Shao Cheng looked at it from afar, a gray-shirted old man in the sky, his powerful aura shook endlessly, like a space storm, and the surrounding air rippled.

With a sense of anger, he glared angrily at the several cultivators in front of him.

In front of him were just a few Jiedan monks, and in front of the terrifying aura of the old man, several people were terrified, trembling, and unable to speak.

“It’s the head of the Yuding faction, Yongyi.”

“Obedient, this is the power of the nine-layer realm in the late Yuan Infant stage, why is he here?”

“Hehe, the people of the Tiangong Gate kicked the iron plate. The Yuding Sect is a sect that possesses the existence of the Avatar God.

“There is a good show to watch, see what to do with the dogs of the Tiangong Gate…” Shao

Cheng’s divine sense swept over, listening to the discussions of the people around him.

It turned out that after the demon race appeared here, the reaction of the Tiangong Gate was so-so, and it didn’t even take it seriously.

After the people of the demon race teleported here, they began to build a defensive front centered on the teleportation array.

It is intended to use this as a base and begin to gradually encroach.

After the Demon Race’s fortifications were built for the most part, the talents of the Tiangong Gate were belated.

Then, bump your head and break the blood flow.

The demon race built fortifications, and the defense line based on formation and prohibition caused heavy losses to the Tiangong Gate.

According to the grapevine, the Heavenly Palace Gate has already fallen at least twenty Jiedan and hundreds of foundation building cultivators.

Such a loss was enough to make the head of the Tiangong Gate hide and cry for a few days.

Later, the Tiangong Gate learned to be smart, let the sects below or other forces charge, and the people of the Tiangong Gate tried to fight as little as possible.

But he still hit his head and bleed, and suffered heavy losses.

Finally, the Tiangong Gate set its eyes on the scattered cultivators who were watching the melons around him.

The scattered cultivation forces are uneven, but there are many of them, they can’t defeat the demon race, but they can consume the demon race.

For the Tiangong Gate, is there any better cannon fodder than these?

Therefore, the Tiangong Gate began to arrest Zhuang Ding and forced the scattered cultivators to participate.

Under the banner of fighting the demon race, the Tiangong Gate occupied the great righteousness, and the scattered cultivators had no way to resist, and many people were forced to participate in the fight against the demon race.

In the face of the powerful demon race, the casualties of the scattered cultivators were also extremely heavy.

After Shao Cheng understood, his eyes swept around and found that this place had been surrounded, fierce and murderous, and he was no longer allowed to leave.

This is troublesome.

Shao Cheng’s brows couldn’t help but furrow.

Against the demon race, he is not afraid, even if his strength cannot be defeated, he can protect himself.

However, his own little apprentice can’t.

Only in the six-layer realm of the foundation, she is smaller than a sheep in front of the demon race.

In other words, the little apprentice is not even a passing cannon fodder in the face of the demon race.

You’ll have to figure it out.

Shao Cheng looked at Yongyi in the distance, his eyes flashing.

Xiao Yi came over curiously and asked Shao Cheng, “Master, what’s wrong?”

Shao Cheng roughly said the matter, Xiao Yi listened, and was filled with righteous indignation, “The Tiangong Gate is so domineering, it’s the same as Gui Yuan Pavilion.”

Shao Cheng said, “This is a place for people, and this kind of thing is better to say less.”

“Master, what do we do now?” After analyzing the situation in front of him, Xiao Yi’s face showed a little worry, and he asked Shao Cheng, “Master, shouldn’t you go?” ”

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Although I am curious about the demon race, the horror of the demon race has always had a legend.

Xiao Yi didn’t want his master to deal with the Demon Clan.

This is the place of the Heavenly Palace Gate, and the demon race has appeared, and they have the responsibility to destroy it.

It wasn’t Shao Cheng’s turn to come here to help.

Shao Cheng shook his head, pointed into the distance, and said, “I’m afraid it’s a little difficult.”

In the distance, a Yuan Infant appeared and said loudly in public, “The Demon Race is the enemy of the Terran Race, we are all cultivators of the Terran Race, do you want to stand idly by here and let the Demon Race poison the creatures?”

“If so, what kind of Terran cultivators are we?”

“Are you worthy of your original intention of cultivation?”

This Yuan Ying of the Heavenly Palace Gate first threw out a big hat, and then said to Yong Yi, “The great name of the Yuding Sect is thunderous, and the head of the Yuding Sect is even more famous and powerful.

“Now that the Demon Race has appeared, Yong Yi is in charge, are you sure you want to sit idly by and let the Demon Race slaughter our Terran cultivators?”

Yong Yi’s face was a little ugly.

This big hat was thrown over, and he couldn’t help but take it.


Yong Yi glanced down at the apprentice in the distance.

Last time something like that happened, it put his apprentice under great pressure.

I was sullen all day, my soul was not guarded, and even my cultivation became lazy.

In order to let the apprentice untie his heart, he decided to bring the apprentice here to relax.

I heard that there was a demon race here, so I planned to come here to take a look.

Unexpectedly, when I first came here, I was actually asked by the people of the Tiangong Gate to help deal with the demon race.

Just kidding, he came here just to watch the play, and he didn’t plan to make a move.

What appeared was only a small-scale demon race, and no matter how powerful the strength was, it should not be his turn to make a move.

He is from Dongzhou, what does the matter here in Yanzhou have to do with him?

However, the Yuan Infant of the Tiangong Gate is very cunning.

Standing on the side of the Terran righteousness, put a hat on him.

This big hat, he didn’t want to wear it, but he couldn’t help it.

If you don’t wear it, his name stinks, and the name of the Yuding faction stinks.

It doesn’t matter if he comes to deal with the demon race, but his apprentice can’t.

The horror of the demon race is recorded in the books, and he does not want to risk his apprentice.

Just as Yong was in trouble, a hearty voice sounded.

“Haha, Brother Dao is right, as a Terran cultivator, how can you sit idly by and watch the Demon Race wreak havoc?”

Shao Cheng came out, and he handed over his hand to Yongyu and the Yuan Ying cultivator of the Tiangong Gate, “Two Dao brothers! My apprentice and I passed by here, heard about the demon race’s ravage, and decided to do our part. ”

When the cultivators of the Heavenly Palace Gate heard this, there were such fools?

The cultivator of the Tiangong Gate was overjoyed, and he couldn’t ask for it, this was regarded as giving himself a step, and it was also to further coerce Yongyi, he laughed and said, “Welcome, welcome, Brother Dao is willing to contribute, it is a great fortune for our human race.”

Shao Cheng’s smile remained unchanged, but it had a little more cunning aura, “I have an apprentice with low strength and cannot fight the demon race. ”

Those who can cultivate to the Yuan Infant realm are all human essences, and as soon as this sentence came out, everyone understood the meaning of Shao Cheng.

Shao Cheng made a conditional move, on the premise that the apprentice left here.

Yongyu also saw the situation clearly, and he said coldly, “I can stay here to help, but my apprentice also has to leave here…”

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