On Lü Shaoqing’s side, in the face of Ruan Shun’s attack, he pretended to be invincible and fought and retreated.

Ruan Shun’s physical body is extremely powerful, and as a Yuan Baby, even if he does not use spells, a punch is enough to shatter a mountain.

In the gaze of Yu Ling and Qiu Long, Lu Shaoqing was chased and beaten by Ruan Shun, and the two sides fought farther and farther away until they disappeared from their sight.

However, the sword qi in the distance, the sword intent stirring, and whether Lu Shaoqing was shouting and scolding could all reflect the fierceness of the battle.

Yu Ling’s expression was solemn, and his purple gaze kept staring at the direction of the battle.

Whether it was the direction where Lu Shaoqing or Ji Yan was, she paid attention.

Unfortunately, the battle between the two sides is too far away, and it is difficult to feel it with her current strength.

The Holy Lord’s envoy, Qiu Long, is similar in age and strength to Yu Ling.

He felt Yu Ling’s nervousness, smiled hehe, and comforted, “Captain Yu Ling, there is no need to worry, with Kan Haokong’s master and apprentice making a move, the two of them are not worried.” Qiu

Long didn’t know about the horror of Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing, he, like the rest of the demon race, was full of contempt for the humans of this world, whether mortals or cultivators, thinking that they were vulnerable.

“How can human beings compare with our holy race?”

Yu Ling also had this idea at first, but after Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing’s social beating, she didn’t dare to have this idea.

Those two were terrible.

She is younger than her, but her strength is not like words.

What genius, what demon, in front of those two people can only be considered shit.

Yu Ling took a deep breath, with a bit of solemnity in his purple eyes, looked at Qiu Long, and reminded him, “Special Envoy Qiu, don’t underestimate the two of them, these two people are terrifying.”

“Didn’t the Holy Lord say that he could know what was happening here through the statue?”

“Didn’t the Holy Lord tell you about things here?”

Yu Ling secretly said in his heart, if you knew the horror of these two people, you would definitely not be so arrogant and arrogant.

Qiu Long smiled slightly, “The Holy Lord said that there have been some changes here, and experts are needed to reinforce it.

“It’s a pity that the Holy Land Elders are not ready, so they can only go and ask Kan Haokong’s master and apprentice to come and help.”

Yu Ling didn’t understand, “Why let the two of them come?” According to rumors, the two of them were connected to the rebels. The cost of teleporting once is huge, let the two of them come, not afraid of problems?

Qiu Long shook his head, he didn’t understand, but he didn’t worry, “This is the Holy Lord’s decision, besides, why do you think I followed?” Qiu

Long looked into the distance, the aura was raging, all kinds of light flashed, and the battle between the two sides was very fierce.

After looking at it for a while, Qiu Long said proudly, “The Holy Lord gave me a thing, and this thing is enough to deal with a Yuan baby.

“The Holy Lord also told me that as long as we hold out here for twenty days, the first reinforcements will arrive.”

“Twenty, ten days?” Yu Ling was shocked, “Didn’t you say that it would take ten days at the earliest?” Why…”

but as she spoke, she was silent, her face showing a bit of bitterness, “Is it because you guys suddenly teleported over this time?”

Qiu Long nodded, “Yes, the consumption required to teleport once is huge, and with the thousands of years of planning of our holy family, it is difficult to afford it.”

“Transmitting two babies requires a greater price.”

Yu Ling lowered his head in shame, “I am ineffective, I am ashamed of my trust in the Holy Lord, and I am ashamed of the Holy Family.”

She regretted in her heart, she knew that she should not have taken action against Lu Shaoqing and them at that time, and should have taken softer measures, maybe she could delay it for a while.

As a result, because of Luan Huang, the two sides were allowed to talk in the simplest and most rude way.

It also makes things uncontrollable.

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The Holy Family had to urgently send someone to help, once again delaying the arrival of reinforcements.

Qiu Taki waved his hand, not half caring, he came on behalf of the Holy Lord, which would feel good about himself.

“Rest assured, the Holy Lord did not blame you, but thought that you did a good job. Rest assured, your clan will definitely benefit greatly from this, and your clan will be able to enter the Holy Land with more places. Yu

Ling was overjoyed and excited, “The Holy Lord is gracious, and Yu Ling will definitely swear to die to repay the Holy Lord.”

At this moment, a roar came from a distance, “Abominable fellow, little master, I don’t have a threat, when I am a sick cat?”

“Watch me beat you to death.”

It was Lu Shaoqing’s voice, Lu Shaoqing seemed to have suffered a loss, and his voice revealed endless anger and resentment.


Ruan Shun’s laughter was still arrogant, “Human cultivators also dare to be arrogant in front of me, not knowing whether they are dead or alive. The

two sides gradually fought back, and hearing the conversation between the two sides, Yu Ling was overjoyed in his heart.

It sounds like that bastard is not Lord Ruan’s opponent, which is great.

No one can die here, but that bastard must die, otherwise the breath in my heart will not disappear.

Yu Ling looked at the battle in the distance with anticipation, but when the two sides appeared, there was a little disappointment in the purple eyes.

Ruan Shun did not completely gain the upper hand, and he seemed to be on a par with Lu Shaoqing.

He was deeply covered with wounds, several places where bones were visible and dripping with blood.

Lu Shaoqing was no better, his face was pale, his breath was weak, and he felt like a candle in the wind, which would be extinguished at any time.

Lu Shaoqing gasped, gritting his teeth in support, he pointed his sword at Ruan Shun, and his tone was a little weaker, “How is it going now?”

“If this continues, you and I will lose both, and it will not benefit anyone.”

Yu Ling wanted to laugh out loud, this bastard also has a day to beg for mercy?

Comfortable, comfortable.

Qiu Long shook his head, very disdainful, and looked down on Lu Shaoqing from his heart, “Humans, hehe…” They

who prided themselves on the holy race looked down on humans, and they also looked down on human cultivators.

It is believed that human monks are willing to degenerate.

Although Ruan Shun suffered a lot of injuries, his state was excited, and blood splashed on his face, making him look even more hideous.

“Human, are you begging for mercy?”

“Get on your knees and let me reward you with death.”


After speaking, he killed Lu Shaoqing again.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be invincible, and was hit by him and smashed heavily from the sky to the ground.

Lu Shaoqing, who landed, did not move for a long time.

Ruan Shun came to Lu Shaoqing, looked condescendingly at Lu Shaoqing who was lying on the ground and did not move, and was very contemptuous, “Waste!”

When he raised his hand and prepared to completely kill Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing suddenly opened his eyes.

With clear eyes and a faint mockery, Ruan Shun was startled, and before he could react, Lu Shaoqing swung out a sword, and the dark red fire reappeared.

It covered the entire earth, covering Yu Ling and Qiu Long’s line of sight and isolating their spiritual senses.

Ruan Shun’s face changed wildly at this moment…

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