Cai Shiding stood reluctantly, holding the only half of the bombed tree with one hand, looking embarrassed.

But he didn’t care, his eyes were glued to his brother, he wanted to see his brother smash Lu Shaoqing’s corpse into ten thousand pieces.

It’s hateful.

Cai Shiding has never suffered such a big loss since he was a child.

I have never seen such a vile and hateful guy.

With such strength, he has to pretend to be vulnerable and paralyze him and his brother.

He and his brother were injured in the explosion, and if he hadn’t been far away and his brother had blocked most of the power of the explosion, he would have been absolutely killed today, and he would have died a very humbling death.


Cai Shiding looked at Lu Shaoqing, who fell into the crack, did not know whether he was dead or alive, and disappeared.

A sneer appeared on his face, “How cunning are you? In the face of absolute strength, you will still be unable to escape death in the end. For

his brother’s strength, Cai Shiding is full of confidence.

The five layers of the Yuan Infant are invincible in this area.

Cai Shi’an, who has the soul summoning flute, is not necessarily an opponent in the late stage of the Yuan Infant.

His brother never let him down, no matter what enemy he encountered, his brother would defeat the enemy and stand tall.

Even if Lu Shaoqing is cunning this time, it is the same.

Cai Shiding said hatefully, “Wait a minute, I’m going to pull out your soul and burn it for tens of thousands of years.” He

was full of resentment towards Lu Shaoqing, not only because Lu Shaoqing was cunning, deceived him, and caused him to get hurt.

More importantly, because of Lu Shaoqing’s excellence, he was so jealous that he went crazy.

He has been cultivating all his life, more than a hundred years old, but he is still only the second layer of the Yuan Infant.

And Lu Shaoqing’s age may not even be a fraction of him, but he can make his brother suffer a loss for a while.

Such outstanding talent, such strong strength, and cunning mind, crushed him in every aspect.

It made him feel more and more resentful in his heart.

You can beat me, but you can’t beat me.

Under this kind of thought, Cai Shiding gritted his teeth, his eyes were full of expectation, expecting his brother to capture Lu Shaoqing, extract his soul, and burn for ten thousand years.

However, Cai Shi’an fell, stood on the edge of the crack, and changed his face after a while.

Cai Shiding just wanted to ask what happened, when Lu Shaoqing’s voice came from the sky.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure didn’t know when it appeared in the sky, holding the Mojun sword, his face was cold, and his contemptuous smile stung Cai Shi’an, and also stimulated Cai Shiding in the distance.

In Cai Shi’an’s terrified gaze, Mo Jun’s sword swung out, and the black and white flames transformed by the sword intent fell from the sky, like a fire that destroyed the world, burning the earth and destroying everything.

Cai Shi’an wanted to escape, but Lu Shaoqing was waiting for this moment, how to let him escape.

Cai Shi’an urged the flute, and the flute sounded in a hurry, resisting Lu Shaoqing’s sword intent.

A powerful divine consciousness quickly surged forward, accompanied by sword intent to devour Cai Shi’an.

Feeling Lu Shaoqing’s powerful sword intent, Cai Shi’an understood why his son became like that.

I also understood what my son meant when he said that his divine consciousness was strong.

Tower Meow’s, such a terrifying and powerful divine consciousness, can the Yuan Infant cultivator have?

Are you sure which big guy is pretending to be tender?

No wonder there is nothing at all, such a powerful divine sense, my soul summoning flute has no effect at all.

So mean.

Cai Shi shouted wildly.

Internal and external attacks, Cai Shi’an finally could not support.

The sound of the flute stopped abruptly, and he held his head and screamed, his voice was harsh and discoloring.

Wounds on his body continued to appear, and even as a demon race, his strong flesh could not resist the sharp sword intent.

Blood spurted directly, his body shattered, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and Cai Shi’an’s body disappeared little by little.

“Big brother!”

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In the distance, Cai Shiding shouted, forcibly supporting his body, wanting to help his eldest brother.

However, Cai Shi’an could no longer support it, and in the sword light, a phantom shadow quickly disappeared in place.

“Want to run?”

Lu Shaoqing was waiting for this opportunity, stretched out his hand, and the black yuan baby also appeared and disappeared in place.

Cai Shi’an’s baby broke out, unable to care about his brother and son, and fled in panic.

However, Lu Shaoqing’s black Yuan Infant was faster than him.

Cai Shi’an’s Yuan Baby had just teleported a hundred miles away, just when he wanted to continue to escape.

The powerful divine mind reappeared, shrouding Cai Shi’an, sealing off the surrounding space and making him unable to teleport.


Seeing the black Yuan Baby like a demon, Cai Shi’an was frightened.

The heart is terrified, and the movement is sluggish.

Lu Shaoqing Yuanying held the Mojun sword and stabbed into Cai Shi’an’s body fiercely.


Cai Sai An once again made a harsh voice, he struggled fiercely, but still in vain, his consciousness gradually blurred, and finally completely erased.

The Yuan Infant turned into a stream of pure energy and was devoured by Lu Shaoqing’s Yuan Baby.

Licking his lips, Lu Shaoqing laughed, “The taste is not bad.” ”

The smile is very weird, and if someone sees this scene, they will definitely be scared to pee their pants.

Then, the Yuan Baby flashed and returned to the body.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Cai Shi’an’s body, and a flame burned Cai Shi’an’s remnants of his body.

Cai Shiding saw this scene in the distance and almost peed.

His own eldest brother is this scum?

Fear was like a weed that grew, and madness filled his heart.

Avenge your eldest brother or something, let’s talk about it later.

Cai Shiding dragged his injured body, turned around and fled.

Lu Shaoqing was too terrifying, he had lost his fighting spirit.

However, Lu Shaoqing is not a plan, his belief is to cut grass and remove roots.

Even if it is an ant, he will not let it go easily.

Facing Cai Shiding, who had lost his combat effectiveness, Lu Shaoqing was much easier to deal with.

A sword swung out, and a sword light tail chased away, swallowing Cai Shiding.


Cai Shiding was also unable to resist, his body disappeared under the attack of Mo Jun’s sword, and the Yuan Infant broke out.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure flashed, and he easily grabbed Cai Shiding’s Yuan baby.

Ignoring Cai Shiding’s plea for mercy, his divine consciousness passed, erasing his consciousness and devouring the pure energy of the Yuan Infant.

In the distance, Yu Ling looked at Lu Shaoqing above the sky, speechless for a long time.

Too powerful.

Several holy sons of the holy family were inferior to him.

Yu Ling affirmed an idea in his heart.

Cai Shi’an on the fifth layer of the Yuan Baby, and Cai Shiding on the second layer of the Yuan Baby were easily solved by him.


Yu Ling secretly gritted his teeth in his heart, did he like to crush his bones so much?

It’s brutal.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “Come here.” Yu

Ling’s expression was complicated, and he found that in front of Lu Shaoqing lay the unconscious Cai Xuan.

Lu Shaoqing asked Yu Ling intimately, “Do you want to poke him to death?” ”

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