Sword incarnation, black divine bird.

A pair of white eyes, like death, without any emotion.

The divine bird’s wings vibrate, and the sword intent pierced through the void, violent and fierce.

Cai Shi’an reacted when Lu Shaoqing’s sword came.

Although the sword intent of this person in front of him is pure and terrifying, he is definitely not a person from the Holy Land Sword Family.

The Holy Land Swordsman would not have such a despicable and shameless person.

By the time he reacted, it was too late.


He resisted desperately, but was finally swallowed by the sword light.

Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent was very terrifying.

But Cai Shi’an still resisted and did not sit still.

The spiritual power in his body continued to surge out, and the spiritual power around him appeared in waves, constantly forming layer after layer of spiritual power shields.

The erupting breath exploded in the air, and invisible sound waves spread out in circles.

The spiritual power shield formed and Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent were like soldiers fighting between the two armies, fighting back and forth.

His spiritual power was constantly consumed, strangled, destroyed, and cut off layer by layer by sword intent.

Similarly, his spiritual power was constantly consuming Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.

But in general, it was Lu Shaoqing who had the upper hand slightly, leaving a lot of wounds on Cai Shi’an’s body, blood splashing, and bursting into a cloud of blood mist, spreading all over the sky.

Cai Shi’an roared desperately, several magic weapons appeared in his hand, bursting one after another, Cai Shi’an’s essence blood sprayed mouthful after mouthful, almost exhausting everything before blocking Lu Shaoqing’s sword.


Cai Shi’an finally survived, and for a moment, he almost thought he was dead.

Well, it’s your turn.

Cai Shi’an was ruthless.

Although I was injured, I was only able to play half of my usual strength, and I am going to exert my strength now.

I see how you die.

Cai Shi’an flipped his wrist, and a strange flute appeared in his hand.

The flute is about half a foot long, brown throughout, the flute head is bulging, and there is a face that seems to be laughing and crying, revealing a bit of weirdness.

Cai Shi’an held the flute in his hand and invoked spiritual power to blow the flute.

The melodious sound of the flute sounded, and the gentle sound of the flute echoed in the sky.

When others listened, they seemed to think it was a beautiful flute.

However, to Lu Shaoqing’s ears, he felt extremely sharp and piercing.

The sound of the flute penetrates the soul, and there is a dizzy feeling in the head.

Between the protections, Lu Shaoqing felt that he was caught in the battlefield of thousands of troops, surrounded by countless corpses, blood gathered into rivers, and blood red covered the entire land.

The atmosphere became thick and depressing, and the aura of killing permeated, stimulating his heart.

A feeling of irritability appeared, making Lu Shaoqing subconsciously clench the Mojun sword in his hand, his chest was full of killing intent, and he had the urge to sweep away all the world.

Gradually, Lu Shaoqing’s eyes became red, and the whole person exuded a terrifying aura.

Cai Shi’an noticed Lu Shaoqing’s anger and was secretly surprised in his heart.

Even he couldn’t use such a strong anger.

What is the origin of this guy?

With such a bad temper, he is definitely a ruthless person, and there are definitely not a few people who die at his hands.

Damn, how did his own son meet such a guy?

Amazing talent and strength, terrifying sword intent, and such anger.

It all shows that Lu Shaoqing is not small, and he already knew that Lu Shaoqing was so powerful, Cai Shi’an definitely did not dare to let his son provoke him.

Instead, he will be politely entertained and respectfully sent away from Yongning City.

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However, it is too late to say anything.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

No one really thought that the person who would save his son casually, a greedy person for money, would be such a powerful person.

Asking for mercy or something, can’t do it, shaking hands and making peace.

The only thing that can be done now is to completely kill this guy here and completely eliminate the aftermath.

Cai Shi’an did not dare to stop in his hand, constantly urging the flute, so that the flute continued to affect Lu Shaoqing.

This is his Natal Weapon, the Soul Summoning Flute.

It can summon souls and extinguish souls.

Relying on this magic weapon, he stood tall in Yongning City, became the ruler of Yongning City, and became the boss of this side.

Let me ask, who came to Yongning City and did not dare to politely call him a big guy?

Lu Shaoqing in front of him actually dared to kidnap his son to blackmail him, not to kill Lu Shaoqing, what face did he have to mess around here?

So, you give me death.

Cai Shi’an’s gaze became more and more fierce, and the sound of the flute suddenly changed.

If just now it sounded like a melodious, now it is a sharp turn, low and solemn.

The sound waves formed by the flute were invisible, like a continuous tide wave after wave, rushing towards Lu Shaoqing, not giving Lu Shaoqing any chance to resist.


Under Cai Shi’an’s attack, Lu Shaoqing suddenly sprayed blood from his mouth, and the Mojun sword in his hand came out, and his figure fell from the sky, disappeared into the cracks on the ground, and disappeared without a trace.


Seeing this, Cai Shi’an breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Big, big brother…”

Cai Shiding didn’t know where to run out, he looked miserable.

Covered in blood, he almost disappeared in the explosion just now.

Thanks to his distance and quick reaction, he barely managed to save his life.

“Big brother, did you defeat him?”

Cai Shiding gritted his teeth, almost, almost that, he gagged.

Now, although he saved a small life, he was seriously injured, and the whole person was almost ruined.

For Lu Shaoqing, he hated it to the bone.

I’ve never seen such a mean person.

“Not dead, but almost.” Cai Sai An put away his smile, calm and confident.

He believed in his soul whistle and didn’t believe that anyone could carry it under his attack for so long.

Under Lu Shaoqing’s attack, his soul was absolutely severely damaged, which was the power of the soul summoning flute.

Although there is still breath, the soul is attacked, which is almost the same as death.

The Holy Families were banished, the exercises were missing, and there were very few methods to major in spiritual souls.

With the soul summoning flute in his hand, Cai Shi’an is invincible, and it is difficult for anyone to come.

“However,” Cai Shi’an looked at the crack below and said coldly, “I don’t crush his corpse into ten thousand pieces, I don’t understand the hatred in my heart.”

After that, he went straight to the ground.

Because of the explosion of the Xun Demon Stone and the battle between the two just now, the ground was covered with deep pits of different sizes, and as far as the eye could see, the earth was cracked, covered with large and small cracks, and the depth was bottomless.

Cai Shi’an’s consciousness was pervasive, and he wanted to see how Lu Shaoqing was doing now.

However, when his divine sense swept by, he couldn’t help but be surprised that he didn’t find any trace of Lu Shaoqing.

People, people?

Cai Shi’an saw clearly that Lu Shaoqing had indeed fallen into this crack, and now he could not find any trace of him.

Cai Shi’an had a bad premonition.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded again, coming from the sky, “Are you looking for me?” ”

Cai Shi’an looked up, above the sky, black and white flames shrouded the sky, like the fire of extinction…

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