The sword light faded, and Guan Daniu wiped the blood stains on the side of his mouth.

His face was also pale, and he had vomited blood just now.

Ji Yan’s sword was too terrifying, he couldn’t see it, and he couldn’t digest it.

If you don’t move your eyes in time, you will only be injured more seriously, and even blindness is possible.

It’s terrible.

Guan Daniu felt embarrassed for a while.

Looking at the two junior brothers Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, he didn’t know who to give the most terrifying three words.

Ji Yan’s strength is terrifying, and Lu Shaoqing’s strength is strong, not to mention, his personality is even worse, Guan Daniu feels that the number one evil person in the world is none other than him.

This pair of junior brothers, who is the most terrifying person, Guan Daniu can’t draw conclusions in his heart.

Both are terrible people.

Lu Shaoqing was also stunned by Ji Yan’s sword.

After a long time, he asked Ji Yan, “This sword is what you comprehend?” Ji

Yan nodded, with a bit of regret on his face, “It’s still a little worse.”

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, and finally couldn’t help but scold, “You still don’t let people live?” ”

It’s too rolled, if it goes on like this, sooner or later it will roll me to death.”

I haven’t comprehended the third realm of sword intent, and you have comprehended something new.

What the me.

After Lu Shaoqing finished scolding, he immediately put on another face and fawned, “How, why don’t you split a few more swords and comprehend it?”

“It’s better to split ten swords, a hundred swords, maybe split the statue, you will understand it all…”

Just now the reaction of the statue was in his eyes, he believed that as long as the plan continued, the statue would be shattered sooner or later.

Yu Ling was scared to death, and Ji Yan’s sword made her doubt life.

If another sword came, the large array could hold it, and she couldn’t hold it.

It’s terrifying.

She hurriedly shouted, “You said you only shot once. ”

Master, you have to be reserved, your identity does not allow you to renege.

Lu Shaoqing scolded unceremoniously, “Shut up, what do you understand?

“After killing you, who can still know what happened here?”

Repentance and reneging on words and so on do not exist.

Guan Daniu noticed that Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on him intentionally or unintentionally.

He cursed in his heart, this bastard also wants to kill him?

This bastard is the most terrible person.

Guan Daniu immediately awarded the most terrifying three-word title to Lu Shaoqing.

Ji Yan didn’t plan to make any more moves, and he said to Lu Shaoqing, “So be it, wait and see who else the other party will come.” ”

Ji Yan still hopes to be able to fight with the masters of the demon race.

Lu Shaoqing was angry and rolled his eyes at Ji Yan, “Don’t you want to fall for this girl?” Demon women, it must be beautiful.

“Hurry, split the big array, I’ll send her to your bed.”

Yu Ling gritted his teeth with hatred, this bastard.

For the first time, I have seen such a vulgar and shameless person.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly and snorted, “Do you want to try this sword of mine?” ”


Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and changed his face again.

Shouting angrily at Yu Ling, “The people of the demon race, everyone is punished, today I will cut to death for the Tianxing Dao, you evil demon race.” Ji

Yan didn’t plan to make a move, Yu Ling was sure in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing is very strong, but in her opinion, Lu Shaoqing is not as threatening as Ji Yan.


Yu Ling stood at the foot of the statue, and behind her was the statue, giving her a backer, and her heart was extremely stable.

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Seeing Lu Shaoqing shouting in front of the big array, she couldn’t help but mock, “He can’t do it, as for you, it’s even worse.” ”

What can weak human beings do but shout?

Incompetent rage.

However, after she finished speaking, she saw Lu Shaoqing sneering at her, looking at her gaze like looking at an idiot.

“Can’t do it?”

“How do you look back at your statue?”

What the?

Yu Ling hurriedly turned around, but saw that no one had changed in the statue.

Still domineering and full of majesty.

It was so sacred and inviolable in her eyes.

She looked at it for a while, and her heart was very steady.

She turned to scare Lu Shaoqing, she couldn’t beat Lu Shaoqing, she couldn’t take advantage of her strength, and she had to take advantage of her mouth, otherwise she was sorry for her identity as a holy family.

“If you destroy the statue, you will be thought of destroying the great array of our holy family.”

“When the true masters of our Holy Race come, you will die.”

Thinking of his Saint Family’s army being killed, Yu Ling’s heart was full of hope.

When the time comes, tear this hateful guy to pieces all over the sky.



A small voice sounded from behind Yu Ling, and Yu Ling’s heart jumped.

A bad premonition arose from my heart.

She looked back and saw that the clicking sound was even louder.

Yu Ling turned around, and her face instantly lost its blood.

On the statue, a crack appeared, although it was small, like spider silk, but in Yu Ling’s opinion, there was no difference between this and the sky falling.

The crack spread from the head, under Yu Ling’s terrified gaze, all the way to the abdomen, and would split in half at any time.

Yu Ling was terrified, looked at Ji Yan again, and once again labeled Ji Yan as extremely terrifying in his heart.

This is a statue made by the Holy Lord, combining the efforts of several great elders and containing the hope of the future of the Holy Family.

Even the statue that the gods could not necessarily get helpless, but as a result, cracks appeared under the sword of Ji Yan.

Will the holy family’s thousands of years of planning be ruined in this person’s hands?

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and looked at the crack in the statue, his brows furrowed.

After all, Yu Ling is the leader of the striker squad, with strong psychological quality, and quickly calmed down.

Don’t look at the statue now just a crack, but the crack is not deep, very shallow, the statue is actually very strong.

As long as Ji Yan does not continue to strike, the statue can continue to hold on, and the large array can continue to operate.

She couldn’t help but remind Ji Yan again, “You said you wouldn’t strike again. Ji

Yan looked at Yu Ling with calm eyes, Yu Ling did not dare to look at him, and hurriedly turned his gaze, “I hope you can keep your promise.” Ji

Yan shook his head when he heard this, “Don’t worry, I won’t make a move.” I hope your people will come quickly, otherwise…”

He looked at Lu Shaoqing beside him, although Lu Shaoqing had no way to swing a terrifying sword like him, but with Lu Shaoqing’s strength, he could destroy the statue.

It’s just that he can’t imagine how Lu Shaoqing would destroy the statue.

When Yu Ling heard this, he was relieved in his heart.

As long as the plan does not make a move, others do not need to worry.

She answered Ji Yan’s question, “Don’t worry, the matter here will be transmitted back to our side, and the Holy Lord will send someone over soon.”

“When the time comes, I hope you don’t regret it.”

Lu Shaoqing was stunned and asked in disbelief, “No, you can still send the news back?” Isn’t this directed delivery? ”

So you know what we look like?”

Yu Ling smiled coldly, “It’s not us, it’s the statue, hmph, what you did to our Holy Family, the Holy Lord already knows everything.” ”

Everything here will go back.”

“I sun….”

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