
Guan Daniu got up and didn’t believe Xiao Yi’s words.

You chick is not bad, well-behaved and polite, and kind-hearted.

How could it be that bastard’s junior sister?

That bastard knew at a glance what kind of shady sect he came from.

Xiao Yi was very sure, “It’s my senior brother, if you don’t believe it, just go in with me.” Guan

Da Niu hesitated, he was afraid that he would be cleaned up again when he went in.

He pointed to Meng Xiao, who looked like a female tiger next to him, “She is also a junior sister?”

Meng Xiao was not happy again, and angrily rebuked Guan Da Niu’s gaze, “What eyes do you have?” Am I like a junior sister? I am the master sister of the Yuding Sect. ”

Yuding Sect?

Guan Daniu was shocked, this place is close to Dongzhou, and as a heavenly machine, he has naturally heard of the Yuding Sect.

Could it be that that bastard is from the Yuding faction?

“Are you from the Yuding faction?”

Xiao Yi shook his head and didn’t say more.

The gossip soul in Guan Daniu’s heart suddenly awakened.

As a genius, he keenly smelled the news.

Originally, I was hesitant to enter or not, but now I am determined that I must enter.

If a big news slips out of his hands, he will have the heart of the big bull from the palace.

So, without saying a word, Guan Daniu opened the door and said to Xiao Yi, “Please inside, see if your senior brother is inside.”

Xiao Yi looked at the open door with a hesitant expression.

Meng Xiao was strange, and pushed Xiao Yi, “What is the daze here?” Go in. ”

This little sister, all here, is there anything embarrassing?

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, “Go straight in, I’m afraid there will be danger.” ”

The lesson of directly breaking into the second senior brother’s house is still vividly remembered.

Guan Daniu smiled, “Little chick, this is my home, it’s not a Longtan tiger’s den, what danger can there be?”

Meng Xiao agreed, “That is, are you embarrassed to see your senior brother?” ”

Let’s go.”

After speaking, Meng Xiao stepped in first, and Guan Daniu hurriedly followed.

The two stepped into the doorway almost one after another.

Xiao Yi shouted, “Wait, wait…”

Then he saw a white mist at the door, which instantly spread, and the figures of Guan Daniu and Meng Xiao disappeared into the white mist.

It was as if there were demon beasts in the white mist that opened their mouths to devour them.


Seeing this, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but shake his head and muttered, “I know.” Then he

said in an old-fashioned manner, as if the people who came over had already seen through everything, “If you don’t listen to the girl, you will suffer a loss in front of you.”

Yu Ling hesitated, her mind was still very messy, she couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “Formation?”

She felt a palpitating, unfathomable spread of power.

Xiao Yi nodded, his face showing a bit of pride, “Second Senior Brother, he is good at formations, and the two of them have already stepped into the formation arranged by Second Senior Brother, and they have suffered a lot.” Yu

Ling went through disguise, and his purple eyes turned black, with a veil, covering his appearance.

The face under the veil has a bit of complexity.

That bastard is indeed good at formations.

At that time, if it weren’t for the protection of the statue made by the Holy Lord, the teleportation array would have been destroyed by Lu Shaoqing a long time ago.

However, in the place where he lives, he has to arrange the formation, Yu Ling couldn’t help but snort coldly, and despised it fiercely, “Timid.”

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Xiao Yi was not angry, but corrected with a happy smile, “Second Senior Brother, this is cautious. The

two talked for a while, and the white mist inside disappeared, and the palpitating aura disappeared.

The figures of Guan Daniu and Meng Xiao reappeared.

The fat flesh on Guan Daniu’s face trembled, as if he had encountered some kind of fright inside.

Meng Xiao’s breath skyrocketed, looking like a fight, and after the surrounding things, her expression was not good-looking.

Meng Xiao was angry and shouted inside, “Damn, who is it?” Give me out and see if I don’t clean you up. After

saying that, she rushed in with a wave of her fist, and she was going to find the guy inside to settle the score.

Xiao Yi was afraid that Meng Xiao would suffer a loss, so he hurriedly followed in.

Guan Daniu took a few deep breaths before calming himself down.

But his eyes were filled with deep jealousy, that bastard was really hateful and terrifying.

Wait, Guan Da Niu reacted, his nose was crooked, this is my home, why arrange the formation here?

Even me, the master, has to suffer when he comes in, do he really regard this place as his own home?

Guan Daniu also wanted to rush in and smash Lu Shaoqing with a punch.

But think about it or forget it, that bastard is too strong, he is not an opponent.

Taoguang Yanghui, wait until my strength is enough, and then clean up that bastard.

After Guan Daniu had a good look in his heart, he noticed Yu Ling, who was standing at the door hesitantly.

Wearing black tight clothes, the graceful figure is vividly outlined, and Yu Ling with a veil makes Guan Daniu feel familiar.

However, he circled in his mind, and he didn’t expect that he had ever seen a chick with such a figure.

So, he tentatively asked, “Chick, have we met?”

Yu Ling looked at Guan Daniu indifferently, making Guan Daniu feel more familiar.

Looking at Guan Daniu frowning, he even touched his head to think about where he had seen him.

Yu Ling thought in his heart, this fat man can’t recognize himself, and he can’t help himself if he thinks that bastard can’t help himself.

With such a fluke, Yu Ling stepped into the door.

After coming in, Yu Ling heard Xiao Yi’s voice, full of thick surprise, “Second Senior Brother, do you know Sister Meng Xiao?” After

crossing the middle hall and coming to the courtyard, Yu Ling saw the figure that made her grit her teeth.

Lu Shaoqing was lying on a tree in the yard, light as a fluttering feather, with his feet up, his eyes closed, so uncomfortable, Xiaohong flew to Xiao Yi’s head and continued to sleep on his stomach.

Meng Xiao was also pleasantly surprised, “You, why are you here?” Meng

Xiao originally wanted to rush in and teach the cowards here a hard lesson.

Unexpectedly, it was the person who had been hovering in her mind.

After the surprise, Meng Xiao puffed out his face and said angrily, “You guy, it’s too rude to say goodbye.”

“Have you considered my mood?”

Xiao Yi next to him was suddenly shocked, his small mouth was O-shaped, and the soul of gossip was ignited and burned instantly.

I can’t wait to fly up and pull the mouth of the second senior brother so that he can explain it clearly.

Lu Shaoqing sat up and pointed at Meng Xiao, “You chick, don’t talk nonsense, my junior sister’s brain has turned yellow, I only ask you.”

After Yu Ling came in, he saw Lu Shaoqing.

Although there was a guess, when he really saw Lu Shaoqing here, Yu Ling still felt a little dizzy.

Xiao Yi is really this bastard’s junior sister.

However, something is wrong with the world.

Maybe there is a problem with the Heavenly Dao.

Xiaoyi’s sister is well-behaved and sensible, simple enough to be loved.

How could there be such a senior brother?

The bastard is shameless, vile and indecent, was Shao Cheng’s predecessor blind when he accepted the apprentice or what?

How could the kind and kind Shao Cheng senior teach such a bastard apprentice?

Yu Ling couldn’t help but cover his head, it was too surprising and unacceptable.

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