Although Yu Ling in the distance could not see the existence of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, she felt that someone was watching them.

She did not go after Chao Kai, and she felt a faint uneasiness in her heart.

As for those people from the Tiangong Gate leaving with Chao Kai, she couldn’t ask for it.

The five of them are just strikers, and the main force is still behind.

The longer it drags on, the better.

The task is very important, and there must be no mistakes.

Otherwise, even if her status is noble, she will have to die.

“Captain, what now?”

“Don’t you kill them?”

“They fled, and the news will come back.”

Watching the people of the Tiangong Gate escape, several of his subordinates were anxious.

“Captain, let me go and kill them.”

“Weak humans, vulnerable, there is no need to cower.”

Yu Ling had her own considerations, and she snorted, “Do you think that by killing them, you will be able to hide the news?”

“Don’t forget, they have a life Jane. All of them died here, and their sect masters would be killed in the first place.

“Let them go back, with human inferiority, until they return here again for at least ten days and a half month.”

“We have enough time.”

Yu Ling came from a noble background, and as the captain this time, he naturally had to consider it comprehensively.

What’s more, as the people of the Tiangong Gate left, the feeling of being stared at had not disappeared.

Suffice it to prove that there are others here.

She did not dare to take this risk, in case the teleportation array was destroyed, she would be a sinner of the Holy Family.

Yu Ling tried her best to think about this mission, but one person disagreed with her words.

“Captain,” a young man with a face as clear as a carving, handsome and unusually handsome, about twenty-five years old, his eyes shining, his breath like an abyss, and extremely powerful, he said coldly, “This is just your guess.

“In case these people go back and immediately gather experts to kill, how can we resist?”

“I mean chase them down immediately, not let them leak our news.”

Yu Ling snorted, and seemed to be very unwelcome to this young man, his eyes were cold, “Luan Huang, this time I am the captain, and everything comes here to obey my orders.”

“This is not the Cold Star, even if you are the son of the Holy Lord, here, you have to obey my orders.”

“Otherwise, if I kill you, the Holy Lord will not sin against me.”

Luan Huang’s face became gloomy, and he was ridden on his head by a woman, and he was very unhappy in his heart, “Hmph, is your decision wrong, and I can’t give an opinion?”

“That’s right,” Yu Ling, although she was a female streamer, her attitude was very strong, and her tone was unquestionable, “Even if it is a wrong order, you must carry it out.

“Don’t forget, that’s what the Holy Lord said.”

Anger appeared in Luan Huang’s heart, he only hated that his strength was not as good as Yu Ling, or he would not suffer this kind of anger here.

However, Yu Ling saw that the eyes of the three of them were also a little wrong, and knew that they agreed with Luan Huang’s statement in their hearts.

She suddenly felt tired, Marde, this captain is really not good.

She snorted coldly and said, “Those people fled, but there are other enemies here.” ”

What?” The other four were taken aback.

As soon as Luan Huang heard this, he immediately sneered, I can’t beat you, I will embarrass you from other aspects, and I am angry in my heart.

He shook his head and showed a mocking face, “Captain, are you joking? Are there other enemies here? ”

What about people?”

Yu Ling pointed in one direction and said to a humane, “Sanjiji, you shoot an arrow at that position.” The

direction pointed to was exactly where Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were.

When Sanjiji, a member of the team, heard this, he immediately took out his bow and arrow, but Luan Huang stopped him, and he stood up, “Hmph, I’ll come, I want to see what enemies there are.” Luan

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Huang didn’t want to miss the opportunity to make Yu Ling ugly.

He did not believe that there would be enemies hiding without being discovered by their people.

The five of them are all the best of the best.

If there really are enemies, they will definitely not be able to hide from them.

Yu Ling did not refuse and let Luan Huang make a move.

I saw a flying sword appear in Luan Huang’s hand, and after the flying sword appeared, it made a buzzing sound, and the sword body flashed with a chilling light, exuding a gloomy and cold aura.


Luan Huang shot straight in the direction Yu Ling was pointing, and the flying sword was like an off-string arrow, fast and fierce, emitting a terrifying whistling sound in the air.

A powerful coercive pressure erupted, enveloping the entire place.

As the flying sword approached, there was no movement in the air, Luan Huang sneered and shook his head, “What enemies are there?”

“It’s just that Captain, you have too much heart…”

As soon as his words fell, the sky in the distance faded like a rag, revealing three figures.

Luan Huang’s flying sword just grazed past them.

The people on Yu Ling’s side were shocked, and even Yu Ling became dignified.

Lu Shaoqing shouted at Yu Ling, “Don’t mess around, we’re just passing by.”

“We didn’t hear anything, we didn’t see anything, do whatever you want, whatever you want.”

“Damn it!”

Lu Shaoqing’s words were undoubtedly a naked provocation in the eyes of Yu Ling and the others.

They all hid there and watched for a long time, and said such things, is this treating them like fools?

“They all deserve to die!”

Yu Ling’s gaze suddenly sharpened, and the killing intent overflowed. But more vigilance.

Sanjiji, Chaxi and the others were angry and gritted their teeth.

Luan Huang was even more furious, his flying sword roared away, but they regarded it as nothing, which was humiliating him.

He was the son of the Holy Lord, and no one dared to despise him like this.

“Give me death!”

Luan Huang roared angrily, and the flying sword burst out with an even more powerful aura, slicing a circle in the air and stabbing towards Lu Shaoqing.

“Can’t be impulsive!”

Yu Ling hurriedly shouted.

Looking at Lu Shaoqing and their calm appearance, it made her feel that something was wrong.

However, Yu Ling’s words made Luan Huang even more furious, “What kind of captain are you? What are people like them afraid of?

After speaking, regardless of Yu Ling’s obstruction, he controlled the flying sword to kill Lu Shaoqing at an even faster speed.

The flying sword was filled with a terrifying aura, and a dark red light emanated from the sky, like a red fire python, terrifying and terrifying.

Guan Daniu was so frightened by this momentum that he almost fell from the sky.

However, both Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan looked calm.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “What are you doing stunned?” Ji

Yan said lightly, “It’s too weak, I’m not interested.”

Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Bastard, this is you going to stay here, you don’t make a move, do you want me to make a move?”

“How else? Can’t let him, right? Ji

Yan’s gaze fell on Guan Daniu. Guan Da Niu turned pale with fright, and hurriedly shook his head.

He definitely can’t beat these demon people.

Lu Shaoqing cursed, but the next moment, he looked moved

, shot, didn’t see him have extra movements, but when the flying sword was killed, he gently stretched out his left hand, opened and clenched, and Luan Huang’s flying sword was easily held by him….

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