Ji Yan and Kan Haokong came to a million miles away from the Great Array, where the surrounding mountains and waters were beautiful, the trees were towering, the spiritual energy was abundant, and there were very few traces of humans.

The tiger howled below, and from time to time there were huge black shadows.

Each figure carries a thick breath, setting off gusts of fishy wind.

It is full of poisonous mist, tyrannical beasts, and many dangers, which is forbidden to mortals, and it is difficult for ordinary cultivators to reach here.

Even if you come here, it is food for wild beasts and fierce beasts.

However, with the arrival of Ji Yan and Kan Haokong.

There was a deathly silence.

Whether it is a ferocious beast or a poisonous insect, or a beast or a bird, they can feel the horror of Ji Yan and Kan Haokong, and they either flee or retract into their caves, not daring to come out.

Kan Haokong came here, his eyes scanned the surrounding environment like an eagle’s eye, and his divine consciousness was like a radar, sweeping the surroundings over and over again.

As the first child of the famous moving saint family, Kan Haokong’s age is more than three hundred years old.

To survive in the harsh environment of Cold Star, caution is the first priority.

After several sweeps, no ambush was found.

Kan Hao snorted, still not putting Ji Yan in his eyes, “Human boy, is this a cemetery for you to choose yourself?”

Ji Yan shook his head, this old man was too arrogant.

And also not nonsense, a sword chopped out.

The sword light is brilliant, like the sun falls.

A hundred zhang sword light, tearing the sky, heaven and earth trembled.

The blade sword turned into a huge silver dragon and roared.

This time, Kan Haokong truly felt the horror of Ji Yan’s sword.

Before the sharp sword intent arrived, it made his body feel countless pins and needles.

His face was extremely solemn, and this sword, even if he was physically strong, did not dare to directly resist.

He shouted loudly, and his body was like blowing a balloon, and he instantly became stronger.

From a distance, he looked like a giant, huge in size, and full of explosive power.

I saw him raise his fist, compared to the fist of ordinary humans, Kan Haokong’s fist was more than twice as big.

The surface of the fist was like a layer of black sand, red and shiny, as hard as steel.

It makes people think that Kan Haokong can collapse a mountain with one punch, and can shatter the earth with one punch.

Kan Haokong shouted loudly, smashed out a punch, and suddenly the sky shattered, wrapped in gusts of wind.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth was absorbed and turned into a huge fist, colliding with Ji Yan’s sword light.

Countless energies vented out, like extraterrestrial meteorites hitting the ground, causing a strong explosion.

The shock wave raged on the surface, the ground cracked, and countless cracks expanded.

Directly below the explosion, a huge crater appeared, and the surrounding towering ancient trees were torn into wood chips by the turbulence, and the square circle was razed to the ground for several miles.

In the first round, the two sides are not victorious.

However, this result for Kan Haokong is equivalent to him losing.

His strength is two small realms higher than Ji Yan, but he has a tie with Ji Yan, isn’t it a loss?


Kan Haokong let out a low roar, like an angry white-haired fierce beast, instantly disappeared in place, and went straight to Ji Yan.

He holds himself physically strong, intending to get close to Ji Yan and use his advantages to defeat Ji Yan.

However, a swift sword light streaked by.

Kan Hao’s alarm bell sounded in his heart, and he stopped instantly, and Ji Yan’s long sword almost grazed his nose.

The blade of the Wuqiu sword made Kan Haokong break out in a cold sweat.

If he is faster, this sword will definitely seriously injure him.


Kan Haokong felt tricky.

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Ji Yan was holding a divine weapon, and he didn’t dare to rashly play close to Ji Yan.

Ji Yan did not hesitate as much as Kan Haokong.

For him, no matter how tough his opponent is, what he needs is to draw the sword, the sword, and then the sword.

One sword can’t beat you, then two swords, three swords.

The other party is a demon race, and the realm strength is stronger than him, and Ji Yan did not give Kan Haokong too many opportunities to think.

Constantly attacking him.

The Xiaoyao sword technique cooperated with the blade of the Wuqiu sword, and one after another sword light turned into a silver dragon flying in the sky, attacking Kan Haokong again and again.

The silver dragon transformed by the sharp sword intent was like a true Nine Heavens Divine Dragon, suppressing the four directions.

For a while, he actually pressed Kan Hao back one after another.

Kan Haokong was shocked and angry, he never expected that he was actually pressed to this point by Ji Yan.

After a few rounds, Kan Haokong gritted his teeth and found an opportunity to hurriedly teleport away from the battlefield.

Ji Yan did not pursue, but collected his sword and stood up, looking at Kan Haokong proudly.

“Is it just such strength?”

Ji Yan’s tone was filled with disappointment, and he thought that how powerful the demon race was, it turned out to be no different from the human cultivators.

“Good, good!”

Kan Haokong laughed angrily, angry and eager to burn this world to the ground, the first time he was so despised, and he was still a human cultivator.

Although it was only a short period of suppression, it had already made him feel an unprecedented shame.

So angry that his white beard turned up, his eyes were red, and white smoke came out of his head.

For the position of the elder of the Holy Land, he did not hesitate to risk teleporting to this world, the ancestral land of the Holy Race.

He came here to turn the tide and make a great contribution.

Instead of coming here and being beaten like this.

Once his appearance was passed back to the Holy Family, he would still be a fart.

In addition, he did not put Ji Yan in his eyes for the first time he came here, and he was high, and now he was severely slapped in the face by Ji Yan.

The anger in my heart can be imagined. The burning anger had the illusion of burning him to the ground.


Kan Haokong shouted, his body size skyrocketed again, and his body was huge, “It’s my turn.” His

figure was riotous, and it was almost like teleportation, and he appeared in front of Ji Yan in a blink of an eye.

Ji Yan had already taken precautions, and the Wuqiu sword split out, but this time, Kan Haokong ignored the Wuqiu sword, and his fist collided with the Wuqiu sword.


A powerful force knocked Ji Yan away, flying tens of miles like a cannonball.

“Do you think that if you make a few moves just now, you will be invincible?”

“Can you despise me?”

“Give me death.”

Kan Haokong roared, and now it was his turn to press Ji Yan and fight.

In the face of Kan Haokong, who was fully open and extremely powerful, he did not retreat and advanced, with incomparable surprise in his eyes.

“Well, that’s what I need.”

Kan Haokong was furious, like this, he actually couldn’t kill you?

Dare to fight against me? Who do you think you are?

Weak humans, damn it.

“Eat me!”

Kan Haokong decided to amplify the move.

Ji Yan also had this idea, Wuqiu Jian raised it, “Eat me a sword!” The

sword of comprehension was used again, Kan Haokong’s face changed greatly, and his hair was shocked, as if he saw a terrifying existence, after screaming, he turned and fled.

The next moment, endless sword light swallowed him up….

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