The Yuding faction was used by Hong Mo and Duanmu and almost became the great enemy of the entire Dongzhou.

Thanks to the two young Yuan Ying who came forward and thwarted the conspiracy of Hong Mo and Duanmu Shan, the Yuding faction did not become the public enemy of Dongzhou.

Yong Yi was extremely grateful to the two young babies who suddenly appeared.

I’ve always wanted to be able to thank you in person.

And now that the person who saved the Yuding faction appeared, Yongyu had no desire to thank him.

Instead, he has the desire to kill.

No way, his apprentice looked at the kid’s gaze sparkling, with a faint blush on his face and a smile on his mouth.

Yong Yi has no Taoist couple, he is young and has been a killer in the bush of thousands of flowers, and the leaves do not stick to his body.

This expression on the apprentice’s face was most familiar to him.

This is his own apprentice, the master sister of the Yuding Sect.

If there is no accident, he will be in charge of the Yuding faction in the future and will be the head of the Yuding faction in the future.

Even if you want a Taoist couple, it must be a Taoist couple who comes to the door, and it must not be a marriage.

Under marriage, what is the Yuding faction? Dowry?

Yongyu now looks at Lu Shaoqing in various ways.

Yong Yi felt that if Lu Shaoqing became his apprentice and son-in-law, treating him with the attitude that Lu Shaoqing had towards his master, he would definitely be angry to death.

I could have lived to be thousands of years old, but I was probably angry that I was hundreds of years old and gone.

No, I absolutely disagree with this marriage.

Yongyu secretly gritted his teeth in his heart.

I really want to stab Lu Shaoqing.

Bastard boy, actually seduced my apprentice, the knife.

In order to better observe Lu Shaoqing, Yongyu deliberately walked a few steps closer.

Before the knife man, observe and look for opportunities.

Yong Yi walked a few steps closer, and heard Lu Shaoqing say again, “Master, don’t worry, I am here to deal with the demon clan, and when the time comes, after cleaning up the demon clan, we will leave together.”

Bragging, Yong Yi immediately despised it in his heart.

Brag unblushingly.

The oil mouth is slippery and will brag.

Is the demon race what you said to clean up? If you can clean up with the little Yuan baby, the Tiangong Gate still needs to do this kind of thing to greet the ancestors here?

When you meet the Demon Clan, especially the chief guard, you just wait to cry.

Do you kid really think that the demon race is easy to bully? Shao Cheng’s face was worried, not as confident as Lu Shaoqing Lu Shaoqing, and sighed, “There is a person in the demon race who is very powerful, and even Brother Yong is not his opponent.

“If Brother Yong hadn’t made a timely move today, I would have died in his hands a long time ago.”

Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi immediately thanked Yongyi, “Thank you seniors for your help.”

Yongyu waved his hand politely and said, “No need to thank you, raise your hand.” I met Brother Shao as soon as I saw each other, Brother Shao is in danger, and I can’t sit idly by.

Lu Shaoqing immediately went to blame Shao Cheng, “How big is it, can’t you be careful in doing things?”

Shao Cheng was embarrassed, annoyed in his heart, and blamed the guys at the Tiangong Gate, “If it weren’t for the people of the Tiangong Gate deliberately concealing it, we wouldn’t have been hurt because of this.” ”

People from the Heavenly Palace Gate?”

Lu Shaoqing’s killing intent in his heart was a little more, and before he could ask more,

someone suddenly laughed, and then two figures appeared.

An old man and a middle-aged man, the powerful aura rushed straight into the sky, swallowing mountains and rivers.

After the two appeared, it brought a heavy pressure here.

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Yu Ling and Meng Xiao felt the breath of the two, their faces turned pale, and it was difficult to breathe.

As for Xiao Yi, who only had the foundation building period, it was even more embarrassing.

Her legs were trembling and her throat was dry, like a mountain pressing down on her back.


Shao Cheng snorted coldly and stepped out in one step, counteracting the strong pressure of the two, “Your Tiangong Gate is too presumptuous. ”

Shao Cheng is furious, he was almost pitted by you today, and now he still wants to give my apprentice a dismount?

If he could, Shao Cheng wanted to kill these two guys.

Yong Yi also stepped forward, and the powerful aura rushed over, facing the two Yuan babies of the Tiangong Gate, “Really think we are good bullies?” ”

Gu Xiu, Gu Jingxuan, your father and son had better give us an explanation, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind to you.”

Gu Xiu, Tiangong Gate Elder, Yuan Infant Sixth Layer.

Gu Jingxuan, Elder of the Tiangong Gate, Yuan Ying Layer.

The two are father and son, and they have a high position in the gate of the Tiangong.

This time, it was also Gu Xiu who led the team here to resist the demon race.

Facing the angry Yongyi, Gu Xiu and Gu Jingxuan joined forces to resist Yongyi’s strong pressure.

Facing Yongyi, Gu Jingxuan, who was only on the first floor of the Yuan Infant, did not have the slightest worry, he smiled slightly and said, “Yongyi senior, don’t be angry, we didn’t expect Cui Zhangwan, the strongest demon race, to suddenly make a move.”

“It was also our negligence.”

“So our father and son came to apologize to you this time.”

Having said that, no one present felt the tone of an apology.

On the contrary, there is a domineering, high-minded attitude.

Under Gu Xiu’s white eyebrows, a pair of eyes were as sharp as eagle eyes, “The two Daoist brothers can be regarded as having experience in fighting with them, and I hope that the two of them will continue to work hard and completely defeat him.” ”

That’s the real purpose of the two.

When I came here, I was mainly afraid that Shao Cheng and Yong were afraid, and they no longer planned to help here, and chose to run.

Shao Cheng is unhappy, annoyed in his heart, you guys don’t go on, and you still want us to continue to go on?

“I’m sorry,” Shao Cheng said coldly, “We’ve helped you enough, it’s time to leave.”

Gu Jingxuan smiled, his gaze swept over Lu Shaoqing and the others beside Shao Cheng, “The demon race has not been eliminated, and I am afraid that there will be danger on the road at that time.”

“Brother Dao, your strength will be fine, but can your apprentice withstand the attack of the demon race?”

Gu Xiu also said lightly, “For the sake of the righteousness of the Terran race, I hope that the two of you will not be angry.” ”

Threats, naked threats.

Take the apprentice to threaten the master, and let the master continue to help here.

The anger in Shao Cheng’s heart suddenly came out, and so did Yong Yu, who was very impulsive to kill the two faceless guys here on the spot.

Shao Cheng said coldly, “Are you threatening me?

Gu Jingxuan smiled and denied, “Don’t dare, how dare you threaten Brother Dao, I’m just telling the truth.” ”

Xiao Yi really wants to scold people, two dog things.

Seeing you like this, I know that Master’s life here is not good.

I dragged down Master.

Xiao Yi felt a little sad in his heart.

At this time, there was darkness in front of him, and Lu Shaoqing stood up.

Xiao Yi’s heart was excited, yes, the second senior brother is here, the second senior brother will definitely make the people of the Tiangong Gate regret.

Lu Shaoqing stood up and saluted Gu Xiu and Gu Jingxuan, “Two seniors, everyone has a responsibility to deal with the demon race.

“Don’t worry, Master and I will definitely do our best to deal with the Demon Race here, strive to defeat the Demon Race as soon as possible, and return the human race to a good thing…”

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