I’m afraid there will be trouble if you kill them now.

What a hassle.

If Lu Shaoqing could leave with Master now, he would kill these two senior brothers and second senior brothers of the Heavenly Palace Gate without saying a word.

You can’t kill them, but you can embarrass them.

Let your Tiangong Gate bully my master?

Lu Shaoqing quietly increased the pressure, the two sweated profusely, and finally could not withstand this pressure and were forced to kneel.

Lu Shaoqing was condescending, his eyes were cold, and the bodies of the two trembled even more.

Chao Kai gritted his teeth and his eyes turned red.

The body trembled uncontrollably and was forced to kneel.

As the proud son of heaven, he felt unprecedented humiliation.

His own pride made him roar in his heart, and he told himself not to be afraid, but to stand up.

His eyes burst and protruded, bloodshot, and he was angry and wanted to stand up.

However, the aura exuded by Lu Shaoqing was like a mountain firmly pressing on him, even if he bit the tip of his tongue, the blood could not make himself get up a little.

Looking at Chao Kai, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were a little more appreciative.

This big guy is ok.

As for Feng Guanyu, who was known as the second senior brother, his performance was much worse than Chao Kai.

Kneeling on the ground, his face was pale, his eyes were terrified, he was really afraid.

There is no desire to resist.

Lu Shaoqing despised in his heart, this kind of guy can also be a second senior brother?

After a while, seeing that the two showed signs of fainting, Lu Shaoqing let them go.

Coldly snorted, “Today’s matter, I don’t want anyone else to know, understand?” The

two felt a light pressure on their bodies, and suddenly felt as if they were alive.

Chao Kai was the first to jump up and glared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “You…” Lu Shaoqing

snorted, Chao Kai was like a heavy blow, “Be polite to me, it’s better if I slaughtered you.”

Chao Kai had great hatred in his heart, and every cell in his body was filled with anger and hatred.

However, although he was extremely resentful, he did not lose his mind.

The difference in strength between the two is too huge, and he can’t be Lu Shaoqing’s opponent if he tries his best.

He could only grit his teeth and take this breath.

Seeing this, Feng Guanyu did not dare to breathe more.

Lu Shaoqing despised it even more.

Also, is there a second senior brother wearing white?

Lu Shaoqing said viciously to Feng Guanyu, “You are not allowed to wear white clothes in the future, otherwise I will see you and beat you once.” Feng

Guanyu was stunned and looked down at his white clothes.

Does it matter to you what color clothes I wear?

Feng Guanyu looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, he didn’t understand why Lu Shaoqing didn’t allow him to wear white clothes.

“Senior, senior…”

Feng Guanyu wanted to say something.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t give them a chance, “Swear with your Dao heart, don’t tell anything about today, hurry up, or I’ll kill you.” The

two were forced to agree.

And at this moment, several powerful auras suddenly erupted in the distance.

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It was all the breath of the Yuan Baby, and the Dao breath spread like the dawn, and it was like a sleeping god and demon waking up, and the anger shook all directions.

The six powerful Yuan Infant auras all erupted, and they were still approaching here.

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu were scared.

Is this a stab in the ass of the demon?

But it’s also right to think about it, the demon race has a total of seven yuan babies arrived this time, and now one has been killed, and the remaining six people must not be crazy?

Lu Shaoqing turned his head and roared loudly, “Demon Clan, the disciples of the Heavenly Palace Gate are here, do you dare to fight me?” When

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu were still stunned, after Lu Shaoqing finished roaring, he turned around and ran, and his figure flashed, and he disappeared here, not knowing where to run.

Several divine thoughts struck like knives, containing monstrous anger, firmly locking Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu.

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu only understood at this time, and Lu Shaoqing slipped away.

The two vomited blood and cursed Lu Shaoqing in their hearts for their shamelessness, is this what people do?

Is this to kill with a knife or what?

The two of them had no time to think about it, and now they could only run wildly all the way, as fast as they could.

At the same time, he also sent out a message in time to inform the people sent by his own sect to come to the rescue.

After the two escaped for a distance, the aura behind them seemed to stop, but after a while, the aura became more violent.

The voice of the sky A female voice sounded, “Heavenly Palace Gate, I am about to destroy your full gate.” ”

The voice is rolling like a flood of thunder, cold as cold air, constantly echoing between heaven and earth.

That monstrous resentment and anger made Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu’s scalps tingle.

What kind of person is that demon who died, which can make this demon race so angry.

The two ran wildly all the way, but the speed of the demons behind them was obviously faster than them, and after a while, they appeared behind the two of them.

Above the sky, the district Qing killing intent rushed to the sky, and the anger that sprang up seemed to distort the surrounding space, like layers of ripples, and the heavens and the earth were distorted for it.

“Clown of the Tiangong Gate, give me death!”

As a black lightning, Ou Qing descended from the sky, like a divine punishment from the sky, and was about to kill Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu.

Although he is usually strict with his younger brother, he is his own younger brother after all.

Whoever kills him, she kills his entire family.

The speed of Ou Qing, who rushed down, was extremely fast, as if she had broken through the sky, launching a sharp whistling sound in the air, and layers of invisible waves spread out around her.

Countless trees on the ground, animals were hit by this wave of qi, and instantly strangled.

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu felt that their bodies seemed to be stuck in a quagmire, difficult to move, and very difficult.

The aura emitted by Ou Qing was like an invisible tentacle, entangled the two of them to death.

Au Qing’s face was distorted, her eyes were red, and she wanted to tear these two villains apart with her own hands.

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu are simply difficult to resist Ou Qing, as Ou Qing gets closer and closer, the two are full of despair in their hearts, are they going to die here today?

Ou Qing carried a huge roar, like a humanoid meteorite, and he was about to hit Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu.

An angry shout came from a distance, “How daring!

Then an old man appeared, waved his big hand, and moved Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu aside in time.

The huge impact brought by Ou Qing also made the old man’s face turn pale and retreat one after another.

Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu looked overjoyed, “Ancient Elder! ”

The person who came was Gu Xiu, who got the distress information from Chao Kai and Feng Guanyu, appeared at the first time, caught up in time, and saved the two.

“Demon Clan, are you looking for death?” Gu Xiu was furious.

“The scumbags of the Heavenly Palace Gate, give me death.” Ou Qing is now eager to destroy the whole world, no matter who you are, dare to appear in front of her, you will kill.

Facing Ou Qing, who was like crazy, Gu Xiu was shocked and angry, which negative man provoked you?

“Good, good, since you want to fight, then don’t blame me for being unkind, kill!”

Gu Jingxuan came here with a large number of human cultivators, and several Yuan babies also appeared on the side of the demon race, and a fierce battle broke out between the human race and the demon race under such a situation….

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