Lu Shaoqing’s face looked a little better, and his mouth was full of relish, “Really? ”

Lu Shaoqing and anyone can not get by, but they will not get by with Lingshi.

His own words had an effect, Guan Daniu continued, “Really, as long as Gongzi helps me, a hundred thousand spirit stones can be offered at any time.”

Lu Shaoqing raised two fingers, and the lion opened his mouth, “Two hundred thousand, two of us.” Guan

Daniu didn’t even think about it, and immediately nodded in agreement, “In a word.”

“Marde, do you carry hundreds of thousands of spirit stones with you?”

Lu Shaoqing once again showed a sad expression, missing a hundred million.

Then said viciously, “Give the spirit stone first.” ”

This,” Guan Daniu hesitated, Lu Shaoqing’s performance made it difficult for him to believe Lu Shaoqing’s character, “Gongzi, what if you accept the spirit stone and are unwilling?”

Lu Shaoqing said truthfully, “Then you will lose money.” ”

Lying in the groove, I want to vomit blood.

Guan Da Niu is about to cry, and sure enough, this bastard has always had this thought.

“Gongzi, this, it’s not easy for me to earn some spirit stones.” Guan Daniu hopes that Lu Shaoqing will have some sympathy and not bully him as a fat man.

However, Lu Shaoqing can even bully women, let alone him as a man.

“It’s not easy for you to earn spirit stones, what does it matter to me? Hurry up, I’ll kill you if you don’t take it out.” ”

In the face of the bully Lu Shaoqing, Guan Da Niu can’t resist, and can only take out the spirit stone again.

It was again the spirit stones that covered the deck.

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, then frowned, immediately turned his face, and said viciously, “Why are there only 100,000 spirit stones?” And 100,000?

“Are you thinking of paying half upfront and ending the payment later?”

I thought so, but you certainly disagree with the way you look.

Guan Daniu explained, “Gongzi, this 100,000 is for you, and the other 100,000, when you let go of me, I will give it to that Gongzi.”

“No need, his spirit stone is also mine, take it out.”

Guan Daniu was stunned, and his eyes roamed back and forth on the two of them.

Ji Yanpan sat on the bow of the boat, motionless, and did not react to Lu Shaoqing’s words.

It seems to be acquiescing.

Guan Daniu hesitantly asked Ji Yan, “Gongzi, this…” ”

I’m not interested in spirit stones.”

Ji Yan’s voice was calm, which made Guan Daniu instantly feel good about him.

Look, this is the temperament that the Yuan Baby should have.

People disdain robbery, this temperament, this pattern.

It’s really worthy of being a boy in white.

“He doesn’t want it, I didn’t say no, hurry up and ask for it, or I’ll kill you.”

Lu Shaoqing completely turned into a bully bandit this time.

I didn’t kill this fat man just now, and I was embarrassed to grab the storage ring.

Now if you can catch something, you can catch something, and it is difficult for anyone to come.

Guan Daniu couldn’t help but look at Ji Yan, big brother, he is blatantly trying to eat your share, are you sure you won’t teach him a lesson?

As if sensing Guan Daniu’s humble gaze, Ji Yan spoke, “Give it to him, you are being targeted by him.” ”

This fat man is also quite pitiful, who is not good to mess with, I have to mess with him.”

Targeted by my junior brother, your fat body must be ten pounds lighter.

But what he said is indeed a little strange, and it doesn’t hurt to check it out.

Guan Da Niu was gone, and obediently took out the spirit stone again.

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“Grinding, don’t you know that wasting time is shameful?” Lu Shaoqing despised Guan Da Niu, and then immersed himself in the happiness of the spirit stone pile again.

After being drunk for a while, Lu Shaoqing put away the spirit stone.

Returning to its original appearance, he said to the big cow, “Get off the boat.” ”

Guan Da Niu almost cried again, bastard, are you going to cross the river to disassemble and collect money and do nothing?

“Gongzi, don’t bring this.” Guan Da Niu’s heart is very empty, there is no way.

He only hated that his strength was not enough, otherwise he must get rid of this scourge for the people.

This guy is definitely a scourge to someone else’s existence.

“Well, I’m kidding you,” Lu Shaoqing saw that Guan Daniu was not interesting, and glared at him fiercely, “Say, what are your plans next?”

“Are you going to turn yourself in?” I can send it to you for free. ”

Lu Shaoqing really wants to throw Guan Da Niu to the gang of Tiangongmen, so that he doesn’t have to bother more.

Guan Daniu despised Lu Shaoqing fiercely in his heart, joking, I don’t think you are lying at all.

This bastard is not easy to deal with, you have to be careful.

Guan Daniu secretly admonished himself in his heart.

He squeezed out a smile and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, I don’t know what you call it?” ”

I want to see who you really are, not to mention the bullshit, shameless and indecent, definitely with an unusual origin.”

“His name is Zhang Zheng, and my name is Wu Tianzheng.”

Regular operation, using someone else’s name to add some protection to his side.

Guan Daniu silently recited these two names in his heart, turning the river and sea in his mind, thinking about whether he had heard the two names.

But in the end, my brain was almost overloaded, and I couldn’t think of what to do.

“As soon as the names of the two princes are heard, they know that there is a great origin.” Guan Da Niu complimented, patting the horse is right.

Lu Shaoqing looked at him with slanted eyes, and said a word to death, “What is the big deal?” You talk about it. ”

Guan Da Niu is holding back unbearably to death.

Will this bastard chat at all?

I’m saying nice things, business blowing each other, understand?

Therefore, Guan Daniu could only smile and change the topic, “Gongzi, can you take me to a place?”

“That’s the secret realm that Chao Kai is exploring, and it’s also in the middle position.”

“I think that secret place must be extraordinary.”

After hiring these two disobedient bodyguards, Guan Daniu also plucked up the courage in his heart to prepare to break in and investigate.

He explained his plan to Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s first enter the secret outside to take a look, if there is nothing outside, I will enter the secret realm to take a look, the two princes are outside to answer, how?” Without

the help of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, he dared to break in directly, and after being discovered by the people of the Heavenly Palace Gate, he would definitely be killed.

The Tiangong Gate made such a big move this time, and did not hesitate to block the road to offend people, which shows that they are determined to win the secret realm this time.

It will not be easy for outsiders to point fingers and destroy.

Collecting money to do things, Lu Shaoqing’s basic quality is quite good.

Of course, with his strength, he took the money and did not do anything, and he could not help the big bull.

However, Lu Shaoqing glanced at Ji Yan, and his senior brother seemed to be a little moved, so let it be as he wished.

Lu Shaoqing said to Guan Daniu, “Okay, get off the boat.” ”


Guan Daniu almost wanted to curse.

However, this time, Lu Shaoqing did not take a boat, and everyone walked in the sky and sneaked in.

Guan Daniu led the way in front, and along the way, he encountered many cultivators from the Tiangong Gate and other sects.

It is no exaggeration to say that five steps and one post and ten steps and one sentry are not exaggerated, and there are various formations and prohibitions, and even a fly is difficult to fly in….

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