On the spaceship, Shao Cheng went and returned, his expression solemn.

He told Xiao Yi about his decision.

As soon as Xiao Yi heard this, his eyes immediately turned red and he became worried.


Master was actually going to fight the Demon Clan.

The horror of the demon race has been circulating for a long time.

What three big and five thick, blood basin big mouth, a small child and so on.

Just listening to it is scary enough.

Now Master actually wants to fight with such a terrifying demon race, it is too dangerous.

“Master, can you not go?” Xiao Yi was already about to cry.

Shao Cheng patted Xiao Yi’s head and said with a kind smile, “Don’t worry, the demon race is just that, didn’t you see that Master I split three with one sword?”

“The demon race, in fact, is also a human being, there is nothing to fear.”

If he could, Shao Cheng certainly didn’t want to fight against the Demon Clan.

However, if he does not show up, they will not be able to leave here at all.

The Lingxiao faction is one of the three major sects in Qi Prefecture and is powerful.

However, the influence of the Lingxiao faction could not spread here, and the Tiangong Gate would not give him face.

Falling out with the Tiangong Gate here will only put your group in danger.

It’s better to save the country with a curve and let the apprentice leave here safely.

Yu Ling stood at the door of the boat, looking at Shao Cheng kindly, like a father instructing Xiao Yi.

She knew why Shao Cheng wanted to stay, mainly for Xiao Yi’s safety, she couldn’t help but sigh in her heart, and at the same time she was a little envious.

The relationship between master and apprentice is so good.

Shao Cheng took out a disc-like thing and handed it to Xiao Yi, “Take it, follow it, and you can find your senior brother.”

Xiao Yi’s curiosity overshadowed her sadness, and she widened her eyes and took it.

Put it in your hand and take a closer look.

A disc about the size of her two palms, like Si Nan, had a pointer suspended on it, constantly spinning and shaking.

“Master, what is this?”

Shao Cheng smiled slightly, “A gadget I made can roughly point to the location of your senior brother.”

Xiao Yi was shocked and admired incomparably.

I go, Master is awesome, Master is mighty.

No wonder I was able to easily find the senior brother and the second senior brother before, it turned out that they had this thing.

Master is really not a mascot.

“But, Master, I, how can I find you then?”

Shao Cheng smiled, “Don’t worry, there is more than one thing on Master.” ”


Asked an idiot question.

Xiao Yi put the compass away and asked again, “Master, can’t we go together?”

Shao Cheng shook his head, and before he could speak, a thick, thick and unpleasant voice sounded, “Little girl, if you can go, your master would have taken you away a long time ago.”

Xiao Yi looked up, and an old man came to their spaceship with two pill-headed girls.

Yong Yi said to Shao Cheng, “Brother Shao, let my apprentice go with your apprentice, take care of each other, and avoid the reverence behind the back of those villains.” Yong

Yi had anger on his face, and he was very disdainful of what the Tiangong Gate had done, blowing his white flower beard, and said breathlessly, “If it weren’t for the fear of the god behind the Tiangong Gate, I would have already shot and killed these turtles.”

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Shao Cheng shook his head, and also disdained the practice of the Tiangong Gate, “As a gate faction, the number of demon clans is small, but they want to preserve their strength, and they have no sense of responsibility. ”

Because of their own mistakes, the Lingxiao faction took the initiative to shoulder its responsibilities and silently sacrificed for thousands of years.

The number of demon races that appeared at the moment was not large, and the strength of the Heavenly Palace Gate was enough to eliminate them.

However, the Tiangong Gate found that the demon race was difficult to gnaw, and it would take a great price to eliminate them all.

So he retracted his head and preserved his strength.

Even if he adopts this kind of angry and resentful approach, he would rather be pointed at the spine and scolded by others than lose strength.

Shao Cheng felt that the Tiangong Gate did not have the qualifications to carry shoes for Lingxiao Pai.

Meng Xiao, who had a ball head, had a bulging face, and he could feel her anger from his breath.

“Master, let’s go, don’t give them coolies here.”

“There are Avatar Gods in the Tiangong Gate, and our Yuding Sect also has Avatar Gods, so we are not afraid of them.”

Who doesn’t have one or two?

Yong Yi shook his head and said to Meng Xiao, “You leave with Brother Dao’s apprentice, go to Chaocheng and wait for me first.” ”

That incident before damaged the reputation of the sect, so I’m here to make up for it.”

When Meng Xiao heard this, his expression darkened, “Master, it’s me who caused you trouble.”

“It’s okay, you guys go, don’t stay, don’t look back, don’t give the Tiangong Gate a chance to deal with you.”

Finally, Meng Xiao left here on Xiao Yi’s spaceship.

Xiao Yi and Meng Xiao stood at the stern of the boat, watching their master’s figure gradually shrink until he disappeared.


“Damn it!”

Xiao Yi and Meng Xiao scolded in unison, and then the two looked at each other and saw the sympathy in each other’s eyes.

“My name is Meng Xiao, Senior Sister of the Yuding Sect.”

“My name is Xiao Yi, well, the sect is kept secret for the time being.”

The two introduced themselves, looked at each other and smiled, and the strangeness between the two suddenly disappeared.

Both felt like they were old friends they hadn’t seen in years.


Meng Xiao…” Meng Xiao immediately interrupted Xiao Yi’s words, “I’m not a sister, I’m a sister, and you’re a sister.” ”

Just kidding, she is a master sister in the sect, and when she comes out, how can she be a sister?

“You’re a sister? How old are you? Xiao Yi didn’t believe that Meng Xiao’s height was not as good as her.

With the addition of two ball heads, it was barely the same height as her.

The chest is also flatter than mine, and it is not fully developed at first glance. What is not a sister?

“I’m twenty-two,” Meng Xiao straightened his chest, “How old are you?” ”

I’m eighteen,” Xiao Yi still couldn’t believe that Meng Xiao was older than her, “You are shorter than me, you are a sister, how?”

Meng Xiao resolutely disagreed, according to the height to determine the generation, she is the youngest junior sister in the Yuding Sect, she huffed, “No, I am a sister, you should be a sister, otherwise I will beat you.” ”

Anything else can be allowed, but this one must not be allowed.

I hate looking at people by their height the most.

The boat of friendship is about to capsize.

Xiao Yi broke through the sixth layer of the foundation not long ago, and his self-confidence was exploding.

“Do you want to decide who is a sister or sister by strength? Okay, how is your strength?

Meng Xiao immediately revealed his realm strength, crossed his waist and said proudly, “Not long ago, I arrived at the eighth layer of Jiedan. ”

Sister!” Xiao Yi didn’t say a word, and immediately opened her mouth sweetly, quite like her second senior brother’s demeanor…

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