Although it is said that the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range is 100,000 li away from Chaocheng, in fact, the distance is even farther.

A hundred thousand miles away is only the edge of the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range.

The spacecraft came here, and Lu Shaoqing stood on the spaceship, looking ahead.

In the distance, like a black line stretching in the sky, some faint white fog has appeared here.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine consciousness extended to the past, and as Yong Yi said, these white mist could suppress spiritual consciousness.

Like the formation that suppresses spiritual consciousness, it cannot be explored further.

Now here is only the marginal range is already like this, and when you go deeper, it will only suppress more.

Unlike the lifeless atmosphere imagined, the sunlight casts down, forming a beautiful rainbow, full of life, and

there are occasionally some monk figures here.

Gradually deeper, the closer to the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range, the white mist gradually increased, and there were no cultivators around.

There are more animals.

There are small birds singing in the forest, giant birds flapping their wings flying through the air, and huge shadows passing by the ground.

On the ground, there are small animals living in groups, frolicking in the jungle and among the rocks, and there are lonely forest overlords.

Towering giant trees, hundreds of giant trees, dense jungle, inaccessible to people.

Lu Shaoqing and his party had already disembarked and walked into the mountains.

Yongyu looked at the surroundings with a depressed expression on his face.

As a Yuan Ying cultivator, his senses were keen, and after entering here, he felt a burst of depression.

It seems that a terrifying presence sleeps here.

Will wake up at any moment and swallow him in one gulp.

Yong Yi looked at everyone, and only Shao Cheng and him had such expressions.

The little young people, Yu Ling’s face was cold, rigid, as if everyone owed her money, her eyes were indifferent, and there were no mood swings.

Guan Da Niu, his eyes are shining, his head is constantly spinning around, as if he wants to imprint everything here into his mind.

Meng Xiao and Xiao Yi walked behind Lu Shaoqing, curiously looking at everything around them, whispering from time to time.

When you see a novel plant or animal, you will make surprised sounds and squeak, like a bird.

As for Lu Shaoqing, there is no difference from usual, a lazy look, leisurely walking in the front.

Yongyu couldn’t help but ask, “Boy, do you know the destination?”

Lu Shaoqing replied lightly, “Sort of.”

After speaking, he casually turned the storage ring in his hand.

The ring was slightly hot, pointing the way for him.

After entering the mountains, the ring is like that.

Just like when I encountered those special items before, I had a slight fever.

What’s the big secret here?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze looked straight into the distance, and there was solemnity hidden in his gaze.

Everyone is a cultivator, except for Xiao Yi, they are all above the Jiedan period, and the speed is not slow.

Mortals have to walk the distance of ten days and ten nights, and they can do it in an hour or two.

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They soon went deep into the depths of the Prisoner Soul Mountain Range, and here, the danger began to gradually appear.


A pungent and fishy wind blew and the sky suddenly darkened.

A thick poisonous snake suddenly rushed straight down from the tree, and its hundred-meter-long body wrapped around like a rope, shrouding Lu Shaoqing and his group.

The sharp fangs were as thick as a thumb, and a faint cold light flashed on the surface.

This is a ferocious beast, more ferocious, more bloodthirsty, and more powerful than a wild beast.

This poisonous snake is the hegemon in this area, and no animal within a radius of ten miles dares to challenge its authority.

It treated Lu Shaoqing’s group who suddenly came in as a fresh lunch.

However, it is looking for the wrong prey.

Meng Xiao shouted, unlike the screaming Xiao Yi, she saw this poisonous snake, as if she saw a novel toy, and became excited, “Long worm!” Then

she pounced like a viper, like a tigress, grinning at her prey.

Although the viper is not a demon beast, its scale armor is shining, its defense is amazing, its huge body and the strength of the strangulation, coupled with the poisonous fangs of the mouth, the strength is comparable to that of Jiedan Cultivator.

However, Meng Xiao is the ninth layer of Jiedan, and his strength is amazing.

A pink fist came first and smashed the body of the viper.

“Oh!” As if hitting an iron plate, it emits a shrill jingo sound.

The poisonous snake was thrown out like a whip, the body smashed into the towering tree, the giant tree shook, countless branches and leaves fell, the torso made a clicking sound, and cracks appeared.

The poisonous snake was smashed dizzy, and it couldn’t slow down for half a day, and the hundred-meter-long snake’s body subconsciously twitched and twisted.

Meng Xiao pounced again, and his powder fist slammed down on the viper’s head.

The poisonous snake struggled desperately, and the huge snake body kept twisting, constantly slapping the ground, making a huge roar, smashing trees, stones, and a mess.

However, all this to no avail, it could not break free from Meng Xiao’s control at all, it could only twitch weakly, the snake body beat desperately, and finally the movement slowly calmed down and stopped struggling.

“Huh?” Meng Xiao also stopped, snorted, strange, “Can’t help but fight so much?” I haven’t even pushed hard.

She flicked her fist, and there were no scars on it.

Guan Daniu was scared to death, and he knew at this time that Meng Xiao was already merciful when he cleaned him up.

This poisonous snake was stronger than him, and was hammered by Meng Xiao to no avail, and was hammered to death alive.

Seeing that the head of the poisonous snake was almost hammered, a pair of snake eyes bulged out, and the long snake letter remained outside the mouth, looking extremely miserable.

Guan Daniu just wanted to say a word to Meng Xiao, thank you for not killing.

Xiao Yi’s side was extremely adoring, she leaned over and worshiped Meng Xiao, “Sister Meng Xiao, you are really powerful.”

Meng Xiao crossed his waist triumphantly, “That’s, don’t look at who I am.” ”

Chiefworm, there’s no problem at all. Tell you, when I was a child, my favorite thing was to go to the field to find these long worms, toads and these to play, but it was enjoyable.

Lu Shaoqing also felt that Meng Xiao was very fierce, a little stronger than his junior sister Yin Qi.

Meng Xiao triumphantly boasted about her boldness as a child, and at the same time asked Lu Shaoqing, “How, is it powerful?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded and praised sincerely, “Powerful, I have never seen a few people as powerful as you.” ”

Even among monks, there are many female friars who are afraid of these poisons.

This stupid junior sister himself is the best proof, and the sharp screams are noisy.

Gotta train her well.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was faint, and Xiao Yi here suddenly felt a chill in his body…

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