Lu Shaoqing’s hand was like iron tongs, firmly holding Luan Huang’s long sword, unable to move.

Luan Huang’s face changed drastically, and he hurriedly wanted to control the flying sword, but no matter how hard he tried, it didn’t work.

Spiritual power is like a stone sinking into the sea.

What was even more terrifying was that a terrifying force appeared, cutting off his connection with the flying sword.

This was his original long sword, and now it had been cut off, and it was like smashing it his chest with an iron hammer.


Luan Huang’s blood spurted wildly, and he was hit hard, so he was injured.

“No, it can’t be!”

Luan Huang couldn’t help but shout in panic, this was his original long sword, but it was easily taken away by others.

His original long sword was really taken away by someone.

This seems to be a fourth-grade long sword, if it weren’t for the fact that he was the son of the Holy Lord, with his current realm and strength, he was not worthy of having a fourth-grade long sword.

The double blow of flesh and spirit aroused his ferocity.

Luan Huang’s eyes were red, and his figure was riotous, like an enraged leopard, jumping up from the ground and killing Lu Shaoqing with endless anger.

The surrounding aura was absorbed by Luan Huang, and his body muscles bulged, full of a strong sense of strength, and like a demon king descending into the world, he looked hideous and terrifying.

Luan Huang burst out with a powerful aura, making Guan Daniu feel that the sun in this Tianshan Mountain seemed to have dimmed because of this.

Guan Daniu was screaming, almost unable to control the spiritual power in his body from falling.

Lu Shaoqing’s face was now full of displeasure.

I said I was passing by, but I didn’t believe me?

Still dare to strike at me?

What’s even more hateful is that you guys came to some powerful guys, and as a result, there were so many weak chickens.

My senior brother can’t look at you, and he has to ask me to do it.

Sick of it.

The Mojun sword appeared in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing glanced down at the Mo Jun Sword in his hand, trembling gently, conveying a longing emotion.

It wanted to swallow Luan Huang’s long sword.

“All of them are unsettling guys.”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, and then swung a sword at Luan Huang who was rushing towards him.

Luan Huang’s strength is the eighth layer of Jiedan, he is a demon race, his strength is strong, even a human cultivator like Chao Kai is not necessarily his opponent.

However, he provoked the wrong opponent, and his opponent was not the existence of the Yudan period.

It’s a real baby.

Or the kind of meta-baby who is so perverted that he is afraid.

Lu Shaoqing just lightly struck a sword, and Luan Huang felt that the sky seemed to collapse.

Luan Huang really felt Lu Shaoqing’s horror at this moment.

At this moment, he knew Lu Shaoqing’s true strength.

“Yuan, Yuanbao!”

Luan Huang screamed like a woman, losing the measure that the Holy Lord’s son should have, and became terrified.

Even in their world, the Yuan Infant was a great power, and it was definitely not a Jiedan cultivator like them who could compete.

After knowing that Lu Shaoqing was a Yuan baby, Luan Huang had no intention of resisting.

He tried to escape, but the sword had locked him up and there was no escape.

As for resisting.

The sword light fell, and there was a scream.

Luan Huang’s aura disappeared, and when the sword light disappeared, leaving only a corpse in tattered armor.


Lu Shaoqing was surprised, stretched out his hand, Luan Huang’s body flew to him, took a closer look, Lu Shaoqing suddenly showed a painful look.

“I’ll go, this is the fourth-grade spirit armor?”

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“Marde, it’s a big loss.”

Lu Shaoqing beat his chest, but he didn’t expect that the inconspicuous armor was actually a fourth-grade spirit armor.

At least it had to be worth hundreds of thousands of spirit stones, and now a sword was slashed by him.

After feeling distressed for a while, Lu Shaoqing eased his breath and threw Luan Huang’s body away.

Then with the force of his left hand, the long sword he seized broke in response, and an invisible aura rushed out.

Then he disappeared into the Mo Jun sword.

Lu Shaoqing was a little curious, Mo Junjian also has the ability to devour?

After looking over for a while, seeing that Mo Junjian had no effect, Lu Shaoqing was too lazy to pay attention to it.

He flicked the Mojun sword and shouted, “Give it more strength in the future, or don’t think about me feeding you.” ”

What about these hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.


Mo Junjian shook, and a wave of joy emanated.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Yu Ling’s four bodies, revealing killing intent.

Without saying a word, he descended from the sky and killed Yu Ling.

Ji Yan didn’t plan to make a move, as a junior disciple, he could only cut the grass and remove the roots and kill these so-called demon races.

Jing wants to make trouble for him,

and you little strong will give me death.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were fierce, for him, as long as it was an enemy who made trouble for him, he had to die.

In the sight of Yu Ling’s several people, Lu Shaoqing descended like an immortal in the sky, descending with terror.

The terrifying sword light obscured the sun, and countless flames seemed to jump out of the void.

The flames are like bright flowers, delicate, and the sword intent is like a fierce poisonous snake, bloodthirsty and deadly.

Feeling the terrifying sword intent, Yu Ling, the captain at the head, was shocked and shouted, “Hide, quickly hide back in the formation.” ”

Yu Ling can’t give birth to any resistance, it’s too strong.

A sword extinguished Luan Huang, and broke the fourth-grade long sword with his bare hands, which was definitely not an ordinary Yuan baby.

She only hated that she hadn’t stopped Luan Huang just now, so that she had provoked such a terrifying existence.

Although the other people were arrogant, they faced Lu Shaoqing’s sword, and their mood was similar to Yu Ling’s.

It’s terrible.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s sword came too quickly.

Except for Yu Ling, the other three took a step slower and were shrouded in Lu Shaoqing’s sword light outside the large array.


Three harsh screams sounded, and the aura of Cha Xi and Sanjiji disappeared, and they left with Luan Huang.

Yu Ling was so frightened that her scalp was numb, and behind her was a heavenly flame, one after another sword intent to destroy heaven and earth, vowing to destroy her.

When Lu Shaoqing saw Yu Ling hiding in the big array, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he destroyed it along with the formation.

However, at this time, the statue in the formation was revealed again, the dark red light flashed, and the heaven and earth returned to calm.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword was absorbed and submerged into the statue.

“My Sun!”

Lu Shaoqing cursed, “What the hell is this statue.” ”

It is the first time that Lu Shaoqing has encountered such a strange statue, which gives people the feeling of being a living person.

Obviously, as the core of the formation, it can have such a function.

As a formation grandmaster, he couldn’t do this either.

Lu Shaoqing rushed back and said to Ji Yan, “Give me to chop it.” Ji

Yan shook his head, his eyes a little interested, “The strength of the person who made the statue is stronger than that of the Avatar God.

After Lu Shaoqing heard this, he rushed to the formation again without saying a word, and the killing intent spread throughout the sky like a tide.

Guan Daniu felt this killing intent, and his heart was screaming, this, this is terrible, what is this guy going to do?

“He, what is he going to do…”

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