“Congratulations Gongzi, He Xi Gongzi,” Guan Daniu came to the spaceship, without saying a word, he showed a smile and congratulated one after another.

“Congratulations to Gongzi for defeating the Demon Race and saving the Terran race from fire and water, Gongzi is wise and martial, and there is no strategy, our Terran has the existence of Gongzi, it is really the blessing of our Terran race, the luck of the Terran race.”

“Gongzi is mighty, long live Gongzi…” Regardless

of three seven twenty-one, Guan Da Niu passed a rainbow fart over, and the horse’s fart slapped the sky.

No way, what he did before made him regret it a lot, who could have guessed that this bastard was pretending to be injured and deceiving people?

However, Guan Daniu was also a little lucky, glad that he didn’t faint at that time and didn’t have killing intent on Lu Shaoqing, otherwise he would have become a corpse long ago.

Lu Shaoqing sat on the bow of the boat, condescending, and looked at Guan Daniu coldly.

This dead fat man, don’t take you a meal, really think I’m a good man and a woman?

Lu Shaoqing cursed, “Are you very happy? Guan

Daniu shook his head, but quickly nodded again.

I’m going to cry now.

“Happy or unhappy?”

Guan Daniu tentatively asked, “What if I am happy?” What about being unhappy?

“If you are happy, I am not happy, and if you are not happy, I am even more unhappy.”

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes radiated a dangerous gaze, and he honestly told Guan Daniu, “In short, I am not happy if I don’t clean you up.”

Guan Daniu cried, and plopped down in front of Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, I, I was just joking with you Gongzi before.”

“Just kidding? You’re going to rob me of spirit stones, is this still a joke?

Lu Shaoqing’s face became a little more murderous, “The one who robbed my spirit stone, die!” ”

The murderous aura roared like a cold wind, almost freezing Guan Da Niu’s soul.

Guan Da Niu snorted, and his heart was even more frightened.

This bastard, just in front of him, crushed a demon to ashes, it was too terrifying.

Without saying a word, Guan Da Niu immediately took out another hundred thousand spirit stones from the storage ring.

The spirit stone once again covered the deck, almost suffocating Yu Ling lying on the deck.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, a hundred thousand spirit stones disappeared, but his face was still full of killing intent, “I told you, just give 100,000 spirit stones before.”

“Now…” ”

, insatiable, insatiable.”

Guan Da Niu is distressed.

He has spirit stones, but he can’t forbid such flowers.

He raised his head, but at Shanglu Shaoqing’s gaze, Guan Daniu’s heart jumped, and he lowered his eyebrows and said smoothly, “Gongzi, I, I don’t have it now.”

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Yu Lingdao, “I’m going to ask her a little bit about the Demon Race later, don’t you want to hear it?” ”

Give me another 200,000 spirit stones, and I won’t drive you off the ship.”

Guan Daniu’s eyes lit up, and without thinking much, he immediately agreed.

As a genius, intelligence is the most valuable.

Maybe he can get some particularly useful information, and when the time comes, sell it or hand it over to the sect, and the spirit stone will not come in a uproar?

“But I don’t have enough spirit stones now, how about you give it to Gongzi when the time comes?”

Lu Shaoqing said lightly, “Swear with your Dao heart, when the time comes, when you arrive in Chaocheng, give it to me within ten days.” Guan

Daniu cursed in his heart, but finally had to agree.

After all, small lives and intelligence are worth a lot.

After seeing Guan Daniu swearing, Lu Shaoqing immediately changed his smile, “Fat brother, what are you kneeling for?” Hurry up, such a big gift, you can’t make it. Guan

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Daniu scolded Lu Shaoqing again in his heart, this bastard belongs to a dog, and if he says to change his face, he will change his face.

If you have a spirit stone, you are a fat brother, and if you have no spirit stone, you are a dead fat man, what a reality.

“Huh, your pants seem to be wet?” Lu Shaoqing cared again, “Be careful, it’s cold, don’t freeze.” ”


Guan Daniu was crazy in his heart, gritting his teeth and saying, “No, you read it wrong…”

Lu Shaoqing laughed twice, and then his gaze fell on Yu Ling, who was imprisoned.

Sensing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Yu Ling’s body stiffened.

Lu Shaoqing was even more demonic than the demon race in her heart.

None of the demon races are necessarily as cold as Lu Shaoqing.

How high is Qiu Taki’s status? What about representing the presence of the Holy Lord?

When you say cut off your hands, you cut off your hands, if you say you behead, you will behead, and in the end, you will break your bones and ashes, and you will not be able to die again.

Ruthless and decisive, it made Yu Ling feel that Lu Shaoqing was more like their Saint Clan.

And what frightened her the most was Lu Shaoqing’s calculation.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing come to him, Yu Ling gritted his teeth and also looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily.

But that’s just the surface.

Even the vanguard captain of the Saint Family, facing Lu Shaoqing, Yu Ling couldn’t help but feel stunned in his heart.

She would rather fight a powerful enemy than face a terrifying person like Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but sat down cross-legged and looked at Yu Ling.

In fact, there is no difference between demons and humans, the same root and origin, the only difference may be their body skin.

The demon has darker skin and a much burly body.

Even if Yu Ling was a woman, she looked a little thicker and taller than Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Yu Ling curiously and did not speak for a long time, giving Yu Ling a strong psychological pressure.

This person in front of her is a murderous person without blinking, maybe the next moment he will draw his sword and cut her.

Of course, if he hacked her to death directly, Yu Ling felt better than like now.

Yu Ling was carrying great pressure and said coldly, “What are you going to do?”

“If you want to kill or kill, do it, less grinding here, don’t let me look down on you.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “What am I killing you for?”

Then he stretched out his hand and wanted to take off Yu Ling’s helmet, “Doesn’t it look uncomfortable wearing this thing?”

“Here, I’ll take it off for you.”

Yu Ling wore a mask on her head, covering her mask, revealing only a pair of purple eyes and sexy red lips.

It’s a reverie.

Of course, Lu Shaoqing didn’t care if Yu Ling was beautiful or not, he needed to be honest.

Take off the mask and see Yu Ling’s appearance clearly, revealing her true face.

At that time, interrogating intelligence can better observe Yu Ling’s expression to see if he is telling a lie.

However, Yu Ling screamed, looking angry and panicked, “You, what are you going to do?”

She hurriedly dodged backwards, and now her spiritual power was imprisoned, just like a mortal, how to break free and dodge.

Lu Shaoqing pressed her head, easily took off the helmet, and muttered, “Isn’t it stuffy to wear a helmet?”

“Besides, wearing a helmet and not showing your true face is not polite at all.”

As the helmet was taken off, a beautiful face appeared in front of Lu Shaoqing…

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