“I don’t want to know.”

The crisp and neat answer made Guan Da Niu suddenly speechless.

It was as if someone had been pressed into water and drowned.

“Hurry, disembark me immediately.”

Lu Shaoqing is still unceremonious, and this fat man is not pleasing to the eye.

It seems that you know that he is a troublemaker.

Guan Daniu made up his mind to follow these two.

Don’t want to disembark at this time.

He simply tempted Lu Shaoqing from another angle.

“Gongzi, I see that the appearance of these secret realms is very strange, the Tiangong Gate is full of fanfare, and there are definitely peerless treasures.”

“I have inquired, and the senior brothers of the Tiangong Gate and other friendly forces who came here are all young people, and no older generation has appeared.”

“The strongest is just the master brother Chao Kai of the Tiangong Gate, and his strength is only the nine-layer realm of the late Jiedan period, which is too far behind Gongzi.”

“Gongzi, how about we be a yellow sparrow here?”

Since curiosity can’t impress Lu Shaoqing, then convince Lu Shaoqing from the aspect of benefits and benefits.

From his professional experience, this is definitely a big deal.

Definitely able to make headlines in Yanzhou.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, his eyes stared motionlessly at Guan Daniu, and he became suspicious in his heart.

What does this dead fat man want to do?

This boldness, this cheek, unlike ordinary people.

Guan Daniu was stared at by Lu Shaoqing, and his heart was stunned, and a thick smile was hurriedly squeezed out on his chubby face.

“Gongzi, you, what are you looking at me like this?”

A smile gives people a good impression and it is easy to let down their guard.

But who is Lu Shaoqing?

Guan Daniu’s smile made him doubt Guan Daniu’s identity even more.

“Did the Tiangong Gate kill your whole family?”

Guan Daniu smiled on his face, and cursed fiercely in his heart, bah, the Tiangong Gate killed your whole family.

Gongzi said and smiled.

Lu Shaoqing then asked, “The master brother or someone else from the Tiangong Gate robbed your wife and put a hat on you?” ”

Guan Da Niu’s expression stiffened a little, bastard, you have just been cuckolded.

“Gongzi, I don’t have a Taoist, there is no such thing.”

Lu Shaoqing was even more strange, “Since you are not your enemy, and you didn’t rob your wife, why are you so bad, thinking of making people behind your back?” ”

The people from the Tiangong Gate came here to do something, hindering you? Or is your ancestral grave buried here and dug by them? ”

Guan Daniu didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be fooled at all.

He tried to find a random excuse to fool Lu Shaoqing, and he deliberately exhaled, “I can’t see that they do things so domineeringly, for their own sake, they block this road, so that people have to detour.”

“And they dare to hunt me down, and on this basis, I must take revenge.”


After Guan Daniu finished speaking, all he got was Lu Shaoqing’s disdainful ridicule, “Do you look like a brainless person?” Guan

Daniu was helpless, and could only smile awkwardly.

In my heart, I wish you were a brainless person.

“Gongzi, I…”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and smiled, and suddenly his face changed, and the atmosphere around him changed instantly.

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A powerful spiritual pressure struck, and the big bull plopped, and once again fell heavily on the deck.

This time, it was Lu Shaoqing who personally shot and threw him down.

“Fatty, I don’t have the heart to play with you here, give you a chance, you honestly tell me the reason, otherwise I will slaughter you.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to joke with Guan Daniu this time, his eyes were extremely cold, and his gloomy face made Guan Daniu feel cold in his heart.

Truly feeling Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent, Guan Daniu opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But Lu Shaoqing’s side had already summoned the Mo Jun Sword against his nose.

Feeling a gloomy and cold aura coming from Mo Junjian, it seemed to freeze his soul.

It would swallow his soul at any time.

He was extremely horrified, what kind of weapon was this?

“I, I’m a genius, I just want to find some news reports.”

Guan Daniu did not dare to hesitate, nor did he care about concealing it, and quickly said his identity.

“Tianji dog?”

Lu Shaoqing suddenly said that it was a genius.

Tianji Gouzi is similar to the reporter in his previous life.

It’s all about making big news.

Where there is news, they are indispensable, and their figures are always active on the front line.

Even if there is no news, I can’t wait to make a big news.

The Tiangong Gate is here to move the crowd and attract attention, and others dare not come here to find out what it is.

But as a heavenly machine, if you don’t rack your brains to come in, you can only say that you are an unqualified heavenly machine.

No wonder there are so many spirit stones.

Tianji Pavilion is one of the five families and three factions in Zhongzhou, and it is the only one of the eight major forces in Zhongzhou to open branches in thirteen states.

With his unique intelligence advantage, he earned countless spirit stones.

After knowing that Guan Daniu was a genius, Lu Shaoqing once again showed a distressed and regretful expression.

“You said it earlier, you said you were a genius.”

Right, after you know that I am a genius, you will be polite to me, right?

Otherwise, when the time comes, I will expose your shameless behavior in the Tianji Newspaper.

Guan Daniu wanted to pretend to be here, so he heard Lu Shaoqing continue, “If I had known that you were a genius, I would have killed you as soon as possible.”

“Abominable fellow, I missed a hundred million.”

The big cow’s scalp was numb, and this guy was still thinking about his storage ring.

“Well, you say, are you trying to harm us?”

Lu Shaoqing squatted in front of Guan Daniu, with a smile on his face, as if he was luring a big bad wolf with a little white rabbit, “You just need to nod your head.”

“Without a single reason, I’m embarrassed to kill you.”

Guan Da Niu urinated, shook his head desperately, combined with Lu Shaoqing’s actions just now, he believed that Lu Shaoqing was telling the truth, slaughtered him, took his storage ring, and killed people and crossed goods.

“Gongzi, I didn’t intend to harm you, I just wanted to ask Gongzi for your help, let me break the news, and expose the shameless behavior of the Tiangong Gate.”

“You think it’s beautiful, let us two Yuan babies be your bodyguards, you walk sideways here?”

Saying that, Lu Shaoqing turned his head and asked Ji Yan, “He is despising us, why not slaughter?” ”

Slaughter.” Ji Yan didn’t care, casually turned back.

I rub.

Guan Da Niu peed again, big brother, I still think you are a good person just now.

How are you like him?

Guan Daniu hurriedly said, “Gongzi, Gongzi, I, I am willing to give you spirit stones, how about you help?” ”

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