Yu Ling had a headache and wondered if he was dreaming.

Suddenly, I felt a cold in my body.

She looked up and saw Lu Shaoqing’s gaze staring at her as sharp and fierce as an eagle.

Yu Ling was surprised in his heart, was he discovered?

Can’t his own disguise fool this bastard?

Seeing Lu Shaoqing leap without saying a word, it was like an eagle descending from the sky and stretching out its sharp claws.

Yu Ling was furious, desperately.

When Yu Ling was about to make a move, she found that Lu Shaoqing didn’t even look at her, and directly passed her and rushed straight behind her.

And behind her was the Guan Daniu who followed in.


He kicked the big bull on the ground, and then pressed it on the ground and beat him fiercely.

Yu Ling was shocked, Xiao Yi was shocked, and Meng Xiao was shocked.

All three are confused, what’s going on?

Could it be that this fat man is a bad person?

Guan Daniu was also stunned, so angry that he wanted to cry, I haven’t seen me for so long, you beat me as soon as I meet?

How lazy to say nonsense?

Where the hell did I provoke you?

Lu Shaoqing still didn’t use spiritual power, but simply beat the big bull with his fist.

The big cow screamed like a barrel rolling on the ground.

After Lu Shaoqing cleaned up the big cow, his heart was very relieved.

Anonymous? Make you call anon!

Kill you grandson.

After the fight, Lu Shaoqing slowly returned to the courtyard and sat under the pavilion.

Xiao Yi happily leaned over and took out a box of spirit beans from the storage ring, and the fragrance was suddenly overflowing.

Xiao Hong, who was sleeping on her head, smelled the fragrance, opened her eyes, and fluttered down.

Xiao Yi peeled the spirit beans with a smile and said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, look, you can taste it.”

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, this girl did not hurt in vain.

Xiao Yi skillfully peeled the spirit beans while asking, “Second senior brother, where is the senior brother?” Speaking

of Senior Brother, Lu Shaoqing became depressed.

Unreliable guy who made me work here as an otaku for a few months.

Now there are too many people in the city, not to mention a hundred thousand miles away, even if there are people a million miles away.

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to run to explore easily, in case the movement was big and attracted to people, the treasure in hand would fly.

“Dead.” Lu Shaoqing said angrily.

He’s dead?

Xiao Yi didn’t believe half a word, she pouted, “Liar.” ”

His master brother is wise and martial, his peers are invincible, and he swept the world with a sword, how can he die.

Could it be that the senior brother and the second senior brother are making a fuss?

Her eyes were dripping and rolling, and her mind was already making up 100,000 words of fiction.

“If you run to the waves, if you don’t die, you will be dead.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to mention more, but if he mentioned it, he would be stuffed.

Knocked on Xiao Yi’s head and interrupted her brain supplement.

Then he glanced at the other three, and he couldn’t help but wonder, how did these few walk together?

A Qi Prefecture, an Dong Prefecture, and a Yan Prefecture, just so coincidentally put together?

“How do you get together?”

Xiao Yi said from the beginning, the master was worried, followed the master out, and then met Yu Ling who was chased and killed by the demon race on the road, and the shameless things that the Tiangong Gate did, the master had to stay.

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Lu Shaoqing kept listening, there was no change in his face, and when he heard the last, his gaze became a little cold.

There was a faint killing intent in the air.

Everyone just felt that the air around them seemed to be a little cold, and no one noticed that Lu Shaoqing’s heart was full of killing intent.

Only Yu Ling.

People of the Demon Race are the most sensitive to killing intent.

When Xiao Yi mentioned that the master stayed behind to help deal with the demon clan, Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent appeared.

This guy!

Yu Ling was secretly surprised in his heart.

Was it because the master was forced to stay, thus having killing intent on the Heavenly Palace Gate?

Yu Ling secretly guessed in his heart, and at the same time glanced at Lu Shaoqing.

