Yu Ling and Qiu Long were shocked.

Yu Ling became frightened, she never thought that Lu Shaoqing would actually cheat to death.

But at this moment, she couldn’t retreat, the only thing she could do was to continue to attack.

Yu Ling’s eyes erupted with purple firmness, “Give me death!” The

iron gun burst again in the air, and the momentum increased.

Like a red dragon, it pounces on its prey with its teeth and claws.

However, the gap between the ninth layer of Jiedan and the second layer of Yuan Ying can not be bridged by willpower and courage.

I saw Lu Shaoqing glaring at her, Yu Ling first seemed to have been cast a body fixing method, standing still in place, the iron gun pointed at Lu Shaoqing, but it was always a little distance.

Then, a powerful divine consciousness struck, and the Yu Lingzhi Sea was destroyed, and the whole person was like being struck by lightning, and the blood sprayed from his mouth and flew back at a faster speed.

The spewed blood formed a blood mist in the air.

It was extremely miserable, and after falling heavily on the ground, Lu Shaoqing rolled over with a spiritual force and controlled Yu Ling.

Then he looked at Qiu Taki in the distance.

Qiu Long’s face turned pale and his body stiffened.

He also didn’t expect Lu Shaoqing to be so cunning, and he pretended to be very similar.


Qiu Long was angry and shocked in his heart, and looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “You, you…”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word, and slapped him in the air.

Qiu Long’s face was suddenly slapped on the face by an invisible slap, blood sprayed wildly, and the whole person rolled twice like a leather ball.

“Damn, damn it!”

Qiu Long was angry, his breath skyrocketed, and when he was about to get up and fight with Lu Shaoqing, Lu Shaoqing had already come to him.

His eyes were cold, and he shot at him like a god of death.


Qiu Long had no way to resist, and Lu Shaoqing unloaded one of his arms with a sword, and blood splashed.

Qiu Long covered his arm and screamed, and a sword intent entered his body along the wound, wreaking havoc.

Dantian, Zhihai, meridians, flesh and blood, and bones were all attacked and destroyed by sword intent.

Qiu Long struggled to resist, but Lu Shaoqing didn’t give him a chance.

“Snap!” , like the sound of an egg cracking.

Qiu Taki’s wailing sounded, and the huge pain made him unbearable.

The sword intent not only destroyed his dantian, but also his inner dan.

Qiu Taki was desperate, the dantian was destroyed, and the inner dan was shattered.

The double blow of body and spirit made him like a desperate beast, wailing in misery and despair.

Lu Shaoqing looked at him coldly, without any expression on his face.

Cold, cruel, desperate.

Guan Daniu, who was secretly hiding in the distance, saw this scene, his body trembled, and he peed.

It’s terrible.

This person is terrible.

After he left Lu Shaoqing and ran, he secretly ran back.

He has a magic weapon on him that can cover his breath.

There was big news here, and he didn’t want to miss it.

However, he secretly ran back and saw such a terrifying scene.

Sure enough, the most terrible person.

Guan Daniu’s heart beat violently, and he wanted to cry a little.

This bastard has been pretending before, but the funny thing is that he actually wants to take advantage of the fire and rob.

Himself is looking for death.

Guan Daniu looked at Lu Shaoqing like a god, and once again unloaded Qiu Long’s other arm.

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His scalp was numb, and he secretly decided in his heart, forget it, wait or sneak away.

Run as far as you get from that guy, it’s terrible.

Lu Shaoqing was condescending, looking coldly at Qiu Long, who was kneeling on the ground and wailing, his tone was as cold as nine days of ice, “Tell me, where is my senior brother?” ”

Day by day, the net is not worrying, it is annoying.

“Ha, haha…” Qiu

Taki was in pain, but when he heard this question, he still couldn’t help but laugh, but it looked like he was crying and laughing.

He was a saintly family, the envoy of the Holy Lord, even those great clans in the Holy Family, who had to be respectful and polite when they saw him.

Now it has become such a look, which makes him hate the sky.

“Weak human, you want to find your senior brother?”

“Maybe he has been strangled into slag by the turbulence of space, haha…” Lu

Shaoqing frowned, and without saying a word, Mo Jun’s sword slashed through.

Qiu Taki’s head flew high, and his face was stunned.

He never expected that Lu Shaoqing would be so resolute and kill when he said kill.

Lu Shaoqing did not intend to leave Qiu Long’s life, from the moment he took out the God Shifting Bag, he had already been on Lu Shaoqing’s must-kill list.

Still thinking about being tough? Then kill it.

Qiu Long’s soul was extinguished, and then the raging sword light strangled Qiu Long’s body into slag in the sky, and then another fire, completely turned into ashes.

It has achieved the real fragmentation of corpses, and the destruction of corpses has been destroyed.

The tube cow in the distance almost peed again, it was terrible.

Killing people does not count, but also destroys corpses and traces, crushes bones and ashes, what hatred and resentment.

Isn’t it sending your senior brother somewhere? He didn’t die again, besides, he didn’t kill your wife, as for this?

After dealing with Qiu Long, Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on Yu Ling, who was not far away.

Yu Ling’s body couldn’t move, and she watched Lu Shaoqing destroy Qiu Long’s corpse and crush her bones.

There is no trace of Qiu Taki in this world.

Yu Ling’s scalp was numb and terrified.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing walking over, her heart was plopping and pounding, and her heart seemed to be popping out of her throat.

“You, you…”

Lu Shaoqing summoned the ship out, took Yu Ling to board the spaceship, and at the same time snorted coldly in the direction where Guan Daniu was, “Fatty, come here!”

Guan Daniu was startled, and hurriedly retracted his fat body, hiding in a pothole, and shouted in his heart.

No, no, that bastard won’t really find me, right?

I hid so well that I couldn’t be discovered.

Fourth-grade magic weapon, how could he find it?

Steady, steady, absolutely not able to be deceived by him.

Guan Daniu couldn’t believe that Lu Shaoqing would find him, shrink his chubby body into a ball, suppress his breath, and kill him and didn’t plan to go out.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came again, “You still want to hide, right?” ”

Come out!”

Guan Da Niu was unmoved, hmph, do you think I would be so stupid?

This kind of bluffing method, my fat master has not seen a thousand times, but also a hundred.

Calm, calm, that bastard will definitely not find me.



A bird chirped, a touch of red fell in front of the fat man, and a small red bird tilted its head to look at him.

The big cow was stiff, this bird he had seen.

It’s that bastard’s pet!

Sure enough, he was discovered.

Guan Da Niu wants to cry without tears, he hides so well, hides so far, how can he be discovered?

Miserable, this is miserable….

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