Lu Shaoqing had a headache and had a headache.

This is a matter again.

If Yu Ling hadn’t lied, maybe the Demon Race had already plastered his image all over the streets and become the most wanted criminal, right?

Thinking that he was being chased and killed by tens of millions of demons, Lu Shaoqing was stunned, almost that.

Lu Shaoqing’s mind turned sharply, and his gaze at Yu Ling was a little less murderous and more differentiated.

Yu Ling noticed that Lu Shaoqing was staring at him, and his heart was furious, and his purple eyes were also staring at Lu Shaoqing.

I don’t dare to look at your senior brother, and I still dare not look at you?

I don’t know why, Yu Ling didn’t want to let herself bow her head in front of Lu Shaoqing.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze made her feel inexplicably chills in her heart, and she gradually felt a pressure.

After Lu Shaoqing frowned and looked at Yu Ling for a while, he couldn’t help but say to Yu Ling, “Little chick, can you help me with one thing?”

Yu Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, with a bit of surprise in his purple eyes.

What is this bastard going to do?

Lu Shaoqing pointed to the statue and said, “Does it have a little brother?” ”

It’s about to crack, it won’t be a problem, right?” Can you take a look? With

a sudden, Yu Ling’s face hidden under the mask turned extremely red all of a sudden, and his neck was also a little red.

This bastard, this deng, this damn bastard.

“Bastard, bastard, damn bastard…” Yu

Ling trembled with anger, and he couldn’t wait to rush out and smash Lu Shaoqing to death with his own fist.

If you don’t personally smash this bastard, it’s hard to quench the hatred in your heart.

She Yu Ling came from the Holy Family, and her status was extremely noble.

No one had ever dared to tease her like that, this damn bastard was the first time.

Lu Shaoqing was also very angry and looked very aggrieved, “If you don’t say it, don’t say it, why curse people?” ”


A stingy sentence made Yu Ling no longer able to bear it.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and hatred rushed to the sky.

Guan Daniu who saw this scene couldn’t help but sigh in his heart, the most terrifying person was really this bastard.

Ji Yan’s terrifying sword made Yu Ling vomit blood.

And Lu Shaoqing, with just a few words, made Yu Ling vomit blood in anger.

To some extent, Lu Shaoqing is more terrifying than Ji Yan.

The mental blow was too bad.

“You, you damn it!”

After Yu Ling spat out a mouthful of blood, not only did he not feel better, but he felt more depressed, and the killing intent in his heart was deeper.

I can’t wait to smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces with his eyes.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “No wonder your demon clan will be beaten so badly, how can you be so petty?”

“Petty means small pattern, small pattern means short-sightedness, deserve to be beaten to cry.”

Yu Ling’s teeth were about to be crushed, “You, you wait, I, I will definitely kill you.” ”

Kill me?” Lu Shaoqing smiled proudly, full of confidence, “You come out, I’ll give you a chance.”

“It can even make you three moves.”

Although Yu Ling really wanted to rush out and kill Lu Shaoqing, but helplessly, her strength was not as good as Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing is very hateful, but he also has abhorrent and arrogant capital.

She gritted her teeth, her purple eyes seemed to burn, “You come in, don’t dare to make a fuss there.” Lu

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Shaoqing was full of jealousy of the statue from the beginning, and Yu Ling concluded that Lu Shaoqing did not dare to come in.

However, Yu Ling thought wrong this time.

I saw Lu Shaoqing step out and step into the big array.

A large burst of light lit up, but the statue did not react at all.

Lu Shaoqing was cautious and extremely vigilant, staring at the statue with dead eyes.

A little windy, he fled immediately without saying a word.

Ji Yan’s sword caused a crack in the statue, so he had the courage to come in, otherwise he would not have come in.

Seeing that the statue did not have any movement, Lu Shaoqing put down his heart and looked at Yu Ling proudly, “Little chick, I came in, how is it?”

“Come over obediently, I can spare your life.”

Yu Ling’s face was ugly, but he didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to really come quickly, and the statue didn’t have any reaction.

However, she did not panic, with the statue as a backer, she did not believe what Lu Shaoqing could do.

“How about you come in?” Yu Ling was slightly provocative, “Do you dare to make a move?” Can you destroy the Great Array? In

the face of Yu Ling’s provocation, Lu Shaoqing smiled, stomped his foot, and with Lu Shaoqing as the center, spiritual power exploded.

The large array that was shining in the distance suddenly stopped, and all the formations under Lu Shaoqing’s feet disappeared, as if they had been erased.

Yu Ling was terrified, the large array was several miles around, and Lu Shaoqing’s foot went down, almost erasing one-fifth of the formation.

The large array instantly lost its effect.

However, the statue also reacted, and the dark red light roared like a tsunami, and surged like countless reptiles.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing instantly ran out of the large array.

The dark red light flashed, and the formation was restored.

Yu Ling couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And Lu Shaoqing didn’t look at the formation, he stared at the statue, his eyes were like golden eyes of fire, and any slight change in the statue could not escape his eyes.

When the dark red light disappeared, a smile appeared on Lu Shaoqing’s face.

Guessed well, the energy of the statue is limited, however, this energy is too large.

Lu Shaoqing scolded, “Ma De! Ji

Yan asked, “How?”

Lu Shaoqing was a little helpless, “Give me time, I will be enough to make it break.”

“But it takes too long, and it can’t be done without a year and a half.”

“Your sword, it only takes a hundred strokes to break it, how, give you a hundred opportunities to comprehend, how?”


“Are you an idiot?” Ji Yan was not angry, and his hands were wrapped around, which meant that he did not intend to make a move, “Do you think it is eating and drinking?” ”

That sword is enough to consume his huge energy, and with his current realm, it is impossible to split the second sword in a short period of time.

Lu Shaoqing was very disappointed, skillfully despised, and complained, “You can’t do it, you are very empty these days.” ”


The Wuqiu sword radiated light.

Lu Shaoqing’s face did not change color and changed the topic, pointing at Yu Ling, “It seems that I can only go and arrest that chick and eliminate harm for the people.” ”

The statue is too strong, it is something made by someone who has surpassed the Avatar God, and it is comparable to the sixth rank, or even stronger.

With his current strength, it is impossible to destroy in a short time.

On the other hand, he can’t stay here for much longer.

“Do you have a way?”

“Yes,” Lu Shaoqing hummed and uttered his guess, “As long as it doesn’t destroy the Great Array, the statue shouldn’t react.”

Then, Lu Shaoqing shouted arrogantly to Yu Ling, “Little chick, you wait, I’ll go in and catch you now, don’t cry.”

Just as Lu Shaoqing was about to act, the great array suddenly shone brightly and turned again.

The white light gradually dissipated, and three figures appeared in the large array…

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