Xiao Yi’s body suddenly shook and muttered, “What’s going on?” How do you feel a chill? ”

Oh, that’s not right.

This feeling has not appeared for a long time, and it has appeared before.

Xiao Yi reacted suddenly, and hurriedly looked up at his second senior brother.

It happened to see his second senior brother retract his gaze.

Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb, and she understood that the second senior brother must be thinking about how to clean himself up.

Is it disgust for his low strength or dislike his performance just now?

Xiao Yi also knew that his performance just now was very poor.

But no way, afraid of snakes, this is the nature of girls.

How many people can be like Sister Meng Xiao?

“Second Senior Brother, I…”

Xiao Yi wanted to say something, but Lu Shaoqing spoke, “Go, peel off the snake skin.” ”

Xiao Yi froze, Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do?

I’m afraid of snakes.”

You wanted to teach me a lesson before, but why are you now unconcealed and unscrupulous?

After a trip, why have you changed as a person?

Was it that you were left behind by your master brother and felt unbalanced in your heart, resulting in a big change in temperament?

Xiao Yi suspected that she had misheard, and she said to Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, you, are you joking?”

Lu Shaoqing looked at her he

“But, but, this snake skin is useless if it is peeled.”

Meng Xiao smiled straightly here, personally solved her confusion, and said, “The snakeskin of this long worm is still a little useful, exceeding the quality of Yipin, and it is also a good material.”

“Sister Xiaoyi, I’ll help you.”

Lu Shaoqing did not refuse, and also knew that Xiao Yi was afraid of snakes, and it was a little difficult to let her peel alone.

“Peel it off, go again!”

Lu Shaoqing jumped on a tree and sat down.

Xiao Yi cried with a sad face, trembling and approaching the viper, gesturing there, not knowing how to start.

Seeing this, Yong Yi, who was following behind, couldn’t help but ask Shao Cheng, “Brother Shao, you just let that kid bully junior sister like this?” ”

It’s excessive, this is a bully, when the senior brother bullies the junior sister, bullying behavior, it is not conducive to the unity of the division.

As a master, how can he sit idly by and watch this behavior happen?

Tube, you have to manage it.

Shao Cheng shook his head and smiled, “It’s okay, Shaoqing is also for Xiao Yi’s good.”

Yong Yi was speechless, his words were serious, and he said to Shao Cheng in the tone of a person who came over, “Brother Shao, your education method is not good, as a master, you must be strictly disciplined, and you can’t let it go.”

“Like that kid, I see that he has a hundred heart eyes all over his body, and none of his heart eyes are good, and he must be taught a lesson and cleaned up.”

“Don’t hide from you, I still have a few apprentices, if they dare to do this, if they don’t kill them, they will be considered my good temper.”

Shao Cheng glanced back at Yong Yi and smiled.

Blow you, what is your attitude towards your apprentice, think I can’t see it?

You’re no better than me.

You are grinning all day, and you can’t wait to swallow my apprentice, isn’t it because my apprentice has a good relationship with your apprentice?

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Shao Cheng replied lightly, “I think this is good.” With me, they are very united and there will be no problems. ”

Yong is angry, why don’t you listen?

He said, “If you indulge like this, what can he achieve in the future?”

Shao Cheng smiled secretly in his heart, still in a faint tone, “My eldest apprentice and second apprentice are both in the Yuan Infancy stage, and the little apprentice is a little worse, but it is only the foundation building period.” The tone was

flat, but full of pride, even a little proud.

You still don’t know my apprentice, otherwise you categorically wouldn’t have said such a thing.

How about you are the ninth layer of the Yuan baby, your eyes are still very short-sighted.

In Shao Cheng’s opinion, his apprentice is the best, and no one can compare.

“Look,” Yong Yi immediately caught the flaw in Shao Cheng’s words, “The little girl has only just built the foundation, and she will be bullied by her senior brother who is a Yuan baby, which is proper bullying.”

“That kid is clearly deliberately bullying your little girl.”

Shao Cheng saw that Xiao Yi had already followed Meng Xiao and began to peel the snake’s skin, and he smiled slightly.

“This is to help Xiao Yi overcome his shortcomings. This is Shaoqing’s consistent practice. Yong

Yi couldn’t understand, “Consistent practice? If it goes on like this, this little girl will collapse in a few days, I see that her cultivation speed is so slow, it must be caused by being bullied for many years. Yong

Yi thought that Shao Cheng’s three apprentices entered the door at about the same time, the two big apprentices were already Yuan babies, and the little apprentices were only in the foundation building period, and they must have been bullied into not daring to cultivate.

Shao Cheng was even more proud, straightened his chest, and slowly showed off to Yongyi, “Do you know how long my little apprentice has been in the door?” ”

How long?”

Shao Cheng wrenched his fingers, calculated it, and finally held his hands behind his back, like a worldly master, and said slowly, “Calculate the time, it is less than two years, when she first entered the door, she was still refining qi seven layers, and now it is the sixth layer of foundation building.”

“I estimate that in a few days, I will soon be able to get the seventh layer of the foundation.”

“What?” Yong Yi was shocked, and he had an expression on his face that you were teasing me.

He looked at Shao Cheng in disbelief, “Brother Shao, you’re not joking, are you?” ”

Other people’s breakthroughs are in years, put your mouth, your apprentice’s breakthrough is in months?

What are you kidding, such a genius?

As if he felt that Yong Yi’s shocked expression was not enjoyable enough, Shao Cheng said slowly again, “My two apprentices are ten years, well, eleven years have entered the door, and before entering the door, they were still mortals.”

Yong Yi was stunned again, this time he couldn’t even speak.

He couldn’t believe it.

Just kidding, right?

Brother Shao, are you sure that you are accepting people, not monsters?

This smug expression made Shao Cheng very satisfied, and the pride in his heart was indescribable.

He said to Yongyi, “Therefore, I never ask about the things my apprentices do, and they will not let me down.”

But as he spoke, Shao Cheng felt a faint sadness in his heart.

The main thing is that it is difficult for me, the master, to intervene, it is better to let them toss themselves.

I, the master, mainly need to maintain the unity of the master.

Yong Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief, is this kid really such a genius and a demon?

This kid is so devilish, how evil will his master brother, the big apprentice in Brother Shao’s mouth?

“Haha, snake gall, it’s really big!”

Meng Xiao’s voice came, and she took out a snake bile from the snake’s belly, which was larger than her fist.

Lu Shaoqing reminded, “Take it to your master to make up for it, your master is a little weak.”

Yong was furious, “Bastard, I’m going to kill you..”

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