For Ji Yan did not plan to find someone to fight, Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, “That’s right, don’t bully children.”

“Get off the boat, the two of us sneak over.”

With the strength of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, it was simply not too easy to hide from these cultivators.

However, before Lu Shaoqing and them disembarked, there was suddenly a streamer, fast as lightning, and they didn’t wait for Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing to react.

The streamer had already landed on their spaceship.

A figure appeared, which made both Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but be surprised.

Then stared at the figure warily.

Both of them are in the Yuan Infancy stage, and even if ordinary people appear within their radius, they will be detected by them in an instant.

However, the speed of the person in front of them was too fast, so fast that they did not have time to react.

It’s about the same as teleportation.

What appeared in front of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing was a young fat man.

A chubby face, a pair of round eyes under thick eyebrows, thief eyebrows.

When he laughs, he also wears two shallow dimples, thick lips and a pair of inviting ears.

Now he was panting and panting, his face was a little pale, and it seemed that he had expended a huge amount of strength just now.

“Which monk are you?”

The fat man faced the vigilant Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, feeling that the breath of the two was not strong, and immediately straightened his face and shouted, “Hurry up and take me out of here.”

At the same time, his own aura burst out, intending to scare Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

The two felt the breath of the fat man, just the Jiedan realm.

Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing looked at each other.

Ji Yan’s cold face was a little more puzzled, “Are we robbed, or are we hijacked?”

Lu Shaoqing sneered, “We have been taken hostage.” ”

That’s right,” the fat man heard this, and shouted at the two, “hurry up and sail the boat, or I will kill you guys.” The

two ignored the fat man’s threat because the two now had a doubt.

The fat man in front of him is only a knot period, but the speed is fast.

Just kidding, in the same realm, neither Ji Yan nor Lu Shaoqing have such speed.

Ji Yan was very curious, he showed a little interest, and asked the fat man, “Why is your speed so fast?” The

fat man seemed to be in a hurry, his eyes fell in the direction he came from from time to time, and he saw that the two guys in front of him were unmoved, and he was angry.

“Bastard, are you sick in the brain? Don’t you understand what I’m saying? ”

Sail,, hurry up.”

Both Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing could feel the breath coming from afar, and the strength of the people chasing them was not weak, and there were several breaths of Jiedan cultivators.

But they are already locked here.

Run, can’t run away anymore.

Lu Shaoqing was very upset, “Fatty, who let you come up?”

“Did you ask us?”

Dead fatty, my side was just about to keep a low profile, you give me this out?

“Damn guy, the fat master is not angry, I really think that the fat master is easy to talk, right?”

The fat man was anxious, also angry, burst out spiritual power, and immediately wanted to make a move on the two.

However, with a wave of Ji Yan’s sleeves, a spiritual force struck, and the fat man fell straight on the deck as if he had been pointed.

The fat body fell on the deck like a ball and jumped twice.

The fat man’s chubby face was full of horror, this force he could not resist, in front of this force, he felt a huge sense of powerlessness.

Yuan, Yuan baby?

The word came to the fat man’s mind, and he almost peed.

Can you run into Yuan Baby casually?

When did Yuan Baby rot Street?

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However, when he saw Ji Yan’s appearance, he suddenly felt that it was really unreasonable that Ji Yan was not a Yuan baby.

Such a temperament, such an appearance, not a yuan baby is simply a violent thing.

The fat man became frightened and stammered, “Senior, senior, have something to say.” He

was about to cry, and he actually thought about making a move on a Yuan baby.

Are you tired of living?

Ji Yan was still interested in the fat man’s speed, “Tell me, why is your speed so fast?” Ji

Yan did not have a bad face and was full of resentment like Lu Shaoqing.

His expression was calm, but it put great pressure on the fat man.

The fat man did not dare to hide it, and immediately explained, “I, the exercises I practice are related to speed, plus I used a fourth-grade spirit talisman to accelerate, so it will be so fast.”

“I, I don’t have a spirit talisman in my hand now, and my spiritual power is not enough, so I thought of using the ship of my predecessor.”

Understand, Ji Yan also lost interest.

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “It’s your turn.” The

fat man complained in his heart, this is as if he went to the Qinglou to order a girl, do you take turns?

Lu Shaoqing had a gloomy face, as if someone had robbed a hundred spirit stones, and came to the fat man, condescending.

The face was full of murder, which made the fat man feel even more fearful.

He had a hunch in his heart that this guy in blue was even more terrifying than the guy in white.

“Dead fatty, why hurt us?”

“Harm, harm you?” The fat man’s eyes blinked, and his round eyes revealed puzzlement.

However, after the sound of the chasing soldiers behind came, the fat man understood what Lu Shaoqing meant.

“I, I didn’t.”


Lu Shaoqing wanted to slaughter the fat man and sell his fat body.

My senior brother finally stopped thinking of fighting, and you came out and brought people here.

Treacherous, right?

Enemies, right?

Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent was pervasive, and he said viciously, “Say, what are the last words?”

“Forget it, let’s just slaughter it, what last words are left?”

Because of his identity, the fat man went south and north, and he could see that Lu Shaoqing’s words were not just talking, he really wanted to kill him.

He hurriedly shouted, “Senior, senior, spare your life, I, I didn’t mean it.”

“I didn’t think about attacking the seniors, I…” At

this time, the pursuers behind him also arrived.

At the head were the three cultivators of the Jiedan Period, powerful and thick, murderous, and surrounded them.

“It turns out that there are accomplices to pick up, good, good.”

A Jiedan monk said coldly.

“Kill them all, things here can’t be leaked.”

“Well, let’s do it.”

After a brief discussion, the three Jiedan monks began to move.

“Slowly,” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “We have nothing to do with this fat man, how about I hand him over to you and let us leave?” ”

I wipe.

The fat man was speechless to Lu Shaoqing, are you so decisive, is it really good?

However, the pursuers did not intend to listen to Lu Shaoqing’s words, and the three of them lit up with spirit talismans in their hands, as did several other cultivators.

They were ready to attack.


Lu Shaoqing cursed, struck, and the last came first, and the Mojun sword was like a magic sword, slashing through the air, devouring the lives of several cultivators…

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