After Lu Shaoqing cleaned up the Yuan baby, he cursed and cursed, and came back very unhappy, “Poor ghost! ”

The two brothers met, and the previous competition had already said hello.

Lu Shaoqing stared at Ji Yan very unpleasantly, and his resentment was very heavy.

Ji Yan’s expression was calm, and he asked again, “Why did you come here too?”

Lu Shaoqing was very upset, and said with an impatient face, “I came here to see if you are dead and collect your body.” ”

Ji Yan believes that it is definitely an accident, otherwise he would not have come here to kill Lu Shaoqing.

His gaze fell on Yu Ling, although Yu Ling had already taken off his armor and revealed his true face.

But her breath, Ji Yan knew who she was at once.

Facing Ji Yan, Yu Ling felt great pressure, and she said, “It’s not convenient to talk here, let’s go back and talk later.” Several

people came to the courtyard where Lu Shaoqing lived.

Of course, Mu Yan and Xi Huan also followed cheekily.

Ji Yannian did not open his mouth to drive the two away, letting the two follow.

Lu Shaoqing returned first, and Ji Yan drove the flying boat in.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “What are you doing?” A few days gone, you become lazy?

“How embarrassing you made Master feel, his proudest disciple has become lazy.”

As he spoke, he was heartbroken, pointing at Ji Yan and shouting, “You unfilial son.” Yu

Ling next to him wanted to complain.

You also mean to say that people are lazy?

Your junior sister said that you are the laziest in the world.

Ji Yan was too lazy to pay attention to Lu Shaoqing, his junior brother’s face, he had long been used to it.

Ji Yan didn’t say nonsense, he said the purpose of coming to Yongning City this time, “You killed the previous city lord? Did you get a magic weapon called the Soul Summoning Flute? ”

What for?”

“Save people.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, his expression moved, and he noticed the dream in the flying boat, and was shocked.

Pointing at Ji Yan, he looked extremely shocked, “Lying groove, beast, you can actually get a hand on such a young girl?”

“Have you changed, or have you finally revealed your true face?”

“Hey, demon spirit, I want to…” Ji

Yan interrupted his nonsense unceremoniously, stretching out his hand, “Bring it, or fight again.”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was fearless, “Scare me?”

“You think I’m afraid of you?”

“Oh!” No hill sword unsheathed.

Lu Shaoqing immediately changed his words, “What happened to her?” Who told you that the Soul Calling Flute must work?

Xi Huan next to him raised his hand and wanted to say something.

However, it was ignored by Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing.

Although Ji Yan cultivated the Divine Shocking Technique, he could not compare with his junior brother after all.

With a wave of his hand, he took Yu Meng out of the flying boat, wanting Lu Shaoqing to see it.

As soon as Yu Meng appeared, there was a bang next to him.

When everyone saw it, the ground was trampled by Yu Ling.

“Sister, sister!”

Yu Ling was excited.

“Your sister?” Lu Shaoqing was shocked.

This little girl is actually Yu Ling’s sister, this is all for her senior brother to meet, what kind of probability is this?

“Your sister?” Ji Yan is also strange.

Yu Ling was so excited that he couldn’t speak.

She rushed up and hugged her sister firmly, tears in her eyes.

She always thought that the Yu clan had been exterminated, and her parents, sister and clansmen had all died under the butcher’s knife in the Holy Land.

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Holding her sister, but she soon discovers that something is wrong with her sister.

As if asleep, no matter how Yu Ling called, Yu Meng never responded.

“Gongzi, my sister she…”

Ji Yan did not hide it, and said the matter in general, and then said to Yu Ling, “Don’t worry, even if I turn this world upside down, I will find a way to wake her up.” The

tone was indifferent, expressing his determination.

Even if he is an enemy of this world, he will find a way to awaken Yu Meng.

Lu Shaoqing’s side seemed to be very angry, pointing at Ji Yan and scolding, “Can you change this bad habit?”

“Can the breakthrough find a safe and secure place?” Do you have to play so excitingly?

“Next time you do this, I’ll cut you first.”

Lu Shaoqing was sad and indignant in his heart, who is accustomed to this stinky problem?

“Verbose is dead, what about the soul whistle? Bring.

“Nope!” Lu Shaoqing was arrogant, “You will give when you say?” By what?

“She bought me time, and she was kind to me.” Ji Yan said calmly, he must admit this favor, and he must also be responsible.

“Cut!” When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he waved his hand and threw the soul summoning flute to Ji Yan, “If I burst it at that time, you will cry.”

Then he took out a stack of spirit beans and placed it on the stone table, stumbling to watch the play.

Yu Ling’s gaze as he looked at Lu Shaoqing became complicated again.

So cheerfully give the soul summoning flute, just because of a word.

This guy, really.

Before Lu Shaoqing said that he wanted to send her the soul flute, she refused.

Now that she thinks about it, she really wants to slap herself.

Almost missed my sister.

With the soul summoning flute in his hand, Ji Yan looked at Xi Huan.

Xi Huan, who had been ignored for a long time, finally had a chance to perform, and he said excitedly, “Ji Gongzi, you only need to play the flute and use the flute to communicate this girl’s soul.” Ji

Yan thought about it, gave the soul summoning flute to Yu Meng, and asked her to come.

When it came to his sister, Yu Ling did not refuse.

Taking a deep breath, he blew the Soul Evoking Flute.

Although Yu Ling has not learned to play the flute, this is her first time to play it, and the flute sound is melodious but it is a little good.

Blowing the soul whistle, Yu Ling can feel the extraordinary nature of the soul whistle.

She could even feel the strength of the souls of several people present.

The strongest of them are naturally Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, their souls are like a vast ocean, and they can’t see the bottom.

The souls of the two were crushing against the others present, and even if the others combined were not as strong as the souls of the two.

Especially Lu Shaoqing’s soul gave Yu Ling a feeling of numbness in his scalp.

Once it breaks out, it will definitely break the sky.

This guy is really scary.

Yu Ling couldn’t help but be distracted.

“What for? Are you going to kill your sister? Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded at the right time, which made Yu Ling’s heart startled, and he hurriedly converged his mind.

Urge the sound of the flute to wake up the sister.

It seemed to enter darkness, and then met the light, and her sister’s soul was sleeping.

“Meng’er, Meng’er…”

Yu Ling called softly, and Yu Meng’s soul opened her eyes.


Yu Meng was first surprised, then excited.

“Sister, you, are you back?”

“Oh, sister, I miss you so much

…..” “Go, sister take you out…..” The

sleeping Yu Meng’s body suddenly erupted with sword intent, scattering and raging…

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