The eyes in his eyes turned into a gossip array, a rotating gossip array, and the indifferent breath was pervasive, Lu Shaoqing was like a god, without sorrow or joy.

Lu Shaoqing’s breath also became hot at this moment, climbing step by step.

The surrounding aura was continuously absorbed by him, and the roaring aura once again formed a storm of aura.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to have turned into a black hole, frantically devouring the aura.

The breath is pervasive, and the coercion is spreading.

I don’t know how long it took, Lu Shaoqing’s aura gradually calmed down, and the surrounding area returned to calm.


Lu Shaoqing exhaled a long breath, and his voice echoed in the room.

Feeling the results of his cultivation, Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied.

He stretched out his hand, and the Mo Jun sword fell into his hand, and a more intimate, real emotion came over.

The spirituality of the Mojun Sword went one step further.

Lu Shaoqing flicked it, “You also practiced with it?”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, shouldn’t this sword be born soon with a sword spirit?

However, the stronger Mo Jun sword will only be a good thing for him, not a bad thing.

As for whether it would seem strange, Lu Shaoqing had already seen it strangely.

His own painting style has gone astray, and it is normal for Mo Junjian to follow suit.

Lu Shaoqing guessed that it was because he forged the Mo Jun Sword with the help of that black lightning and monster materials, so that the painting style of the Mo Jun Sword also went astray.

Just go off track, just get stronger.

After inspecting the Mojun Sword, Lu Shaoqing put it away and his expression became serious.

He stretched out his right hand, and a miniature version of the divine bird appeared in his palm.

A sword intent filled the room.

It was completely different from Lu Shaoqing’s previous violent and fiery sword intent.

The divine bird is somewhat similar to Little Red, but the feathers have turned white, lifelike, and the eyes are spiritual, like a real divine bird.

It stood in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, its head held high, revealing a sense of pride.

Lu Shaoqing’s heart moved, the divine bird flapped its wings, the red feathers turned black in an instant, and his eyes were red, giving people a strange, evil feeling.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the black divine bird transformed by the black sword intent, and his face was strange.

Even the sword intent followed the rebellion?

“I don’t know if it’s the third realm, alas, forget it, so be it.”

“When the time comes, see the guy of senior brother and see if I can give him a surprise.”

“Well, black and white, let’s call it black and white sword intent in the future.”

Lu Shaoqing was also not sure whether he had comprehended the third level of sword intent, and said that his own painting style continued to go off.

Comprehend the black and white sword intent in the night and light, but this is not simply black and white.

“Black and white, representing positive and negative, advantages and disadvantages, strengths and weaknesses,” Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were a little excited, “Against the enemy, the positive can’t be beaten, then the opposite, the opposite can’t be beaten, then the right one, there is always a suitable one…”

After feeling it carefully, Lu Shaoqing was more satisfied, it should be the third realm. Send and receive freely, just like yourself, like an arm…

Comprehended the sword intent, and his strength went further.

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But what surprised Lu Shaoqing even more was that while comprehending the sword intent, his realm also broke through.

The three-layer realm of the Yuan Baby.

Feeling his strength improved, Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, and his tone was full of emotion, “It’s not easy, it’s exhausting, and it’s too far behind genius.”

Lu Shaoqing did not get carried away by this, and his perverted senior brother also comprehended a terrifying sword.

That sword split out, even in the late Yuan Infant period, you have to deal with it carefully, and it is not surprising that you are accidentally chopped to death.

Genius is genius, not everyone can compare.

“Can’t compare, can’t compare…”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, if he didn’t have a ring that could exchange spirit stones for time, he wouldn’t be able to catch up with Ji Yan at all.

After he was able to comprehend the third sword intent, he was also able to break through to the third layer of the Yuan Infant.

Lu Shaoqing was satisfied.

As for the rest, he plans to rest for a few days.

As for wanting to comprehend a sword similar to Ji Yan, Lu Shaoqing didn’t even think about it.

His kendo talent is not as good as Ji Yan, and what Ji Yan can comprehend does not mean that he can comprehend it.

He was already satisfied that he was able to comprehend the third realm of sword intent.

That sword, he didn’t dare to think.

He saw himself very clearly, there were some things that he could catch up with, and even surpass Ji Yan, but there were some things that he could not do even ten thousand times harder.

“Let it be, be with geniuses, and the most important thing is to keep a normal mind.”

“Without a normal mind, sooner or later it will collapse.”

Lu Shaoqing understood this earlier than anyone else.

After realizing it, Lu Shaoqing came to the jade table, he planned to see how much time it took this time.

On the jade table, the token placed next to the spirit tablet has changed more.

After fusing the two items that Lu Shaoqing found in Dongzhou, the wide end did not change much, the narrow end became wider, and the length and thickness also increased.

After staring at it for a while, Lu Shaoqing muttered, “There is no hint this time, and it is more and more like a coffin, shouldn’t it be the coffin of the little brother of the dead ghost?”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but ask a Ling Pai, but the Ling Pai did not respond to this question.

Then some information appeared on the surface of the jade table.

After reading it, Lu Shaoqing was surprised and felt a little unreal, “What? A hundred years have already been spent? How do I feel it’s only been a few years?

Then he showed a distressed look and taught the spirit card, “Little brother, if you don’t give strength, say a hundred years, is it really a hundred years?” ”

Is it okay to give it a little force? Do you think spirit stones are easy to earn?

Lingpai didn’t bother to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing, and with a flash of white light, Lu Shaoqing was kicked out, and it seemed that he didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to stay in it for a moment.

Lu Shaoqing cursed outside, “Ma De, do you still have the consciousness of being a little brother?” ”

It’s really getting too much, now it’s all learning to kick people.

In the Time House, the figure on the spirit card appeared again, and with her appearance, the huge spiritual power hidden here was absorbed by her.

If Lu Shaoqing was here, he would definitely lose the spirit card.

In a hundred years, Lu Shaoqing’s full calculation actually only took about eleven years.

The rest of nature was all embezzled.

After absorbing the huge spiritual power, the woman’s figure became a little real again, and at the same time, her eyes revealed a light, a light full of hope…

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