After Yu Ling fled from Lu Shaoqing, she returned to the Great Array, but she did not hide inside the Great Array, but healed her injuries nearby.

Lu Shaoqing had no mercy for her, and her huge divine consciousness destroyed her, causing her to be seriously injured.

Time passed day by day, and soon, twenty days passed in a blink of an eye.

Her injuries improved a lot, and she quietly returned to the Great Array.

Human cultivators have appeared sporadically here, and when humans appear, Yu Ling does not dare to easily enter the large array.

She can only be careful outside, and if anyone dares to make a move against the big array, she will stop it again.

What made Yu Ling feel at ease was that most of the people who appeared here were scattered cultivators.

They came here just to watch from afar, not daring to get too close.

Soon, time slowly passed, and the large array here, the statue emitted light, the large array moved, and the white light rose again.

The intense white light is like the strong sunlight, so that everyone can’t help but close their eyes.

After the white light disappeared, a team of 100 people appeared in the large array.

They are burly, each of them is more than two meters tall, like giants, wearing black iron helmets and black armor, like the elite of a hundred battles, majestic and murderous.

The facial features of the same as humans have a solemn expression, exuding a strong aura, and the killing intent is pervasive.

The murderous aura exuded by each person seemed to materialize, and hundreds of people gathered together, and the powerful aura rushed straight into the sky, and the wind and clouds changed.

The sun in the sky seemed to dim because of their appearance.

The onlooker human cultivators saw the team of a hundred people who suddenly appeared, felt their powerful aura, and all their faces turned pale.

The human cultivator’s scalp was numb, and his heart unconsciously gave birth to fear, which was too strong.

“This, is this the Demon Clan?”

“Too, it’s terrifying.”

“Flee, run away, don’t stay here, stay here is waiting for death…” The

team of 100 people, the weakest is the Jiedan period, such a terrifying strength, enough to destroy a medium sect.

The seven people at the head have a vague breath, and their strength will only become stronger.

Among the seven people, an old man at the head glanced around coldly and showed a disdainful smile, “Weak human beings, foolishness.

Then he waved his hand, his voice like a cold wind, and ordered grimly, “Kill.”

As his words fell, the temperature around him plummeted.

Immediately black shadows burst out of the team, and huge bodies, with fierce killing intent, rushed straight at the surrounding human cultivators like Mount Tai.

“Flee, run away

…” “Brothers, fight with

them, the demon race, kill them…” Some human cultivators panicked and fled, not daring to face the demon race.

Some are arrogant and scrappy, and want to try the ability of the demon race.

“Hmph, the dog who lost his family still dares to come back? Look how I defeat you demons, uncle. ”

A human Jiedan cultivator rushed towards the sky, not retreating, and rushing towards the incoming demon race.

The speed of the demons who rushed towards him did not decrease, like a cannonball colliding with him head-on.

Just a face, the human Jiedan monk screamed.

In the eyes of mortals, the body like steel is now like porcelain in front of the demon race, and it is smashed to pieces.

Blood and flesh flew everywhere, blood splattered in the air.

In one round, the powerful Friar Jiedan was killed on the spot.

Such a scene frightened more human cultivators.

Some people originally thought that there would be such a demon race for a while, but when they saw such a situation, they were also scared and turned around and fled.

Although the body of the demon race is huge, its speed is not weak.

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Soon, many human cultivators who were watching here were slaughtered, and except for a few who were able to escape, all of them died at the hands of the demon race.


For such a result, many demon races did not have any surprises, and the man at the head sneered.

“Thousands of years later, human beings are still so vulnerable.”

“Hmph, our demon clan has been plotting for thousands of years, it’s time to return to the ancestral land.”

Yu Ling, who was hidden in the distance, was pleasantly surprised to see his people coming.

She appeared from a distance, and before she could speak, another man saw Yu Ling.

Coldly snorted, “Traitors of the Holy Family, still dare to come out?

Then he pointed at Yu Ling and ordered, “Kill her.” Immediately

, two black-armored demons rushed towards Yu Ling.

With a strong killing intent, they killed Yu Ling like deadly hunters in the night.

When Yu Ling heard the man’s words, it was like a plate of cold water poured over her head in winter, and her body was cold, like falling into an ice cave.

Traitors of the Holy Family?

When did she become a traitor to the Holy Family?

I shed my blood for the Holy Family, and I almost lost my life.

You actually call me a traitor to the Holy Family?

Yu Ling’s heart was panicked, she didn’t understand, she shouted loudly, “For, why?”

The man shouted, “You killed the son of the Holy Lord, and you dare to say why?”

“Yu Ling, you are so daring.”

Yu Ling looked at this man, and her heart was even colder.

This person was Luan Huang’s uncle, Yan Ba, and his words made Yu Ling understand why.

The traitor is fake, and Yan Ba blames Luan Huang’s death on Yu Ling and wants to avenge Luan Huang.

I don’t know if this is the meaning of the Holy Lord or Yanba.

Yu Ling shouted at the leader, “Chief Guard, I’m not a traitor. The

man known as the chief guard closed his eyes and turned a deaf ear, acquiescing to Uncle Luan’s actions.

Yu Ling looked at the other people, the same silence, his eyes were cold, no one stopped him, and some even showed cruel smiles.

Yu Ling’s heart became even colder.

She had affirmed that this was what the Holy Lord meant.

Yu Ling was desperate at this moment.

The Holy Lord died for her, what else could she do?

Yu Ling had already given up resistance, and at this time Yan Ba smiled viciously, “Go down obediently to accompany the Yu clan.”

Yu Ling was shocked, and a terrible thought appeared in her heart.

She began to panic in her heart, “Yu clan, what’s wrong with the Yu clan? ”

There is no need for the tribe out of traitors to exist.”

Yan Ba’s words made Yu Ling seem to see the miserable situation of the Yu clan, hear the wailing and screams of the Yu clan, and the cute appearance of his sister.

“No, it can’t be!”

Yu Ling roared, completely unable to believe that this was true, she was desperately in front, and the people of the Holy Race were stabbing in the back.

Yu Ling was consumed by anger, and facing the demon race that rushed to kill, she roared, “Give me death!” After

a few rounds, Yu Ling disappeared here with serious injuries.

Yan Ba wanted to catch up, and the man at the head snorted coldly, “Don’t delay the big thing.” Seeing

this, Yan Ba could only give up, but he still sent his own people to chase and kill Yu Ling, “You can’t let her go…”

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