With just one breath, seven or eight pursuers, including the three Jiedan cultivators, were killed in an instant, and their souls flew away.

Lu Shaoqing’s ruthless and decisive means made the fat man feel that the urge to urinate was even stronger.

Is he also a meta-baby?

Guan Da Niu wants to cry without tears.

Where the hell did these two people come from?

The strength is so strong, is it that the sky has not closed the door, and two immortals have run down?

I just wanted to come here to make big news, and I met two yuan babies.

“Okay,” Lu Shaoqing sat in front of the fat man, looked at him again, and didn’t know how much money he could sell for on the pound sale, he asked the fat man, “What’s your name?”

“I, my name is Guan Daniu.”

Guan Daniu quickly stated the purpose of his coming here.

He felt that it was strange for these people from the Heavenly Palace Gate to come here this time, and he didn’t believe that coming here was just to discuss things.

So he sneaked in here to see what was going on.

After coming here, he found out that it was to dominate the secret realm.

He also followed and sneaked into a secret realm, and before he could find out, he was discovered and chased all the way here.

“What’s in the secret realm?”

“Is it true that there are rare materials such as the fourth and fifth grades as they say?”

Lu Shaoqing was more concerned about this, only the spirit stone was the most realistic.

However, Guan Daniu’s answer was destined to disappoint Lu Shaoqing.

“No, there is nothing, there are few ordinary first-grade and second-grade things, not only that, the environment inside is very bad, even the aura is very violent.”

“If you don’t rely on spirit stones and elixirs to supplement it, you can’t support it at all.”

Lu Shaoqing did not doubt this, which was not much different from what the guarding cultivators said.

Lu Shaoqing was disappointed for a while, and then became fierce again, “In that case, let’s slaughter you fat man.” ”

There is no benefit, and I am still treated as an accomplice, and I can’t swallow this breath in my heart if I don’t kill this fat man.”

“Spare your life, spare your life…”

Guan Daniu was scared to death, and quickly begged for mercy, “I also hope that the senior raised his noble hand and spared my life, I was wrong, I should not offend the senior.”

“I, I’m willing to pay for my offense, senior.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was cold, and his murderous aura did not decrease, “Just a loss, isn’t it?”

“When, of course not.” I have to say that Guan Daniu is a human spirit, but Lu Shaoqing’s words, plus Lu Shaoqing took the storage rings of the dead cultivators just now, he knew what to do.

A white light flashed in his hand, and some of the more rare materials appeared in his hand.

“It’s a reparation.”

Guan Daniu was dripping blood in his heart, but at this time, he couldn’t care about his heartache.

Small lives are not guaranteed, everything is fake.

However, these materials that made Guan Daniu distressed did not satisfy Lu Shaoqing.

“That’s all?”

Marde, don’t be so greedy.

Guan Daniu scolded Lu Shaoqing in his heart, but on the surface he had to show that he wanted to cry, “Senior, I, I have nothing else.” ”

What about the spirit stone?” Lu Shaoqing got up directly, “Give me 100,000 spirit stones, and I’ll spare your life.”

“Ten, one hundred thousand?”

Guan Da Niu screamed, and the fat all over his body followed.

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Lu Shaoqing’s wooden walk fell on Guan Daniu’s storage ring, and said coldly, “Forget it, I’ll kill you, and the things in your ring are also mine.” Guan

Da Niu was frightened, and without saying a word, a white light flashed, and a large pile of spirit stones appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, covering the deck.

Seeing so many bright crystals and white-flowered spirit stones, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes narrowed into a line.

Surrounded by spirit stones and buried, this feeling is really happy.

There is nothing happiest in the world than this feeling.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s face full of happiness, like a cat that fell into a small dried fish warehouse, Guan Daniu immediately knew what Lu Shaoqing liked.

This guy actually likes spirit stones?

So, he wanted to take the opportunity to take back those materials.

But the next moment, his body froze again, not daring to move.

“Are you going to take back what you gave?”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice was like nine days of cold ice, freezing so much that Guan Da Niu’s heart fluttered.

Guan Daniu obediently handed over the spirit stones and materials, and Lu Shaoqing waved his hand to help him lift the ban.

“For your sake, I won’t worry about you, we are clear, alas…” Lu

Shaoqing is still honest and collects money to do things.

However, it is inevitable that there will be melancholy in my heart, and I can’t help sighing.

Guan Daniu’s eyes rolled here, and he knew that this was a good opportunity to connect with the two people in front of him.

He pretended to be concerned and asked, “Gongzi, do you still have anything to worry about?”

“Might as well say it, maybe I have a way to help you solve it.”

Quietly changing the title, intending to bring the two closer together.

That’s right, you can indeed help me solve it, Lu Shaoqing nodded and smiled slightly, “I’m regretting that I talked too much nonsense with you just now, didn’t kill you immediately, and snatched your storage ring.”

“You must have a lot of good stuff in you.”

“How, do you want to help me solve it?”

Noticing that Lu Shaoqing stared at his storage ring, Guan Daniu’s blood froze again.

At the same time, he wanted to slap himself twice.

What are you doing with your own mouth?

“Gong, Gongzi, you, you said and laughed.” Guan Daniu could barely squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, “I, I have nothing left.”

At the same time, he couldn’t help but quietly retreat, and Lu Shaoqing snorted, “Get out, for the sake of what you will do, I won’t kill you.” ”

The benefits are gained, there is no need to kill them all.

The most important thing is that although Guan Daniu wanted to make a move on them just now, he had no killing intent, which is why Lu Shaoqing did not kill him immediately.

If he sensed that Guan Daniu had a trace of killing intent, he would kill people without saying a word.

Now that I have benefited and am in a much happier mood, I don’t plan to calculate with him.

However, Guan Daniu did not want to leave just like that.

Although Lu Shaoqing gave him a dangerous feeling.

But this is clearly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Risks and benefits coexist.

Guan Daniu’s own professional sixth sense told him that following the two people in front of him would definitely have unexpected gains.

Moreover, now that this place has been blocked by the people of the Heavenly Palace Gate, it is difficult for him to escape by his own strength.

Only by following these two great powers will you have a chance to escape here.

So, Guan Daniu tentatively asked, “Two princes, don’t you want to know what the Tiangong Gate is doing here?” ”

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