On the side of the demon race, in addition to Ou Qing, there are two Yuan Infant Crushing Arrays, they are above the sky, huge bodies, exuding a terrifying aura, like the hell demon god.

Like the Terrans, Gu Xiu is a cultivator of the sixth-layer realm of the Yuan Infant, and there is Gu Jingxuan, a cultivator of the first layer of the Yuan Infant.

The Yuan Babies of both sides are only Ou Qing and Gu Xiu fighting.

Gu Xiu’s strength is two realms stronger than Ou Qing.

But now Ou Qing has increased his state of sadness and anger because his brother is gone, and his strength has been increased.

The shot was fast and ruthless, all desperately playing and ending to the end, so that Gu Xiu had to take a defensive position and avoid his edge.

It is on a par with Gu Xiu, and even vaguely has the upper hand.

The Demon Race sent out fifty Jiedan cultivators, dressed in black armor, wearing helmets, holding a black spear, all armed, forming a formation, and heading straight for the Terran cultivators.

The condensed murderous aura was like substance, rushing into the sky, turning into a huge black dragon, roaring.

The momentum of dozens of people is comparable to the momentum of thousands of troops and horses, and the momentum is majestic and terrifying.

On the other hand, on the side of the Terran cultivators, they fought separately, although the number of people was ten times or a hundred times larger than the number of the Demon Race.

Although there were thousands of people, the momentum was visibly suppressed by the demon race.

Thousands of people, without a suitable formation, sparse, scattered sand, each fighting separately.

What’s more, the strength of the scattered cultivators is far from the same, there are jiedan, there are foundations, and even there are many in the refining period.

In the face of the demon race that is almost a whole, with a rushing weather and roaring, their fate can be imagined.

The powerful momentum of the demon race, earth-shattering, weak will, weak will, and unstable Dao heart of the Terran cultivator, in the face of the closer and closer demon race, turned around and fled.

Panicked, screaming repeatedly.

Cowardice before fighting.

Before contact, dozens of people turned and fled, acting as deserters.

Gu Jingxuan, who was watching the battle in the back, was furious.

Every time, a bunch of waste.

Every time a newly recruited monk arrives, there are people who escape.

With a roar and a wave of his big hand, the head of the fleeing person fell to the ground in an instant.

Blood spurted wildly, rolling people’s heads, shocking many people.

Gu Jingxuan roared angrily, “Kill me, whoever retreats, I will kill!” ”

Many disciples of the Tiangong Gate who were behind also shot one after another, killing many people.

Many of the scattered cultivators who joined encountered the Demon Race for the first time, and in the face of such an amazing Demon Race, it was normal to flee in fear.

Now many people regret facing such a terrifying enemy for a hundred spirit stones.

But now that I am on the thief’s ship, it is no longer possible to get off the ship.

Gu Jingxuan and the disciples of the Tiangong Gate ruthlessly calmed down the remaining cultivators, and there was no way to deal with the demon race that was killed.

“Kill, brothers, kill this gang of demons.”

“Yes, there are only dozens of people, kill them.”

“One of us can drown them with a mouthful of spit.”


the Terran cultivators cheered each other on and shouted one after another.

Then everyone shot at the Demon Race cultivators who bombarded and killed.

All kinds of spells, sword qi constantly bombarded towards the demon race.

Various spells dyed the sky colorful, fireballs, hail, thunder and lightning, etc., mixed together

, Lu Shaoqing stood in the distance and calmly watched this scene.

It was also the first time he had seen such a large-scale battle.

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When he saw that countless spells were only blocked by an invisible barrier in front of the demon cultivators, Lu Shaoqing could understand why these demon races were able to kill the Terran cultivators with a small number of people.

Thousands of spells, all kinds, different powers, even a Yuan Infant does not dare to resist.

However, the cultivators of the demon race were able to block them with more than a dozen people, and the spell collided with the invisible barrier in front of them, and explosions continued to occur, and powerful qi waves came one after another.

There were no more than fifty Demon Race cultivators, they were as stable as Mount Tai and as strong as a rock.

On the other hand, there was chaos on the side of the Terran cultivators, but there were still people who were accidentally injured.

Lu Shaoqing noticed that the Demon Race cultivators maintained a consistent frequency both in their breath and their own breath.

It’s very harmonious and harmonious, almost like a person.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but mutter, “I wipe, the demon race actually has such a means?” ”

Now these fifty demon races cooperate together, which is equivalent to fifty Jiedan cultivators combined, and the combined strength is close to the middle of the Yuan Infant period, or even stronger.

The Terran side fought alone, and the Demon Cultivator Group combined strength, like a person, standing high.

After resisting the attack of the Terrans, the Demon Cultivator also launched an attack.

The spears in their hands lit up, and finally they gathered into a huge spear and swept the world.

Like an attack from a person, it is extremely powerful.

The first hundred cultivators among them screamed under this huge light, and the world evaporated.

With a sweep of the shot, a blank space appeared among the thousands of celebrity race cultivators.

This scene frightened all the Terran cultivators.

Fear, so that they once again forgot the fate of their previous companions, turned around and fled.

“Quick, run away!”

“Too, it’s terrifying, escape, run away!”

“If you don’t run away, you will die.”

Gu Jingxuan was furious, this group of waste, just one round was scared like this.

Didn’t you waste notice that each other’s breath had become weak?

If you continue to fight, you can definitely consume them to death.

I was just scared into this all of a sudden.

“Give me all back.”

Gu Jingxuan roared angrily, and the aura of the Yuan Infant erupted, like an angry beast, exuding a terrifying and dangerous aura.

At the same time, the monk who ran the fastest and shouted the loudest was killed instantly.

Relying on brutal means, Gu Jingxuan once again shocked everyone.

However, the other party will not sit and wait.

Seeing that the Terran cultivators were so scared that they wanted to escape, the Demon Cultivators naturally would not miss the good opportunity to chase after the victory.

Quickly increase the speed and the formation is scattered.

They were like cruel hunters, harvesting their defenseless prey, spears like dragons, black spears like ghosts and gods demanding their lives, and every time they struck, the Terran monks fell down screaming.

Moreover, the demons are cruel in their methods, sometimes deliberately stabbing a person half-dead, so that he loses his combat effectiveness, but does not die, and lets him howl there.

Some people also picked up several celebrity cultivators and raised them high like sugar gourds, and the screams shook the earth.

The screams and wails further stimulated the nerves of the Terran cultivators and weakened their fighting spirit.

Although there was Gu Jingxuan’s crushing formation, in the end, they still couldn’t control their fear and retreated one after another.

No matter how many people Gu Jingxuan killed, he could not stop the rout of thousands of people.

The disciples of the Tiangong Gate went to intercept it, but they were attacked by the scattered cultivators, injured, and unable to stop it.

In the end, he could only watch the Terran cultivators on his side escape and could not do anything.

Fifty Demon Race cultivators set their eyes on Gu Jingxuan at the same time, gathered again, turned into a whole, the killing intent was pervasive, and the killing intent firmly locked him…

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