Although other places are very bastards, not at all like Xiao Yi’s senior brother, they are still okay with the feelings of the master.

It was no wonder that his master was worried and personally came out to look for him.

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he looked at Lu Shaoqing, who had a calm face, and felt like a master in his heart, “Second Senior Brother, what should I do?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Don’t be in a hurry, wait for me to think about it, and then calculate it well with the Tiangong Gate.” ”

The killing intent in his heart skyrocketed, if the Heavenly Palace Gate did not transform into a god, he would have killed the door now.

Lu Shaoqing asked Meng Xiao, who was already sitting next to him and also helped peel the spirit beans, “Little chick, where are the gods of your Yuding Sect?” ”

Send a letter back, let him come and kill the grandsons of the Tiangongmen.”

Meng Xiao sat on the stone bench, saw Lu Shaoqing, in a happy mood, his face was full of happiness, a pair of calves shook with happiness twice, suddenly felt that this was inappropriate, put his toes against the ground, tried to pretend to be a master sister, wrinkled his nose and snorted, “Come less, it is expedient for my master to stay, and when the time comes, I can easily get out.” ”

Yuding sent that matter, the reputation is broken, and it is trying to restore the credibility score, and at this time, it is absolutely impossible to make trouble casually.

Meng Xiao didn’t have any worries about his master, the ninth layer of the Yuan Infant, even if the Avatar God came, he could escape from his hands, and there was no problem with safety.

Lu Shaoqing despised this very much, “The leaders have been detained, and the gods cannot be turned out, where will the face of the Yuding faction be shelved?” ”

The face of the Yuding faction cannot be lost.”

Meng Xiao wrinkled his nose at Lu Shaoqing, “You guy is cunning, I want us to let the Yuding faction help your master.”

Lu Shaoqing slammed the spirit bean and said slowly, “My senior brother and I have helped your Yuding Sect a lot, and your Yuding Sect has not repaid me.”

“Now it’s a chance for you, hurry up and send a message back, and let Yuding send the Avatar God to destroy the Heavenly Palace Gate.”

Meng Xiao is not fooled, she has already returned this favor, “I gave you what you wanted, and we both cleared.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately turned his face and rushed people directly, “Two clear, right, then you go, go now, don’t eat my spirit beans.” Yu

Ling next to him couldn’t help but roll his eyes, this bastard really belonged to a dog, and he turned his face when he said it.

Meng Xiao was angry, so good, he actually rushed people.

So angry that she jumped on the stone bench and waved her fist, “You’re so nasty, believe it or not, I beat you?”

Xiao Yi hurriedly pulled Meng Xiao, even if Meng Xiao was a woman, but dared to threaten his second senior brother, he would also be cleaned up.

“Sister Meng Xiao, don’t be impulsive.”

Lu Shaoqing ignored Meng Xiao, and he shouted to Guan Daniu, “Fatty, come here.”

Guan Daniu was next to him, smearing ointment for himself while pricking his ears to listen to Lu Shaoqing and their conversation.

If nothing else, he will have caught a big news.

What happened to Yuding Dispatch? I actually asked this bastard to help.

Just when he was thinking about how to ask in more detail, Lu Shaoqing called him.

Guan Da Niu was stunned, and almost peed.

After a few months, this bastard is still ferocious, and it hurts me.

Guan Daniu stepped forward a few steps vigilantly, with a bruise on his face, and at any time he looked like if you dare to touch me, I dare to lie down, “What are you going to do?” When

he spoke, he pulled the wound on his face and immediately gasped again.

Lu Shaoqing did not be polite with Guan Daniu, “Give me the information of the Tiangong Gate, the most important thing is the Transformation God of the Tiangong Gate, it is best to get his whereabouts.”

Xiao Yi’s side perked up, “Second Senior Brother, are you planning to kill the Transformation God of the Heavenly Palace Gate?” ”

In less than a year, has the second senior brother reached this point?

“What nonsense, I want to make friends with the Tiangong Gate…”

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