Shao was a heart apprentice and had long hoped to leave here.

I have been here for almost two months and have helped the Tiangong Gate a lot.

He felt it was time to leave.

“The Tiangong Gate is not kind to us, don’t blame us for being unjust to them.”

This is obviously a matter of the Tiangong Gate, but it is necessary to share the responsibility and let everyone help the Tiangong Gate back the pot.

Even an old and good person like Shao Cheng felt disgusted by the practice of the Tiangong Gate.

Yong Yi hesitated.

He was a little worried, “Hard. ”

No way, a ugly incident happened to the Yuding faction not long ago, and the Yuding faction almost became a rat crossing the street, and everyone shouted and beaten.

Although someone helped in time, the damage was recovered as much as possible.

But the reputation of the Yuding faction still fell to the bottom, and no one issued them good person cards.

Instead, it is called a sect of hypocrites.

The reputation of hundreds of years of hard work has been ruined.

This time, he is here to help resist the demon race, and when the time comes, he may be able to gain some fame and help the Yuding faction save a little reputation.

However, just like that, the Tiangong Gate slandered in the back, saying that he was timid and cowardly to run away, and this reputation stinked even more.

He regretted in his heart that he had reported his identity before, or Brother Shao was smart and concealed his identity.

Shao Cheng frowned, Yong Yi didn’t leave, and he was embarrassed to go.

Yongyu was still injured because he saved him, so he left, he couldn’t do it.

But don’t go, stay here, and show that you will be used as coolies and cannon fodder by the guys from the Tiangong Gate.

Being calculated, dying here, death is not blind.

Shao Cheng could only start with the apprentices, and he said to Yong Yi, “Brother Yong, if we don’t leave yet, I’m afraid the apprentices will be worried.” ”

Shao Cheng is not just talking, he knows his two apprentices very well.

Once they know what’s going on here, they’ll come.

Getting out of here early will also prevent them from venturing here.

The demon race is too dangerous, and the apprentices are not opponents.

Yong Yi did not have this worry, “Don’t worry, my apprentice is well-behaved and obedient and will not come back.”

“I see that your apprentice is also the same, knowing that you have good intentions and will not come back to cause you trouble.”

Shao Cheng sighed, “That’s just my little apprentice, I still have two big apprentices, they won’t make me worry.”

Yong Yi smiled and comforted Shao Cheng, “Don’t worry, your apprentice won’t let your efforts go to waste.

However, as soon as Yongyi’s words fell, a voice sounded.


Hearing the familiar voice, Yongyi’s smile froze, isn’t this the voice of his own apprentice?

How did it end up here?

Is it an injury, a hallucination?

However, when Meng Xiao, who was carrying two pill heads, appeared, Yongyu believed that he was not hallucinating.

His own apprentice really came back.

Yong is angry to death, I am here to fight to the death, for what?

Isn’t it just to let you leave this girl safely?

You actually went and turned back, I fed the dog with this piece of painstaking efforts.

“, what are you doing here?”

Yong Yi hated that iron could not become steel, and glared at his apprentice fiercely.

Meng Xiao hadn’t seen Master for almost two months, and now when they met, Master was actually a little tired, distressed, and his eyes were red, “Master, what’s wrong with you?”

“Not dead, not dead.”

Yongyu patted her head and asked, “How did you run back?” Disobedient? Do you want me to beat you?

Meng Xiao pointed to the people not far away and said, “They want to come back, I will come with them.”

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Yong Yi looked up and just saw a young man in a blue shirt standing in front of Shao Cheng, and asked Hang’er Langdang, “Master, are you not dead yet?” ”

Yong Yi is speechless, where did the brat come from, speaking to Master in such a tone?

Without saying a word, Shao Cheng came to Lu Shaoqing’s head.

Lu Shaoqing held his head, depressed, “Master, what are you doing?” Hit someone as soon as you meet? It’s been a long time since I saw each other, and the relationship has been estranged to this point?

Shao Cheng cursed, “Bastard, what are you doing here?”

Lu Shaoqing straightened, “What are you doing here?” I’m going to do something here too. You are here to deal with the Demon Clan, and I will come here to deal with the Demon Clan.

“It is everyone’s responsibility to deal with the demon race.”

Yong Yi couldn’t help but glance at Lu Shaoqing a few times in his heart.

This kid is really good, although the way he talks to the master is a bit that, but it is still worthy of admiration in the general sense.

Shao Cheng is angry, others don’t know, his own apprentice, is it still not clear?

If he could, how far his apprentice ran, he couldn’t still get here.

The reason he came here is that he is still here.

While feeling moved, I also felt a little guilty that I had caused trouble for my apprentice.

His tone softened, and his expression was slightly embarrassed, “I was going to leave, I don’t need you to come here.”

Lu Shaoqing saw through the embarrassment in Master’s heart at a glance, and said, “Don’t worry, I won’t scold you like Senior Brother.” ”


Shao Cheng was angry to death, this bastard apprentice was still half angry as ever.

“What about your senior brother?” Speaking of Ji Yan, he was really a little worried, and the big apprentice would not divide the occasion when he scolded.

Lu Shaoqing said angrily, “Dead.” ”

What?” Shao Cheng immediately jumped up, but soon he reacted and rushed up to give Lu Shaoqing two blows.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t move, “Master, if you hit me, I won’t tell you where Senior Brother went, and I’ll kill you in a hurry.” ”

Messing around, it’s getting less and less.” Shao Cheng was not angry, he just pretended to be angry.

As long as the apprentices are fine, he is happy in his heart.

Your own apprentice is your own child, and the absence of danger is the best news.

Now that Lu Shaoqing has also come here, Shao Cheng hopes to leave early.

He said to Lu Shaoqing, “Let’s find an opportunity to get out of here.” ”

The demon race here is too much of a threat to apprentices.

Lu Shaoqing was not happy, “Master, I said that I came here to deal with the demon race. ”

Fooling around,” Shao Cheng was angry, thinking that Lu Shaoqing was curious, “The strength of the demon race is not something you can imagine.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “You still don’t know, right? Senior Brother and I have already slaughtered several demon races.

“Their vanguard force was destroyed by me and Senior Brother.”


Shao Cheng froze, is his apprentice still so fierce?

Yongyu next to him also heard it, but he didn’t believe it.

This kid, will also brag?

He shook his head and whispered, “Naive, who does he think he is?”

Meng Xiao told Yongyi, “Master, he and his senior brother are the ones who saved our Yuding Sect.”

“What he said was true.”

In his heart, there was a demon standing next to him.


Yong Yu also froze, and he felt that his life had been greatly impacted by the ninth layer of the Yuan Baby.

I have never been so speechless in my life.

“Girl, what you said is true?”

“yes, he’s awesome.” Meng Xiao said with a smile, his face shining, “Duanmushan that old fellow, he was slashed by his sword…” Looking

at the light on the apprentice’s face, Yong Yi’s heart jumped, wouldn’t it

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