The dream of waking up was like a blooming flower, and the sword intent was like stretching the petals and bursting out instantly.

The sword spread around, like a sharp sword, destroying everything around it.

The flowers and trees in the courtyard were damaged, and countless small holes appeared in the ground, buildings, and stones.

The sudden outburst of this sword intent startled everyone.

Mu Yan and Xi Huan hurriedly dodged, and at the same time they were secretly surprised in their hearts.

Although this sword intent is not strong, it can give people a tingling feeling in their souls.

As long as the strength of the realm is improved, it will definitely shock the world at that time.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the pierced spirit beans on his desktop, and looked at Ji Yan in amazement.

“You took in an apprentice?” Although this sword intent is a little different, it can detect the shadow of Ji Yan from it.

Ji Yan did not expect that Yu Meng actually comprehended the sword intent, and it seemed that he had achieved a small achievement.

Like the original junior sister, I started.

Moreover, this sword intent seems to be biased towards the soul aspect.

There was a little satisfaction in his eyes, and he was not stupid.

“No, just gave her a sword intent and let her comprehend it herself.” Ji Yan held his hand and said indifferently, “Go with the flow.”

“I don’t have time to teach my brother.”

“Yes,” Lu Shaoqing did not miss any opportunity to despise Ji Yan, “said to take Junior Sister to cultivate, what happened?” Who is giving in the end? ”

Since Xiao Yibai came in, his leisurely life of lying corpse has ended.

Thinking about it, Lu Shaoqing regretted not starting out, and finally felt uncomfortable not scolding, and simply cursed, “I definitely didn’t help my grandmother cross the road in my previous life, so I put you as an unreliable senior brother.”

“Here, pout your ass, I’ll clean you up for Master first.”

Ji Yan smiled, “You beat me?

“I can’t beat you?” Lu Shaoqing was even angrier, more angry, jumped up, pointed at Ji Yan, and his fingers trembled, “The guy who can’t afford to play, if he can’t beat me, he will kill him.”

“You wait, when the time comes, I will even return the principal to you.”

Ji Yan was even happier in his heart, not afraid, but a little expectant, “Come on,” ”

I’m afraid you won’t make it?”

Yu Meng woke up and saw her sister standing in front of her, surprised and excited, and after confirming that it was not a dream, she hugged her sister and cried.

Yu Ling’s tears couldn’t stop flowing.

“Sister, I miss you so much…” “Sister

, my father and mother died, and most of the clan died…”

Yu Ling’s heart hurt even more, and it became more and more sad.

“I dragged you down, the tribe…” Yu

Ling apologized madly.

“Ah, yes, yes, it’s all your fault little chick, are you done crying?” Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded, “After crying, come over and compensate me for Lingdou.” Yu

Ling only remembered that there were people around.

She blushed, hurriedly wiped her tears, and pulled her sister’s person over.

She first bowed to Ji Yan and saluted, “Thank you Ji Gongzi for saving my sister, such a generous grace is unforgettable.”

Ji’s tone was flat, this was just a trivial matter, “Smooth work, no need to be polite.” Pointing

to the little ape that climbed on Yu Meng’s body, he said, “Thank you, thank it.” ”

If it weren’t for the little ape coming forward, Ji Yan really didn’t plan to get involved in the affairs of the Yu clan.

However, he saved Yu Meng, and Yu Meng saved him in a sense.

“Gongzi!” Yu Meng saw Ji Yan again, and a happy smile appeared on her tearful face.

Ji Yan nodded and praised, “Not bad, after comprehending the sword intent, I can cultivate in the future.” ”

Actually, Yu Meng is not unable to cultivate, it’s just that the Yu clan can practice too few exercises, and there are no suitable exercises for her.

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From the sword intent she comprehended this time, her kendo talent is not low, and she can embark on this path.

“Gongzi Daen, I will never forget it in my life.” Yu Meng said seriously, “I will work hard to cultivate and serve Gongzi.” ”

Ji Yan saved her, which is equivalent to giving her a second life.

“Naw,” Lu Shaoqing interjected, “You little girl, ruined my spirit beans, how can you pay for it?”

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and looked at Yu Meng.

This little girl is also a little interesting.

There are few people who can be taught by their master brother personally.

In addition to her own people, this little girl is the first outsider.

Is there anything peculiar about this chick?

However, being able to comprehend sword intent is not ordinary.

Yu Meng looked at Lu Shaoqing in amazement.

Ji Yan stood, Lu Shaoqing sat next to him with a big grin, and the position between the two showed that the relationship between the two was extraordinary.

Didn’t you see Mu Yan and Xi Huan standing outside the pavilion, as spectators?

Noticing Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, Yu Ling became nervous.

This bastard is not a good guy to mess with.

What was going on in his mind, no one could guess.

She hurriedly told Yu Meng Lu Shaoqing’s identity, “His name is Lu Shaoqing, and he is the junior brother of Ji Yan Gongzi.

At the same time, he pinched Yu Meng and used small movements between sisters to tell Yu Meng to be careful.

Don’t offend this moody guy in front of you.

When Yu Meng heard that it was Ji Yan’s junior disciple, his heart also became awe-inspiring.

His expression was serious, and he was a little nervous, lest his faux pas leave a bad impression on Lu Shaoqing.

“See, I’ve seen Lu Gongzi.”

Lu Shaoqing’s side first scolded Yu Ling dissatisfied, “Bastard, did you do it on purpose, little chick?” All said, my current name is Zhang Zheng. ”

This is the lair of the demon clan, how dangerous is it with a real name?

Then he asked Yu Meng, “You broke my spirit beans, how can you pay for it?” ”

Compensate me for spirit stones, for your sister’s sake, I don’t want more, you can just pay me 108,000 pieces.”

Yu Meng froze, thinking that it was for my sister’s sake, not much, it really wouldn’t be much.

The result was an unbelievable amount.

“I, I…” Yu Meng panicked for a while, not knowing how to be good.

One hundred and eighty thousand, selling her is not worth the price.

At the same time, she couldn’t help but doubt in her heart.

This, is he really Ji Yangongzi’s junior brother?

It’s too different from Ji Yan Gongzi, right?

“You…” Yu Lingqi died, this bastard, on purpose.

Extortion, believe it or not, the city lord of me, wipe criminals like you?

“Can’t afford it? If you can’t afford it, pay for the meat. Yu

Meng was even more frightened and turned pale, this, this is too terrifying, right?

But I don’t want to kill me.

Then, Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Ji Yan, “How?” Let this little girl follow you and warm your bed when the time comes, do you want it? ”


Like, this one is also acceptable.

Ji Yan’s face was expressionless, this kind of garbage joke was not funny at all, “Go aside…..”

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