didn’t I see it?”

That’s when he realized something was wrong on the road.

After passing Mucheng and heading all the way north, Lu Shaoqing could still meet many people.

And now, there are no other monks around.

And this road is the closest to the city, and the detour takes at least a month.

After Lu Shaoqing understood it, he knew what was going on.

There are also parties here.

A gathering initiated by the master brother of the Tiangong Gate, one of the two sects of Yanzhou.

It is also the younger generation, under the banner of communication, they gather together to compete with each other and discuss their cultivation experience.

The Tiangong Gate and the Dian Xing Sect are both the two major sects of Yanzhou.

The Dian Xing faction’s sphere of influence was eastern Yanzhou, adjacent to Qizhou.

The sphere of influence of Tiangongmen is the western region, adjacent to Dongzhou.

Tiangongmen is the overlord of western Yanzhou, and its master brother finds a place to hold a party and let others detour is a normal operation.

No one dares to give face, so after many people see the warning words on the road, they detour one after another, even if they spend more time, they dare not provoke the Tiangong gate.

After Lu Shaoqing understood it, he cursed in his heart.

Bastard, if I hadn’t had something to do, I’d rush in and kill you.

One by one, they don’t practice, and they think about parties all day.

The world is degenerate, and people’s hearts are not ancient.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to cause trouble, the Dian Xing faction had already provoked, and then provoked the Tiangong Gate, in case a Avatar God rushed out, it would be miserable.

After Lu Shaoqing asked clearly, he didn’t plan to cause trouble.

He turned the bow of the ship and left, but was stopped by the monks in front of him.

“Slowly, I suspect you are treacherous, get off the boat and check…”

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